hypo journal


Originally Posted by lpuzon
thought the same way too.....
Yep, alot of people say UV kills off all ich, well UV is a thin ray of light that goes across the surface of the water were most ich do not hang out. I may be wrong about this, but I have heard arguments pro and con and would rather not depend on the results I have heard.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
hmmm... now that u said it, i think i would do that!!! thanks!
but don't u think the pad would get sucked up inside the rio? oh... i know what to do, i'll put a rubberband on it so it would stay outside instead of putting it straight right in the hole.... :cheer: :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish
Na, the one I have fits right over the intake. It is a black circular pad. The cleaner shrimp love to pick things out of it as well!!!


well as far as i go now, i would try everything there is!!! ahahahhaha


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Na, the one I have fits right over the intake. It is a black circular pad. The cleaner shrimp love to pick things out of it as well!!!

yeah, i heard i could buy that. but i would improvise for tonight. i dont wanna stay awake till 5am again!

hmm.. speaking of which, where can i buy that?>


Originally Posted by lpuzon
yeah, i heard i could buy that. but i would improvise for tonight. i dont wanna stay awake till 5am again!

hmm.. speaking of which, where can i buy that?>
If your LFS doesn't have it, pick up a cheap nylon bag (usually to hold charcole, costs like a dollar) anything that will keep the fish out of harms way will work, you can use a rubber band and just tie it on


i did it! i cut a piece on the white filter pad that i use for my wet/dry filter, put a rubberband on it too! hope it would work tonight! :joy:


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I'm glad to hear things are starting to go well again. Yes the SP definately causes alot of foam. If you were at normal salinity it would overflow within a half hour. Did you try to recalibrate the refractometer you are using? If the sg is at 1.010 they are still going to breed. Also, an sg of 1.008 wouldn't be detrimental to your fish if it is indeed a point off. I don't know what happened with your fish before when they all went to the bottom, but I had mine at 1.008 a few times durring hypo and had asked prior to doing hypo if 1.008 would cause any harm and was told no. I am also glad to see that the Ammonia and Nitrite have finaly hit zero!!!

hmm.. i don't know.. maybe it's beyond .008. coz when i added salt, they went back to life!


Originally Posted by lpuzon
i did it! i cut a piece on the white filter pad that i use for my wet/dry filter, put a rubberband on it too! hope it would work tonight! :joy:
Great!!!! That should work fine


:joy: ok. it did work,but only for 2 days... i have to take it out bec the pump is making loud noise, and it's there's hardly any water coming out of the skimmer. i'll probably look for one of those like yours!


2wks 3da --> checked water parameters today.
ammo 0
trite 0
trate 10-20
ph 8.2
temp 78
checked my spgh using the old refracto reading : .009. checked using a hydro, reading .010. i am now waiting for a new refractometer and an aqua uv 15w sterilizer, hoping to get both of them this week...
my puffer seemed "slow" 2 days now. always lying on the ground. but though when i call her, would then follow my hands and go to me. been eating, but not how she used to. although, it's been kind of a problem to me bec even though i've been giving her krills soaked in vitachem and garlic at times, she would never take any other kind of food. (i bought silversides, clam, squid, shrimps..and even the brine and mysis shrimp she won't eat...) she would only go frantic over krill, just that.
i've been seeing some sort of development on the fishes. it's been constant now that all the fishes (except the hippo) don't have the specks on their bodies anymore... including the kole. the hippo whom still got a lot on her still, but i noticed the # to be decreasing. there are now parts on her body that is clearing, which i would take as a good sign. :happyfish of course, i can't be too sure till i get my new refractometer...
as i have upgraded my lights, (switched form single pc tube to orbit 4x65w), 2 wks now, i'm getting algae on my tank. i understand, more watts, more algae. i'm scrubbing here and there...so i think works out fine. i also got my skimmer on....and so far, so good. ( i think i would give credit for the 0 ammo and trite to my skimmer)
will also take out my fake plants today for cleaning.
fingers crossed.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
:joy: ok. it did work,but only for 2 days... i have to take it out bec the pump is making loud noise, and it's there's hardly any water coming out of the skimmer. i'll probably look for one of those like yours!
Heres a pic of mine


Originally Posted by lpuzon
2wks 3da --> checked water parameters today.
ammo 0
trite 0
trate 10-20
ph 8.2
temp 78
checked my spgh using the old refracto reading : .009. checked using a hydro, reading .010. i am now waiting for a new refractometer and an aqua uv 15w sterilizer, hoping to get both of them this week...
my puffer seemed "slow" 2 days now. always lying on the ground. but though when i call her, would then follow my hands and go to me. been eating, but not how she used to. although, it's been kind of a problem to me bec even though i've been giving her krills soaked in vitachem and garlic at times, she would never take any other kind of food. (i bought silversides, clam, squid, shrimps..and even the brine and mysis shrimp she won't eat...) she would only go frantic over krill, just that.
i've been seeing some sort of development on the fishes. it's been constant now that all the fishes (except the hippo) don't have the specks on their bodies anymore... including the kole. the hippo whom still got a lot on her still, but i noticed the # to be decreasing. there are now parts on her body that is clearing, which i would take as a good sign. :happyfish of course, i can't be too sure till i get my new refractometer...
as i have upgraded my lights, (switched form single pc tube to orbit 4x65w), 2 wks now, i'm getting algae on my tank. i understand, more watts, more algae. i'm scrubbing here and there...so i think works out fine. i also got my skimmer on....and so far, so good. ( i think i would give credit for the 0 ammo and trite to my skimmer)
will also take out my fake plants today for cleaning.
fingers crossed.
Once you get your refractometer and can be sure of 1.009 hopefully things will be better. BTW why didn't you just recalibrate the one you were using?What other diet are you feeding these fish? Brine and mysis arn't very nutritional. Right now while they are sick and vulnerable they should be eating high quality foods loaded with vitamines and garlic. Have you tried frozen formula foods? I suggest you get some! Your fish will love it!


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Once you get your refractometer and can be sure of 1.009 hopefully things will be better. BTW why didn't you just recalibrate the one you were using?What other diet are you feeding these fish? Brine and mysis arn't very nutritional. Right now while they are sick and vulnerable they should be eating high quality foods loaded with vitamines and garlic. Have you tried frozen formula foods? I suggest you get some! Your fish will love it!

well, i actually had the refracto calibrated thru my lfs, when i went home, did a WC, checked the spgh level, and it said that i'm on .009. but though, it was the night when all my fishes almost went on me, coz that's when i saw them just lying at the bottom and not moving! so, i immediately knew that it was way below .009. i'm afraid to do the calibration myself, i might do something wrong...
about the fishes' diet... i give them variety of food. i got mysis, brine, flakes, spirulina algae, dried seaweed (that i would clip on the vegi clip) and formula one. (which are all soaked in vitachem or fresh garlic extract everytime i feed them.) and with them (damsels, angel,tangs,clown and butterfly), i don't have problems with feeding.
for the puffer, all he eats is the krill. nothing else. which is my problem. i tried to give her silversides, clam, squid and shrimp, she doesn't eat it. i'm kinda worried bec eventhough i give here vitamin with it, i believe that wouldn't be enough for her. is there any other puffer diet? i know bloodworms might, but i haven't tried it.


Active Member
Hey lpuzon, you have to forgive me, I really don't have time to read this whole thread but I wanted to know how everything is going for you? Is there anything I could possibly help you with?


wow! thanks!

i need all the help i could get. but don;t know exactly what....ok, to recap:
i'm doing hypo right now. it's already been 2 weeks, but i haven't really counted my 3 weeks hypo because, my hippo tang still got numerous ich on her body. i tried stop parasite 2 times (one before the hypo, and one during the 1st day of hypo). on times, i am seeing ich on the rest of the fishes, but these past 3 days, they're clear from it. (except the hippo) all of them have been eating good, soaking their food with vitachem and fresh garlic extract.
i am having problems with getting the right spgh level, i'm using a refractometer and hydrometer at the same time. right now, i am waiting for a new refractometer and an aqua 15w uv sterilizer from the mail.
right now, i got my puffer to be quite not her normal. she's been so "slow" for the past 3 days now. the detail's just on the thread right above this....


Active Member
Originally Posted by lpuzon
wow! thanks!

i need all the help i could get. but don;t know exactly what....ok, to recap:
i'm doing hypo right now. it's already been 2 weeks, but i haven't really counted my 3 weeks hypo because, my hippo tang still got numerous ich on her body. i tried stop parasite 2 times (one before the hypo, and one during the 1st day of hypo). on times, i am seeing ich on the rest of the fishes, but these past 3 days, they're clear from it. (except the hippo) all of them have been eating good, soaking their food with vitachem and fresh garlic extract.
i am having problems with getting the right spgh level, i'm using a refractometer and hydrometer at the same time. right now, i am waiting for a new refractometer and an aqua 15w uv sterilizer from the mail.
right now, i got my puffer to be quite not her normal. she's been so "slow" for the past 3 days now. the detail's just on the thread right above this....

My first question to you is is this definitely ich? Or could it be velvet (which is not treatable by hypo)?
How did you calibrate this refractometer? Did you try it on some distilled water to see if it was reading accurately?


Active Member
Back when I had my huge puffer, all she would eat (frozen wise) was krill. This sustained her to be very healthy for four years until her teeth grew incredibly out of control and was attacked by a velvet outbreak (that I received via someone else's live rock... :mad:


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
My first question to you is is this definitely ich? Or could it be velvet (which is not treatable by hypo)?
How did you calibrate this refractometer? Did you try it on some distilled water to see if it was reading accurately?
i got this pix for u....
all my fish got them before... i used stop parasite and they're gone. but never left the hippo and the kole, so i decided to go ahead and do the hypo.
the refracto is not really mine. i don't know how he calibrated it, but it is reading .009. to be sure, we also had it calibrated again at our lfs, bec i had an incident with the fishes having my spgh way below the .009. but right now though, it's reading .009 and the hydro is reading .010.


Active Member
Well, I would pick up some distilled and/or RO water and test it on that water. You should come up with no SG.
That looks like ich, but I am not ruling out velvet either. My best suggestion is tank raised neon gobies (or copper - if we determine that it is velvet). When my puffer had velvet, 2 neon gobies got it off my puffer within a matter of days.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
i got this pix for u....
all my fish got them before... i used stop parasite and they're gone. but never left the hippo and the kole, so i decided to go ahead and do the hypo.
the refracto is not really mine. i don't know how he calibrated it, but it is reading .009. to be sure, we also had it calibrated again at our lfs, bec i had an incident with the fishes having my spgh way below the .009. but right now though, it's reading .009 and the hydro is reading .010.
Ipuzon, tell crazz what happened before with your fish all dropping to the bottom. I realy don't think it could have been at 1.008, like I said, I had mine there