highschooler's thread!!


Active Member
just out of curiousity, how big are your schools, and how many kids are in your graduating class. theres about 620 in my class
) and about 1,789 total students. its a big school.


Active Member
heres some pics
i pay for some of the stuff but not all of it.........

im a sophmore and 15

excuse the cyano a little outdated
oh yeah i get 30% off almost everything where i work


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishFatty
hey josh you go to sun valley or piedmont? I go to weddington... freshman too
What do you mean? :notsure:


Active Member
Our shcool is a tiny hcik school, onyl like 900 kids total....but yeah i got two huge new GSP colonies so ill post pics next time i take some

reef diver

Active Member
My school is teeeeny, were prob only about 600-700 total, and prob a bout 120 in my graduating class (2009) When I said I pay for all my stuff, i pay for all equipment. I pay for some of my corals and fish, but most coems from my relativesand parents in the form of money donations. Heres mine, not the best, but its what I have.
Kinda blurry

Just past away last tuesday..

Cool Vid

Old Pic


I'll have to get some pics after I finish switching my tanks today. I'm a sophomore at a school of about 1500-1600 and I'll be sixteen next month.


Hey guys remember I told you I work at a store and manage the section? Well my boss finally broke down and decided to have a 400 gallon tank built. We got it a while back and its finally up and runnin now with a 125 gallon refugium underneath. Right now it has 2 diamond gobies, a blue sided fairy wrasse, and a Lookdown in it. I'll post pics as soon as I can get my hands on a camera. MATT


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
just out of curiousity, how big are your schools, and how many kids are in your graduating class. theres about 620 in my class
) and about 1,789 total students. its a big school.

not sure about the graduating class but we have about 2,300 people at our school.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
What do you mean? :notsure:

do you go to parkwood high school, or sun valley high or where?


im going to be switching from a 35 hex to a 29gal so as asoon as its ahalf decent ill try to get some pics posted. im 15 and in 9th grade and my tank or tank to be is mostly founded by me but my dad helps build stuff and sometimes goes half on coral once in awhile


Here's my tank that I did for my graduation project. I designed and built the canopy and stand. Oh and I am a senoir
. No corals or fish in the main tank, waiting till after Christmas. My eel and blue throat trigger live in the tank bottom left though.


Active Member
sweet tanks everyone!~
way to represent! haha
i'm in a prety small high school of about 600-700 kids (including the 7th and 8th grade)
my graduating class is the second biggest ever (only smaller than the class below us) with 128 kids

reef diver

Active Member
BTW my grad class is second largest to come into the school, at around
100 or so, the freshie class below us, has a record at 128 kids, and they are a drama class., I.E. looking in their yr books and scratching out who they don't like, (which is everyone but 10 people) lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishFatty
do you go to parkwood high school, or sun valley high or where?
Trinity High


Active Member
ya me and shanes school is small and in the middle of nowhere, it takes me 11 miles to get there and its the closest 1.
heres some more pics of my tank

shanes frags thats i broke off for him
