Here I go!


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
Makes sense. I didn't expect to see nitrites so soon but then again I wasn't sure.
hey, if you want some chaeto with a nice pod population, let me know. i can send you some when you're ready.


Active Member
3 maybe 4 that I can see. The ones I can see the best have a tiny perfect circular hole. I'm assuming this is either the entry or exit hole. One has some reddish purple color to 1/4 of it. Pretty cool
I need a better camera. I'll make it my wife's idea.


Active Member
the entry holes usually cave inward while the exhaust vent holes volcano outward. some sponges actually shape them selves to let the existing current do most of the water moving for them by having low pressure exhaust and their intake feeders be in a higher pressure water zone. there are sooooo many type its dizzying.


Active Member
Thanks for the lesson. It's funny I don't know why but I thought you were much older. Maybe b/c of how much knowledge you have. I'm 29 myself.


Active Member
I say big day b/c I've been testing twice daily since last Friday and I have some interesting developments as of today, exactly one week into my cycle.
First off I enjoy testing but hate reading the results. I second guess my ability to differentiate colors, it sucks. The highest ammonia that I've read in one week was 0.2. I didn't begin testing my nitrites until Wednesday and they were there but unsure of how long. Today I tested for nitrates and they are there also. Pictures on next post...
I was nervous about my rock with my shipping dilema but I think its going to be okay. I'm still hoping for a hitchhiker other than sponges of which I have 4 that are visible and one that is on its way out or has shrunk to about 1/4 of its largest size (that I've seen).
I'm still trying to figure out my temperature issue which I blame the Florida heat and it's not even summer yet. I've got a fan on a timer under my stand for the day hours only because when I'm home with the A/C it averages 80.4. I took my heater out. Bought some extras so I have some to sell/trade.
Parameters as of 3:00 today:
Temp- 82.7 (no fan and A/C set to 79)
SG- 1.026
pH- 8.0 (been at 8.2 for two cool days when I had the house open)
Amm- 0.08
Nitrite- 0.5
Nitrate- 0.5

Temp- 79.4
SG- 1.026
pH- 8.0 (same thing about 8.2 above)
Amm- 0.13 (ish)
Nitrite- 1.5-2.5
Nitrate- (oops forgot to write it down but it was less than DT)


Active Member
I swear they weren't there yesterday.
Bad picture

Same patch but different angle and with flash on.

Little on my sand. Lighter spots. Darker spots are pieces of rock from my clumsy aquascaping.


Active Member
Nofty. Yes that is a good beginner tank. The bigger the better. By the way nice tank. Its coming along great. I cant wait to see it up and running.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Nofty. Yes that is a good beginner tank. The bigger the better. By the way nice tank. Its coming along great. I cant wait to see it up and running.
Thanks, I'm enjoying it a lot right now.


Active Member
Good sign your cycle is well on its way to balancing
. Its happening quickly so it sounds like your Rock wasnt a total loss. Once your ammonia dissapears I would start ghost feeding just to keep the bacteria fed and give it fuel to establish solidly. (even if you still have trites I would start ghost feeding very lightly) If you powder the food up really fine you'll be able to use it as "tracers" to double check your flow patterns in your tank and minimize any dead spots. Just dont over do the food. Probably a cvouple more days and the ammonia will be completely gone.


Active Member
I don't know if I should have but I've changed up my powerhead placement a couple of times so far. I have them on magnets and it's too easy to move them.
What should I "ghost" feed with? I'm assuming flake since you mentioned powdering it up. If so can you recommend a good flake food?


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
I don't know if I should have but I've changed up my powerhead placement a couple of times so far. I have them on magnets and it's too easy to move them.
What should I "ghost" feed with? I'm assuming flake since you mentioned powdering it up. If so can you recommend a good flake food?
the magnets work great no?
i use sera flakes & bits, but will probably go with formula 1 and 2 once i'm out.


Active Member
Yeah magnets work good but I think I'm getting some rust. I was pretty careful with the magnets but it looks like some of the superglue gel may have eaten the coating off the magnets in a few spots? Wonder if this will have an adverse affect on my tank?