hypo journal



Originally Posted by sepulatian
haha Just kidding, Keep us posted, you are doing fine

ahhahaha u got me there!
but i am pretty sure u're doing great! i'm still quite stress with my fishes and all...

aobut the neon gobies, my lfs currently doesn't ahve them. i checked this site, and they didn't say that they are tank raised. i also checked the doctor's site (sorry...) but they don't hve them either.... as much as possible i don't want to use copper.... is there anything else?i also tracked my shipments and it said i'll get my stuffs on friday and saturday. :jumping:


Active Member
Maybe you want to try some live food to stimulate the puffer's appetite. Try getting ghost shrimp and see if he goes after them.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Maybe you want to try some live food to stimulate the puffer's appetite. Try getting ghost shrimp and see if he goes after them.

hi lion_crazz! :jumping:
i'll see if i could get ghost shrimp tomorrow... but won't they die in my tank coz i'm on hypo?
another thing, i went to our lfs today, and kinda like thinking about this since last night. about the neon gobies, isn't it that they're small, and more likely to be eaten by the puffer instead of them helping her with the velvet? :thinking: my lfs could get me the neons as early as next week, wednesday.


Active Member
No, fish know not to eat neons because of thier cleaning abilities. My puffer was about 14" and he would let the neons swim on him constantly.
The ghost shrimp can live in fresh and salt, so the hypo will not bother them.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
No, fish know not to eat neons because of thier cleaning abilities. My puffer was about 14" and he would let the neons swim on him constantly.
The ghost shrimp can live in fresh and salt, so the hypo will not bother them.
thanks! appreciate it!!! :jumping: let u guys know tomorrow........


gang, hi!

fyi, i bought 5 ghost shrimps today at around 3pm. my puffer is completely ignoring them. i though felt so sorry for the rest of the gang, 2 of them (the pakistan and the singapore), immediately went beside the shrimps and never left them for quite a while...probably thought that they're there to clean them up! it broke my heart seeing that, coz the ich wont leave them.
tonight though, when i checked the tank, i can't find any of the shrimps. i don't wanna keep my hopes up that the puffer may have eaten them. they might be probably someplace in the tank, hiding. so, i searched the tank, and the floor, and i found one on the floor beside the stand. searched more, thinking that i could find the rest of them who jumped out of the tank, but i have not seen another one.
i also noticed that all of them got ich, so i would start dosing the tank tomorrow with SP. i don't know any kind of medicine that might work better than SP, so i'll keep using it. hopefully, the refracto will arrive tomorrow.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
gang, hi!

fyi, i bought 5 ghost shrimps today at around 3pm. my puffer is completely ignoring them. i though felt so sorry for the rest of the gang, 2 of them (the pakistan and the singapore), immediately went beside the shrimps and never left them for quite a while...probably thought that they're there to clean them up! it broke my heart seeing that, coz the ich wont leave them.
tonight though, when i checked the tank, i can't find any of the shrimps. i don't wanna keep my hopes up that the puffer may have eaten them. they might be probably someplace in the tank, hiding. so, i searched the tank, and the floor, and i found one on the floor beside the stand. searched more, thinking that i could find the rest of them who jumped out of the tank, but i have not seen another one.
i also noticed that all of them got ich, so i would start dosing the tank tomorrow with SP. i don't know any kind of medicine that might work better than SP, so i'll keep using it. hopefully, the refracto will arrive tomorrow.
Alot of them have ich again???? Ah, This is where I step back and hope to god that some one else has answers for you. I am once again at a loss and wishing I had the answers that you need. Sorry Liz!


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Alot of them have ich again???? Ah, This is where I step back and hope to god that some one else has answers for you. I am once again at a loss and wishing I had the answers that you need. Sorry Liz!
thanks girl! i really need that refractometer. hope to get it tomorrow. but until then, i could only hope.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
thanks girl! i really need that refractometer. hope to get it tomorrow. but until then, i could only hope.

I did my hypo with a hydrometer!!!! I am almost back up. I double checked and rechecked and tripple checked my salinity everytime. I did lose a few fish though sadly.


Active Member
Yep, the refractometer should help you do the hyposalinity more accurately.
I know I asked earlier, but I did not see a response so I am asking again. Have you been testing kH during this process?


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Yep, the refractometer should help you do the hyposalinity more accurately.
I know I asked earlier, but I did not see a response so I am asking again. Have you been testing kH during this process?
hi there lion!
kH? no, i didn't think it would be necessary since whenver i check my water parameters, my ph would always say 8.2. however though, if u wld think i definitely need it, pls say so.
regarding the puffer, i bought another batch of ghost shrimp today. and i'm happy to say that my puffer ate 4 of them. the first batch, which i told u guys that i bought yeseterday, well, one of them met his death by jumping out of the tank, 2 of them went in my filter (found them hanging on the sponge) and i guess, 1 got eaten by the puffer. i'm kind of relax now that she's already eating...
through the course of the event, i have been thinking a lot about this, please tell me all what u think.
when i saw all my fishes went straight to those shrimps waiting for them to clean them, i had this idea. what if, i return my spgh back to normal, and add 2 - 3 cleaner shrimps in the tank? maybe the ich would be gone that way....
return the salinity back to normal, and just do coppersafe? i really detest this idea, but i have not seen any improvement on the fishes yet, although, i have to give credit, since none of my fishes died since. (well, one got eaten by the puffer, and the bicolor on the 1st day i started this...) i dont have corals or any kind, and the Lrs are gone, what u guys think? i did read and asked people about the mardel coppersafe, i definitely insisted on this medicine to be hard to remove from the tank (or if they would ever be removed), after 3 mos of good water change, maybe?
shld i still go ahead with my hypo? (btw, i haven't dosed SP for the 3rd time yet..) my uv came in today, will install it tomorrow.
thanks, all....


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I did my hypo with a hydrometer!!!! I am almost back up. I double checked and rechecked and tripple checked my salinity everytime. I did lose a few fish though sadly.
i did that, sepulatian. checked, and rechecked, tripled and even fourth time. swing arm would consistently say .009. but sadly, all of them still has ich.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
hi there lion!
kH? no, i didn't think it would be necessary since whenver i check my water parameters, my ph would always say 8.2. however though, if u wld think i definitely need it, pls say so.
regarding the puffer, i bought another batch of ghost shrimp today. and i'm happy to say that my puffer ate 4 of them. the first batch, which i told u guys that i bought yeseterday, well, one of them met his death by jumping out of the tank, 2 of them went in my filter (found them hanging on the sponge) and i guess, 1 got eaten by the puffer. i'm kind of relax now that she's already eating...
through the course of the event, i have been thinking a lot about this, please tell me all what u think.
when i saw all my fishes went straight to those shrimps waiting for them to clean them, i had this idea. what if, i return my spgh back to normal, and add 2 - 3 cleaner shrimps in the tank? maybe the ich would be gone that way....
return the salinity back to normal, and just do coppersafe? i really detest this idea, but i have not seen any improvement on the fishes yet, although, i have to give credit, since none of my fishes died since. (well, one got eaten by the puffer, and the bicolor on the 1st day i started this...) i dont have corals or any kind, and the Lrs are gone, what u guys think? i did read and asked people about the mardel coppersafe, i definitely insisted on this medicine to be hard to remove from the tank (or if they would ever be removed), after 3 mos of good water change, maybe?
shld i still go ahead with my hypo? (btw, i haven't dosed SP for the 3rd time yet..) my uv came in today, will install it tomorrow.
thanks, all....
No, Definately don't add copper to your display. The problem with copper is that it is absorbed by your substrate so even when a copper test kit says it is gone it can leech back out into the water. Remember that ich is an invert, so anything that will kill ich will also kill the inverts that you want to keep. That is why they have to be removed durring treatment. The copper will remain in your system for a very long time.
I am happy to see that your puffer ate!!!! That is a very good sign, don't lose hope!
Cleaner shrimp are good, but they can not compete against how fast ich breeds and they won't get the ones that have dropped off of the fish into the sand. I have a cleaner and he couldn't get all of the ich, though he tried!Stick with the hypo, BTW how long has it been now?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
No, Definately don't add copper to your display. The problem with copper is that it is absorbed by your substrate so even when a copper test kit says it is gone it can leech back out into the water. Remember that ich is an invert, so anything that will kill ich will also kill the inverts that you want to keep. That is why they have to be removed durring treatment. The copper will remain in your system for a very long time.
I am happy to see that your puffer ate!!!! That is a very good sign, don't lose hope!
Cleaner shrimp are good, but they can not compete against how fast ich breeds and they won't get the ones that have dropped off of the fish into the sand. I have a cleaner and he couldn't get all of the ich, though he tried!Stick with the hypo, BTW how long has it been now?
sheez...i haven't still counted at one! they stil have them. but technically, its been running 3 weeks.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
sheez...i haven't still counted at one! they stil have them. but technically, its been running 3 weeks.
hmmm 3 weeks since it was at 1.009? I don't know what is going on there. Again we will have to wait and see what Lion_Crazz says. You got your new refractometer?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
hmmm 3 weeks since it was at 1.009? I don't know what is going on there. Again we will have to wait and see what Lion_Crazz says. You got your new refractometer?
not yet.. but i got the uv though.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
not yet.. but i got the uv though.
Did you ever re-calibrate the one you were borrowing? I am thinking about when you thought it was too low and added more salt. After 3 weeks if it was indeed at 1.009 it should be completely off of them by now.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Did you ever re-calibrate the one you were borrowing? I am thinking about when you thought it was too low and added more salt. After 3 weeks if it was indeed at 1.009 it should be completely off of them by now.
yeah, for the 3rd time, and on the last 2, used ro water for it. actually my reading goes .010 on the refracto and .009 on the hydro. when i added salt on that night, it didn't really put up my salt level. it went up a notch....
i am kinda hoping for that result, but as bad as it goes, all of them got it, (well, 2 - 4 specks on the fishes, except the kole and the hippo esp, got the hardest hit). i'll take pix of the guys, u'll see...