darth tang
Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
I think the debate is not whether they wire tap or not. The law allows wire taps as long as its done legally. The problem is that they did not follow the law. = illegal.
What laws has been broken ? you ask. They have already admitted to this and claim national security issues as always as their reason.
The law is Artical Four of the Bill Of Rights and its amendment in '78 with the establishment of the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which oversees government applications for secret surveillance or searches of foreigners and U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism or espionage.
True, But using NSA guidlines and resolutions it is Legal. It was legal under Clinton, Reagan, and Carter for the same reasons. So why is it suddennly illegal now? The Constitution and bill of rights are NOT the only laws on the books. They have not admitted to violating any laws. Not that I have seen or read anyway. The media is claiming they have violated law...big difference.
Unless you have an exerpt where they admit they violated law.....I would like to see it.
Mimzy, you aren't bad yourself
I think the debate is not whether they wire tap or not. The law allows wire taps as long as its done legally. The problem is that they did not follow the law. = illegal.
What laws has been broken ? you ask. They have already admitted to this and claim national security issues as always as their reason.
The law is Artical Four of the Bill Of Rights and its amendment in '78 with the establishment of the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which oversees government applications for secret surveillance or searches of foreigners and U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism or espionage.
True, But using NSA guidlines and resolutions it is Legal. It was legal under Clinton, Reagan, and Carter for the same reasons. So why is it suddennly illegal now? The Constitution and bill of rights are NOT the only laws on the books. They have not admitted to violating any laws. Not that I have seen or read anyway. The media is claiming they have violated law...big difference.
Unless you have an exerpt where they admit they violated law.....I would like to see it.
Mimzy, you aren't bad yourself