Originally Posted by
Take a joke, Spanky. That is what this thread is all about!
Originally Posted by uneverno
The semicolon is a useless form of punctuation that could easily and more logically be substituted by a comma or a period. It has no unique contextual or relational value in forming or expressing printed thought.
First of all, the stuff in red is nothing more than your opinion. A comma is not a substitution for a semi-colon.
EX: I have two pence; the pence are heavy.
By putting a comma where that semicolon is, you will have a grammatical error known as a comma splice.
The statement that a semicolon could easily be replaced with a period is not completely true.
EX: Their birthdays are January 7, 1990; February 12, 2001; and September 22, 1987.
Using a period or a common rather than the semicolon would be a mistake in super-comma usage.
A semicolon is used for a lot more than just those examples. I assure you that by understanding the use of a semicolon, your ability to write will be vastly increased. As with most incorrect sentences, there are multiple solutions that can be utilized to correct the mistakes. I chose to use a semicolon and was not incorrect in doing so.
There is no grammatical definition of a "run on" sentence. If properly punctuated and representative of a complete thought, i.e. including, at a minimum, a subject and a verb, there is no such thing as a run on sentence. The sentence could also include an object (direct, indirect or both), subordinate and/or insubordinate clauses, descriptive words such as adverbs and adjectives, along with sundry other parts of speech including, but not limited to: metaphorical references, alliteration and allegory.
So basically what you're saying is that I can write an entire book and replace every single period, every exclamation point, and every question mark in the book with a comma and everything would be peachy wonderful and there would be no problem in the competence of the sentence that is the book, also I am curious as to where you found that little nugget of false information about the semicolon, I really have no idea as to how you saying that there is no such thing as a run-on sentence ties into my correction; however, I do not care about any that considering the fact that my intention was not to flaunt his stupidity as I previously stated.