hypo journal


Originally Posted by lpuzon
yeah, for the 3rd time, and on the last 2, used ro water for it. actually my reading goes .010 on the refracto and .009 on the hydro. when i added salt on that night, it didn't really put up my salt level. it went up a notch....
i am kinda hoping for that result, but as bad as it goes, all of them got it, (well, 2 - 4 specks on the fishes, except the kole and the hippo esp, got the hardest hit). i'll take pix of the guys, u'll see...
I believe you are supposed to use distilled water and it is supposed to be a certain temp. I read about it, but I don't have one so therefore the precise directions arn't on my mind. Lion will know that though. Now this is just an educated guesse, but I am thinking that because they have now reattatched to all of your fish that they are breeding again. They can breed in 1.010 Thats why I had asked about 1.008 before I started just to be safe being I used a hydrometer.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I believe you are supposed to use distilled water and it is supposed to be a certain temp. I read about it, but I don't have one so therefore the precise directions arn't on my mind. Lion will know that though. Now this is just an educated guesse, but I am thinking that because they have now reattatched to all of your fish that they are breeding again. They can breed in 1.010 Thats why I had asked about 1.008 before I started just to be safe being I used a hydrometer.
when all of my fishes are motionless at the bottom of the tank, the hydro reads .009. even the refracto too.
bout refracto, that is why i am scared messing up with it, bec it really does come with a certain temp. what i know is i can also use the ro water, which at the time of the calibration is at the normal temp. i mean, like that of the tap water. what if i do water change again and see what happens???? what u think?


Originally Posted by lpuzon
when all of my fishes are motionless at the bottom of the tank, the hydro reads .009. even the refracto too.
bout refracto, that is why i am scared messing up with it, bec it really does come with a certain temp. what i know is i can also use the ro water, which at the time of the calibration is at the normal temp. i mean, like that of the tap water. what if i do water change again and see what happens???? what u think?
I don't know Liz, I think you should wait for Lion. I realy hope he has an answer for you. I am by no means an expert at this. I have done it once, thats all, but I have read as much as I could about it. I just don't understand why if your refractometer and hydrometer are both reading 1.009 why you still have ich on your fish after 3 weeks. My fish got attacked after the first day and the ich was gone in about a week. I did hypo for 5 weeks (total) just to be sure. :notsure:


sepulatian, here's the gang (not all of them though, only those who doesn't get out of the way..
as u could see, ich is very very noticeable......



Originally Posted by lpuzon
72g. how about 5g water change?
A five gall water change isn't realy going to do much. how many and what kind of other fish do you have in there? Is that a porcupine puffer?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
A five gall water change isn't realy going to do much. how many and what kind of other fish do you have in there? Is that a porcupine puffer?
i just thought bec i did 10g WC on that night when my spgh level went too low. and yes, that's a porcupine. the rest of them are 3 damsels (a velvet and 2 yellowtail) and the maroon clown. my fishes went down to 9, from 12 before.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
i just thought bec i did 10g WC on that night when my spgh level went too low. and yes, that's a porcupine. the rest of them are 3 damsels (a velvet and 2 yellowtail) and the maroon clown. my fishes went down to 9, from 12 before.
The only reason I ask is because of the tangs and butterfly's. If they don't have enough room they get stressed and their immune system goes down.
About the water change, what is your salinity reading now?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
The only reason I ask is because of the tangs and butterfly's. If they don't have enough room they get stressed and their immune system goes down.
About the water change, what is your salinity reading now?

i took a test earlier, hydro reads .010. refracto reads a little off .009.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
i took a test earlier, hydro reads .010. refracto reads a little off .009.
That is probably the problem. at 1.010 they can breed. I would (if it were me) bring it down a little more. If it is bouncing between then the ich will keep on breeding. This is what seems to be happening being it is all over your fish again.


yeah, thinking about that too. but i don't want ot be sure till i get the new refracto. though tomorrow, i could do the WC, what u think? probably not 10g. 7 probably. i kind of had trauma from what happened before. :scared:


Originally Posted by lpuzon
yeah, thinking about that too. but i don't want ot be sure till i get the new refracto. though tomorrow, i could do the WC, what u think? probably not 10g. 7 probably. i kind of had trauma from what happened before. :scared:
yeah I can understand that. When I did my 55 it was a steady point per gallon of fresh once it was down to 1.015. So it was pretty easy to keep track of.


Active Member
The inconsistent and fluctuating SG is probably the reason they still have ich.
How are your readings as far as pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate?


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
The inconsistent and fluctuating SG is probably the reason they still have ich.
How are your readings as far as pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate?
i'll check them... give me a few minutes.....


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
The inconsistent and fluctuating SG is probably the reason they still have ich.
How are your readings as far as pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate?
actually lion, i'm also concerned about the temp. since it's getting colder ea day.
10.17 2:30 pm water parameters
ammo - 0
trite - 0
trate - 20
ph - 8.2
spgh .010 (hydro) ; .009 (a little off, refracto)
temp - 78
alk - not yet
all don't have ich, except the hippo, kole and puffer. gave them spirulina flakes soaked in vitachem, ate them all. the puffer had 2 krills.
i am hoping to install the uv tonight. i plan to cut the tubing from the sump and put it there. skimmers working great. took ouit 1/2 c full of gunk from it.
all is fine, other than the ich.


Originally Posted by engineer
cutie, sent you an email!!!!!
thanks jason! i replied already!