Giant Puffer with 1000 gal tank


My thought on when they say a min tank size is 90 take and double it in some cases, which maybe then could be appropriate size, but for a full grown puffer they should be housed in huge tanks that most average home aquarist would dream of haveing stateing in the thousands of gallon range. Jmo . Yes currently i may house a sohal tang in a 90 gallon not knowing any better before i discoved this site but currently i have a 280 wide that is 72 x 36 x 25 tall in the progress of being built after the first of the year even the housing him might be a little tight. but that all i could fit in the room where my tanks have to go. :thinking:


Active Member
Sorry Puffer, you're not making sense. Anyone can read over the posts you've made and see what you were saying...
Good luck with your tank. Hope it goes well with you. Good luck with your time here, I hope you gain as much from this site as I have.


Active Member
the fact is is that u are a nut u think that when some of the species die they become extinct u r crazy u need some help


Puffer i would have to agree with journey on this issue you arent makeing sense why not take advice and leave it at that then to make people try to think your smarter than others not what this site was intended for ya know.


Active Member
no dude i am making perfect sense he thinks that since some whales die that the whole species will be extinct how can u not understand that


puffer he is right when some of these species die they do risk becoming exticnt. And because of people like you not truely caring for wildlife evidentally they will become extinct


What dont you understand about everytime a whale dies that just puts that species closer to being exticnt


Active Member
ur fin nuts u know how many rattle snakes are out there i could kill one everyday and they still would not become extinct


were not talking about rattle snakes are we. and im not fins nuts i am going to school for marine biolgy. i understand sea life evidentally you dont


Active Member
right here in florida we have a problem with gators there are far to many of them but they were once on the endangered list but they came back are they extinct? nope but doing better than ever


Active Member
just shut up u idiot i hope this is not the caliber of marine biologists we are producing if so there will be an empty ocean and all we will have left is our empty tanks full of sw


Active Member
dont try to outsmart me from what i know about my own state u get one permit which will let u kill 2 gators oh yea thats being protected allright u go into a lottery to get them permits


common sense isnt what we are talking about its what we do that matters when we bring a species home we should provide it with the proper home, feedings, quality of life that we can