hlcroghan's 29 gallon thread......


Active Member
Okay......so this is the order?
goby/pistol shrimp combo
false perc
flameback angel
I want to make sure the angel goes intoa relatively mature tank......


Active Member
From what people have said is that is depends on the individual angel. Some do and some don't. I am hoping to have some healthy corals already in the tank prior to adding the angel and keeping it well fed will reduce the likelihood of any nipping occuring. We'll have to see.

Something that the LFS has been working on is training their mandarins to eat from an eye dropper during qt on something called frozen ova. I guess that they have had two or three for a year or more with them eating a few pods in the tank and eating from the eyedropper. I guess they didn't even do anything extra like add pods and these were small 10 gallon tanks. That would be very interesting to me since we are not supposed to be able to keep them at all in smaller tanks but these mandarins were fat and healthy.....some food for thought. Of course generally the opinion is that they have to have pods to eat. It is what I thought too. I am going to research it a little more though.


Active Member
That sucks....sorry to hear.........this is one hobby I definitely wish could be rushed sometimes....lol. I am so ready to have some more stuff in my tank lol. I bought some super nassarius snails today for the sand and now they are gone and I haven't seen them since 30 seconds after I put them in....lol.
I finally got my koralia 1 for the flow in the tank also.....it works great and definitely can see some more movement in the water......I am going to load a fts in a bit.


Active Member
1. In my 29 gallon rectangle, the on-back filter empties the water into the tank but how do I know that my fish are getting enough oxygen? I have only had my LB for about 4 days now and he seems fine but I am still concerned. I don't want to find about something once it is alredy too late. I know that the oxygen exchange happens at the top of the water but you are not supposed to have bubbles in the water so I don't really have the water "breaking" the top. I just skim it across the surface, so?.......
2. My calcium is slightly low. It is around 380. My tank does not have any corals in it yet but probably will be getting some within the next two weeks and I want my tank to be completely ready. I mixed the kalkwasser per instructions and I am going to drip it into the tank. But how much do I drip? I does not give instructions for that. The instructions are to mix 1/8th of a tsp to 2 tsps of mix into a gallon of water and let it sit for several hours and then drip it slowly. I did a moderate 1 tsp. My drip is set at about 2-3 drips per second. Do I just monitor it throughout? A half gallon? Or do the whole gallon? I would like my level to be at approx. 450 for optimum coral growth. And........I also do not want my ph to go through the roof......So......
Your responses are much appreciated.

au mister

if you have had a saltwater tank running for only 2 weeks I would wait at least another month or two before I added coral. I was excited when I got my nano set up and rushed things and paid for it in losses. Every fish you add it will change your bio load. I would make sure everything was absolutley stable first. Not trying to be negative I am just talking from experience and a lot of money lost. I would also put more live rock in that tank. If your doing a reef tank I would put at least 1# per gallon. When people told me the same thing I didnt want to listen and sorry to say they were right.


Active Member
I have 30 pounds now. I need to take a fts now...lol. I eventually would like to add a little more to the right side to get it higher for some of the corals that need more light. Good advice! You may be right about the waiting. I am sure that I need to slow down. So far my parameters have been excellent. Two days after I got my LB, the nitrates did jump up to 10. I did a water change and they are fine now, especially with the powerhead. I am more just trying to be ready for when they do go in there. Once they are there I don't want to be rushing to fix something that is not right. I also have to get some iron, magnesium, trace elements and molybedum and strontium and then I will feel completely prepared for corals. For now, I want to make sure that my calcium is correct. So......does anyone have any idea on how much of that gallon I should put into the tank?
And about the oxygen?

au mister

i use salifert all in one reef and salifert calcium. I use kent for iodine. the all in one has ca but i add more when i need it. it just depends when to add calcium. i have a lot of lps in my tank. sometimes i need to add ca and sometimes i dont. i just test it often. i guess when my corals go on a good growth spurt they deplete it more. who knows. just test it and add accordingly. i use the liquid ca test kit with the 5ml tube.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AU Mister
i use salifert all in one reef and salifert calcium. I use kent for iodine. the all in one has ca but i add more when i need it. it just depends when to add calcium. i have a lot of lps in my tank. sometimes i need to add ca and sometimes i dont. i just test it often. i guess when my corals go on a good growth spurt they deplete it more. who knows. just test it and add accordingly. i use the liquid ca test kit with the 5ml tube.
I am just not sure on the dosing aspect. I have one gallon of calcium mix made and how much of it do I put in? The whole gallon? Half? It doesn't really say. My calcium dropped again today to 360 so I am thinking I definitely need it.


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Thanks. He is starting to come out more and more. Still very shy though. He attacks the poor nass snails everytime they come up because he thinks they need the algae cleaned off their shells..........lol. Makes me laugh but I feel bad for them........you can just hear them screaming "DIVE! DIVE! DIVE!" and then they disappear under the sand....


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Okay so we now have a Nemo.......my bf got a false perc for his birthday so he would have a fish that would swim around the tank.......he is very cute and little, maybe 1 inch. Eats well, was aquacultured, and is curious as all get out..........eating little pods off of the glass as well the emerald diet frozen food I picked up for him.........I am very happy so far with my tank inhabitants..........pics coming shortly...


Active Member
Darn little fish wouldn't hold still for me to take a shot of him........ I do like him a lot though.........