Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I own a .22 cal rimfire pistol that I am not able to posess here in Ca because of it's assault weapon classifiation.
It is in storge in Missouri with a couple of my rifles that I was not allowed to bring with me when I moved to Ca.
The factory original design by Walther (out of the box configuration) fits California's description of an assault weapon. You guys need to quit kiding yourselves. This is a GUN ban, not a feature ban. Evil features are just the tool used by liberals to ban the weapon and people found a way around it by reconfiguring an existing weapon. I.E. start building AR15 barrels that are not threaded, permanently affixing magazines that hold no more than 10 rounds, lock the collapsible stock and so on. The weapon as it came from the factory in 1993 was illegal to sell in 1994. Effictively the weapon was banned. Features of the weapon were changed for 1994 models so manufacturers could still sell them.
California bans some weapons by make and model, thus banning the weapon regardless of configuration.
I'll post the list of firearms banned by make and model. Features were not banned, guns were.
If anyone thinks that the next AW ban will be as mild as the first needs to wake up and smell the BACON. (CFR, that one's for you)
People in Cali always thought back