Hitchhiker Identifications


New Member
I've seen this guy a couple of times; it's about an inch long and looks like a black caterpillar with a purplish belly. Couldn't find him in this forum. Thank you!

bang guy

Originally Posted by cbjt3905
I've seen this guy a couple of times; it's about an inch long and looks like a black caterpillar with a purplish belly. Couldn't find him in this forum. Thank you!
Sea Cucumber - very beneficial.


BangGuy - What is the little snail that you showed a picture of? I have one that looks like that. I thought it was a baby conch.


Originally Posted by I Am Batman
avoid this hitchhiker
I had a similar looking one in my tank. I think he came with a live rock (band) I put in there. I got him out quick enough but not before he cause a lot of havoc with some of my younger female livestock. But after I got him out he told me his name was fred and he seemed pretty cool so instead of flushing him we hung out for a while till he ran off with my wife. Oh well at least he is out of my tank.


Oxynoe antillarum from the Order Sacoglossa.

Commonly found munching on caulerpa. Harmless (unless you are caulerpa
) to other inhabitants. Neither good nor bad, but neat.
Quoted from Wikipedia -
"Many sacoglossans are green in color, and this is because they sequester, and utilize within their own tissues, living chloroplasts from the algae they eat, a very unusual phenomenon known as kleptoplasty. This earns them the title of the "solar-powered sea slugs", and makes them unique among animals.

More Information - http://www.seaslugforum.net/showall.cfm?base=oxynanti


I have a piece of coral that I can't identify, guy at lfs thought it was a mushroom, but I'm not sure. The body is bright green and it has pink little tentacle things. Any idea?


New Member
Where have all the pictures gone? I've looked at both threads for newbies and the pics say they are unavailable. Has a new thread been started? TIA