Government and latest about wire taps.

salty tank

I think this is good to an extent. If they have a good idea that some guy is going to commit a terror act, then they should tap his line. Thats it though. Plus they dont tap poeple like us who arent cinvicted rapists or murders or anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I wouldn't necessarily go that far. I am not sure who is responsible foir signing off on this action. It may be the president or some congressional committee. May have to look into it a bit I know who to direct my anger towards.

Thats old news . they said that they want to use the money to try and better inspect cargo...yea.

darth tang

Active Member
Now that I think about it. It might not be so bad now if someone tries to Hijack a plane with a 4 inch scissor. I guarantee the passengers will rush them and the cockpit is sealed now. So I can see lightening up a bit.


Maybe we should all carry an arsenal of 4 inch weapons with us when we fly... self imposed security force.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Maybe we should all carry an arsenal of 4 inch weapons with us when we fly... self imposed security force.
Exactly, it would allow us to do our form of security on planes.....I like it.


Active Member
The 911 style attacks could only happen once. Look what happened on the 4th plane once the passengers knew what the plan was or to the shoe bomber.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
I just saw something crazy on the news... the government has lifted the ban on carrying scissors and screwdrivers onto planes. What the hell are they doing?

TSA representative just said that scissors and small tools are not as dangerous as explosives. Did these idiots forget that 9/11 was completed with the use of small tools! :mad:
Here I go agreeing again...
Drove me insane to hear this about a month ago... there excuse is that the cockpit is now sealed.. my sister is a Flight Attendant in Newark. She doesn't get to stay in the cockpit.
How much money can this be saving? People are still going to have to go through security checks...


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Here I go agreeing again...
Stop you're freakin me out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Stop you're freakin me out.
Thats what the Feds. want is for you to be freaked out.
And once we start saying its OK to give up our liberties and justice for all and freedoms from an oppresive Gov. so they want hurt us any more then IMO thats like surendering.
The forfathers and founders fought a revolution againt British and Loyalist civilians and delt with spies and searches ( Benndict Arnold ) and thousands died for these liberties. And they still wrote that into the bill of rights because thats how strongly they beleived in them.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Thats what the Feds. want is for you to be freaked out.

He is freaked out because Journeyman agrees with him on a topic.
We haven't given up anything. Since we are speaking of rights violations. What about celebrities and their right to privacy? I don't hear an outcry over this? Are they not entitled to the same rights? Or are they exempt because the masses wish to know everything about their lives?

37g joe

first of all this is not the right place for this post this is a hobby site. here is the thing lets wait until we know the whole story. This is my opinion and my opinion only I would not be suprised if those who where being taped where the people that it is iliegle to tap under even court order such as diplomats and people with diplomatic imunity. these taps where ment to be off the record the other taps even though they where top secret still had records. their are very powerful people who could be dangerous to this nation that if they found out that they where being tapped then they could do alot of dammage. say as an exAMPLE, ted kenedy WAS WORKING WITH TERIOUST NATIONS TO CAUSE PROBLEMS COULD YOU IMAGEN ANY JUDGE GIVING PERMISSION TO WIRE TAP HIM I dont think so and if it got out he was being tapped. He has so much power and resorses he could do alot of dammage. now im not saying he is a terioust or any thing of the sort im am giving a scenerio of what these special taps could be used for . especially the diplomats if we where caught doing wire taps on say a egyptian diplomat and they found out we could have seriuos reprocautions.
I studdied Islam In college and i well tell you that anyone who truly follows the koran or hadith wants the distruction of the western world this is not raciist or bigitary it is a fact. islam does not mean peace the actual word means submission (to allah) ive read parts in the koran thats says for muslims to butcher thouse who do not submit to allah. Ive heard news casts from the big cable news company where they talk about how gihad in the sence as we know it is not in the koran. but if you read surah 55 in the koran you well be frighten of what it says. muslim view that any land that a muslim owns is apart of dar es islam ( the house of islam) for the rest of iternity and any infidels who live on it must be perged, so spain is in the eyes of all good muslim needs to be purged. Muhamid told his diciples to lie to the infidels and creat false treaties if nessecary to advance the cause of islam. it also states that any muslim leAder who creats a true treaty with infidels must be slain. any treaty a islamic nation creates we can not trust.
Islam is a threat that we do not realise. we underestimate it. so if their are taps that need to be done to protect us and this nation they need to be done. also non goverment agencies can tap your phones quite easlly and it has been done. In a way all our phones are taped alreaddy by the NSA a program called tempest listens to ALL conversations by U.S citzens it is a computer listining to certain words that it flags and then they lissten to the conversation this is a progam the bill clintion put forth so lets not get are panties in a bunch about bush. any call you make is listened too by a computer any ways! read popular mechanics april 2001 issue if you dont believe me.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by 37g Joe
first of all this is not the right place for this post this is a hobby site. .
Sorry, I didn't read past this. You may agree with me and you may not. BUT, this is the off topic forum for this site. Anything can be discussed in here as long as all participants are civil and act like adults. You will notice we discuss a great many things in this forum. Not just fish and reefs.
The rest of the forums are about fish. Now having said that, I will read the rest of your post.

37g joe

also you talk about constitunal violations what about Washington D.C., San Francisco, and New Orleans. They are all! violationg the sewcoun amendment The right to bare Arms. As a lawabiding citezen you are not allowed to have guns in these cities. police in new orleans went door to door taking guns away from individuals who legally owned them they used the Gun regrestry to track people down whis was told would NEVER be done why is this not in the news. our fore father's put in place the secoun amendment so this would not happen. Now people in these cities are vulnerable to attack by those who do not listen to the law who well ALWAYS have GUNS new Orleans is still having bands of young men going around with guns or other weapons taking from those who once could protect themselves but can not now. where are the police now they can not insure the safty of their citezens especially righ now they are still recovering and this is even more of a reason for the right to bare arms. If people did not give up their legally bought guns they could have been arested and the police where given full authoruty to use force to take the guns away. sounds a little like the former soviet Union and can we guess which polical party would like to do this to every city and state hmmm? Then what next they could mold the contry however they thought fit. where is the aclu on this. this is much more oof a story and a concern then wire taps. but the news who leans a certain way dose not even mention this why is that ask yoyur self. but luckly the NRA is fighting this and thier are quite a bit of other news outlits that are trying to get this out their so people know.

darth tang

Active Member
I agree with some of your points. Can I make a suggestion. Break your posts down into more paragraghs. It is hard to read and many may not get what you are saying due to Grammatical errors.

37g joe

Sorry I just get so into typing I dont slow down to make it nice and neat. I was never good at grammar. I well try to keep it easy to read.


Active Member
Well you didnt say much about the hobby there Hoss but I sure am glad for ya they still allow freedom of speech, I think, you may be called names for exercizeing it though.


Active Member
As long as we are straying a bit it does amaze me that the same people who read the constitution and somehow devine a right to privacy that is so extensive a 15 year old girl can get an abortion without her parent's knowledge or consent read "the right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed" in that same document and not see a right to gun ownership.

37g joe

Oh trust me they see it they just choose to ignore it. If we where able to bring the founders of our nation to 2005. You would see modern politictions in absolute fear of what would come out of their mouths on what they think of how things have gone. The principles of what our founding fathers stood for are exaxtly what they want to destroy and insult.