I truly apologize to everyone i have been slacking on my diary.
well i had a busy sunday so i couldn't clean my tank today so i'll do it tomorrow and i'll post alot of pics
Some new things
Got a iPhone the thing is sick it takes better pics then my camera lmao all i need now is a microfine glass to take macro shots.
got a Lawnmower blenny and i love hime. he was in a tank with big agressive fish and no algae to eat and he was trying so hard to eat something.
i threw him into my tank and 2 sec later he started to pig out hes cleaning my algae problem so quick. he also has a great little personality.
corals are all growing great!!!!!
Peef i went from 1 ding dang to almost 5 yay.
all my inverts are doing great and molting, i even seen all my pom pom crabs today all hanging out together on one rock, and i was afraid at one point some of them would kill each other. even when they were hanging out 2 of them molted and didn't even go find a cave or anything they just did it in plane sight.
by the way i have 5 pom pom crabs lmao=P
here are some iPhone pics enjoy, sorry the glass is dirty from 2 weeks of not cleaning. (but now i got a better scraper so it will be easier.)