hypo journal



Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Back when I had my huge puffer, all she would eat (frozen wise) was krill. This sustained her to be very healthy for four years until her teeth grew incredibly out of control and was attacked by a velvet outbreak (that I received via someone else's live rock... :mad:

velvet? not really sure about it. do we have that on the faq? my puffer, she's 5" or 6 probably. she loves krill. that's all she eats. tried a lot of different stuff for her, but she never even tried. so, what i do is to make sure i always soak it with vitachem or grlic. she eats really good, until thse past 3 days....


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Well, I would pick up some distilled and/or RO water and test it on that water. You should come up with no SG.
That looks like ich, but I am not ruling out velvet either. My best suggestion is tank raised neon gobies (or copper - if we determine that it is velvet). When my puffer had velvet, 2 neon gobies got it off my puffer within a matter of days.
ok, i'll buy them tomorrow. is it ok to add them even if im on hypo? how do they work?


Active Member
Well, if that is all she eats, I would probably try to use a couple of different food additives to make sure she is getting enough nutrition.
I am not sure if there is a FAQ on velvet above, but if not, do a google search for some pics and let me know if it looks like that.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
a sad news though........
a had an episode with my tank this 4am. last night, i did WC, and leveled my tank to .009, coz i'm doing hypo. i also set up my skimmer again, (coz i took it out when i was dosing the tank with Stop parasite). when i went down at 4, i saw all of my fishes at the bottom, not moving!!! what's terrifying, i saw my puffer, puffed up, and got sucked by the pump of the skimmer!!! it is really really a dreadful feeling!!! i unplugged the skimmer, felt a little relief to see that she's still alive. but her lips are really swollen, until right now. it toned down a little, but still swollen.
i revived all my fishes when i immediatley thought that my salinity is way too low. i added 3c of salt mixed with it's water. (with a powerhead) (1c at a time)5 mins later, they all bounced back. this am, everybody's right the very front of the tank, waiting for me to feed them...

lion_crazz, this is what happened last week.....
oh yeah, thanks for taking time with me. i appreciate this.


Active Member
Well, have you been testing pH and kH while doing hyposalinity?
The puffer is naturally going to be slower in hypo, since there is less salt intake and outtake in the gills. A puffer getting stuck to an intake is very common among weak and new puffers.


Active Member
As far as the gobies, it should be fine to add them into the hypo tank. Just do a slow (around 6 hour) drip on them.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Well, have you been testing pH and kH while doing hyposalinity?
The puffer is naturally going to be slower in hypo, since there is less salt intake and outtake in the gills. A puffer getting stuck to an intake is very common among weak and new puffers.
i always test my ph. and so far, it's ok. it's only been once that it went down to 7.2 and used the buffer.
i noticed something with the puffer when i looked at them tonight. she is kinda like coughing. her whole body is jerking like she was doing that, and she always open up her mouth.. i saw the whole thing which lasted like 5 sec...


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
That could just be a negative reaction to the parasite.
so, could she really have the velvet? i went on to some sites and read info about the velvet and how to spot it (thru a flashlight). so, if i'll buy the neon bogies tomorrow, she would be fine? would any kind of gobies be ok, if my lfs doesn't hve it?


Originally Posted by lpuzon
so, could she really have the velvet? i went on to some sites and read info about the velvet and how to spot it (thru a flashlight). so, if i'll buy the neon bogies tomorrow, she would be fine? would any kind of gobies be ok, if my lfs doesn't hve it?
No, you want tank bread neon gobies, not wild caught


Active Member
It could definitely be velvet (if the refractometer is caliberated correctly and the hypo is not working).
You specifically need neon gobies. They will definitely help you. Just make sure they have tank raised neon gobies.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
It could definitely be velvet (if the refractometer is caliberated correctly and the hypo is not working).
You specifically need neon gobies. They will definitely help you. Just make sure they have tank raised neon gobies.
hmm... ok. the only place to order that is thru here. i'll check on it.
one last question, should i start dosing the tank with SP again now that the kole got the ich again? and the hippo that still has it?or shld i wait till i get my own refractometer?>


Originally Posted by lpuzon
hmm... ok. the only place to order that is thru here. i'll check on it.
one last question, should i start dosing the tank with SP again now that the kole got the ich again? and the hippo that still has it?or shld i wait till i get my own refractometer?>
SP will not harm anything, just help get the ich off of the fish


Originally Posted by sepulatian
SP will not harm anything, just help get the ich off of the fish
ok. i think i'll use it again. thanks guys! congrats again lion! as usaul, i'll keep u guys posted.......


Originally Posted by lpuzon
ok. i think i'll use it again. thanks guys! congrats again lion! as usaul, i'll keep u guys posted.......

I realy hope all works out well for you, just make sure your sg is at 1.009!!!!! I am almost back to normal salinity myself now


Active Member
I will keep checking back in this thread now, so continue to post your progress and I will attempt to offer my support when needed.
Good luck with everything!

al mc

Active Member
Ipuzon...Came to this thread late. I finished 'hypo' on a 6 inch dog face puffer and a foxface about 3 weeks ago. When I started the puffer was covered (came in on some live rock!!..I have learned my lesson the hard way)
with 'ich'. He got worse initially...turned almost black and was doing the 'cough' you described for several days (4-5). I thought long and hard about humane euthanasia. He went off food (he also only eats krill which I soak in garlic) for 3 days. It took him about a week to start to look better. He and the Foxface look great now! Hang in there.


Originally Posted by Al Mc
Ipuzon...Came to this thread late. I finished 'hypo' on a 6 inch dog face puffer and a foxface about 3 weeks ago. When I started the puffer was covered (came in on some live rock!!..I have learned my lesson the hard way)
with 'ich'. He got worse initially...turned almost black and was doing the 'cough' you described for several days (4-5). I thought long and hard about humane euthanasia. He went off food (he also only eats krill which I soak in garlic) for 3 days. It took him about a week to start to look better. He and the Foxface look great now! Hang in there.
thanks AL! that's what i need......


Originally Posted by lpuzon
envy you!!!!!!!! hahahahaha
thanks alot!
haha Just kidding, Keep us posted, you are doing fine