General McChrystal relieved from command...


Originally Posted by reefraff
I guess you think turmoil in the military in time of war is reason to celebrate.
No but talking down to cilivian command is not right. There is a code in the military law that states that. You act like he is the only person who can run the war over there. Guess what, he isn't.


Active Member
I still remember this guy from the Pat Tillman cover-up, he should have been relieved then IMHO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I guess you think turmoil in the military in time of war is reason to celebrate.
Don't worry Reef, he will either turn up on Fox News or go to work for Haliburton as a lobbiest.


Active Member
Oh I think Obama had every right in the world to can the guy. Just allowing a left wing anti military rag like the stone that kind of access brings up issues of the guy's judgment. I think Obama made a mistake dumping the guy who had been in charge so soon after taking office. I think putting Petraeus' boots back on the ground there is a very good idea.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco
Don't worry Reef, he will either turn up on Fox News or go to work for Haliburton as a lobbiest.
Nah, he's an Obama appointee. Fox wont touch him LOL! Although now that I think of it Obama did snake PJ Crowley from Fox so......

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by scottnlisa
No but talking down to cilivian command is not right. There is a code in the military law that states that. You act like he is the only person who can run the war over there. Guess what, he isn't.
So disagree with the boss is bad and reason to be fired? Or do you have something else more indepth as to why you are celebrating the firing of a general currently running the war in afghanistan? If the only reason you are glad about this is because he said bad words about your favorite President, then you truly have no business even discussing politics...Pathetic.

bang guy

The General has my respect and my thanks but he screwed up. I want to point out that he had the integrity to admit that covering up the Tillman friendly fire incident and this latest slam on the Commander-in-Chief and his staff was the wrong thing to do and remitted his commission.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
So disagree with the boss is bad and reason to be fired?
There is no issue with a military member privately disagreeing with policy. The issue is with a public statement that he is a wimp. It's just the wrong thing to do. Your First Amendment rights are suspending while you are wearing a US military uniform.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
So disagree with the boss is bad and reason to be fired? Or do you have something else more indepth as to why you are celebrating the firing of a general currently running the war in afghanistan? If the only reason you are glad about this is because he said bad words about your favorite President, then you truly have no business even discussing politics...Pathetic.
In this case, yes. No matter what your personal or political views are, when you're in the military, you respect and abide by EVERY decision that is made by your Commander In Chief, i.e. the POTUS. You want to diss the guy behind his back, you don't do it in an interview with Rolling Stones magazine. When you're a General, and also the Head Command of a major military action, the President has to be 110% sure that person will abide by any and all decisions he makes. What if Obama told him "Push The Big Red Button, and obliterate Afghanistan". Should McChrystal be able to deny that request because he doesn't agree with the decision?
Trust me, if one of my employees posted an article with a local paper and called me a "wimp' (or whatever he called Obama), he be kissing the pavement looking for another job the next day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Bang Guy and Bionicarm are in agreement. More proof that the apocalypse is imminent.
Bionic, Bang and Raff in agreement. Pigs are flying to the next winter olympics which will be held in Hell


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
So disagree with the boss is bad and reason to be fired? Or do you have something else more indepth as to why you are celebrating the firing of a general currently running the war in afghanistan? If the only reason you are glad about this is because he said bad words about your favorite President, then you truly have no business even discussing politics...Pathetic.
I am happy that Obama did the right thing by firing him. If anybody disrespects there boss, they should be tired. So I can say my opinion all I want and Hooray for Obama for doing the right thing. It doesn't matter that he is running the war or not, you disrespect civilian command, you get punished.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Maybe I need to clarify....Do I think Obama was wrong to remove him? No...The General was out of line and this is not the first time he has done something and spoken out against current administrations military policy to the press. A General should not do this.
But am I overjoyed with the removal? Not at this juncture in the war...and definitely not enough to warrant posting a dancing banana....
I believe the decision to remove him had to be done...but It doesn't make me happy or overjoyed as SNL seem to be. Ever seen a leadership transition in the middle of a war...talking general to new general...they never go smoothly and we usually take more casualties than normal. This scenario by no means...warrants a dancing banana.................

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by scottnlisa
I am happy that Obama did the right thing by firing him. If anybody disrespects there boss, they should be tired.
I think running them over with a vehicle may be a bit extreme...but then are as far left as they come..........


Staff member
This is a fine example of our First Amendment rights. Yes, you can voice your opinion, even a general. Everyone has that right.
However, there can, and frequently are, some consequences. In this case, the general had to resign his current post. In other places, one may be thrown in jail, shot, or worse, for stating an opinion. I'd say we as a country are ahead of the game.


Originally Posted by Beth
This is a fine example of our First Amendment rights. Yes, you can voice your opinion, even a general. Everyone has that right.
However, there can, and frequently are, some consequences. In this case, the general had to resign his current post. In other places, one may be thrown in jail, shot, or worse, for stating an opinion. I'd say we as a country are ahead of the game.
Why does it seem that since Obama became president, politicians, military personnel, etc are disrespecting him? Did this ever happen during the Bush administration? Did a politician ever disrespect Bush during a State of the Union address? Did a general ever make fun of the Bush administration during the war? If so, please show me links. I can't think of a time where a Democrat disrespected Bush during a State of the Union address even though there was plenty to say. It pisses me off that people(senators,military) don't give Obama respect. So Yes I am jumping up and down about Obama knocking this &^
$ a few pegs down. Maybe people will start to respect him as president and so him some manors. It boils down to that their is a certain political party poutting and acting like little children because their person didn't become president.