I think America needs FOX NEWS!


You need to think for yourself and not what certain people say. And it isn't just about global warming or Iraq. Conservative view touch on many different topics. But you don't have to be democrat or republican and refuse to see the other side.Some people believe in global warming. Others believe that the Earth goes through warming and cooling trends. I think both theories make some sense, so I am not going to just ignore one theory over another. I will still do what I can to go as much "green" as I can. That's me following my conscience. Some people believe in the war in Iraq and some don't. You only really see the bad things that happen based on the media coverage. How often do you get to hear about all the good? Hardly ever. It is hard to form an opinion when you only get one side of the story.
Don't form opinions based on one side. Learn to think for yourself and follow your conscience. And you don't have to choose Democrat or Republican. The middle ground CAN be found if we look for it and learn to compromise.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
.... I'm a kid too, but I guess I see the democrats trying to stop global warming and help our troops in Iraq.
How does owning several mansions, flying in personal jets, riding in limos, and promoting "carbon" offsets to excuse bad behavior help the environment?
How does removing funding and saying the war is lost help our troops?


Active Member
I heard Dennis Miller (on a Fox News program) a couple of weeks ago utter a great quote. He said basically "I'm too worried about the world to worry about the Earth". His point was that radical extremists were a far more pressing issue right now than "going green".


Good points, Journeyman...and what happens if we pull the troops out too fast and actually tell the insurgents our exact date of pull out? That just doesn't seem right to me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rabbit_72
Good points, Journeyman...and what happens if we pull the troops out too fast and actually tell the insurgents our exact date of pull out? That just doesn't seem right to me.
Simple question to answer; Look at what happened when we pulled out of SE Asia. Millions will be massacred.


I have children and my greatest fear for them is terrorism. I can not tell you how much it scares me. I found out that an old classmate of mine was killed in 9/11. This struck me as nothing else has...ever! I had problems dealing with it for months and still not "over" it. I don't think you ever get over it. I am more resolved than ever on this. I know we didn't completely achieve what we wanted to i Iraq, but the fact is that we are there. We need to finish it and all that goes with it. I haven't stepped on a plane since and don't know if I ever will. I used to love flying. One more thing that terrorists take away.

darthtang aw

Active Member
In the early 80's late 90's the big earth crisis was Global cooling....since then we have cut our pollution output dramatically, and now we have global warming. The thing is I believe scientists are correct, the earth is warming...but since it was in a cooling phase 20 some odd years ago with worse pollution and carbon output then, this leads me to believe it is NOT a man made problem. All the data points to it happening, can't deny that...but is it truly a "crisis"? Is it just a natural cycle of the earth? We have 30-50 years of data......Yet scientists tell us that the earth is millions and billions opf years old. This is the equivalent of watching a child for 30 seconds and then turning to the child's parent and explaining every problem with the child to them and how to correct it...We don't TRULY know jack about the earth's cycle, it has cooled and heated up for centuries....with no human emmisions/polution...


Active Member
How's is keeping our troops in there saving their lives? All the republicans I've known deny global warming.
Ok all of you talk about not being biased and how Fox News can change America, so I'll make a deal with all of you. For each person that watches an Inocovient Truth unbiasedly, I will watch Fox News for 2 hours. You think Fox can change America, well I watched An Incovient Truth biasedly but man did it wake me up. Anyone want to make it a deal?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
How's is keeping our troops in there saving their lives? All the republicans I've known deny global warming.
Ok all of you talk about not being biased and how Fox News can change America, so I'll make a deal with all of you. For each person that watches an Inocovient Truth unbiasedly, I will watch Fox News for 2 hours. You think Fox can change America, well I watched An Incovient Truth biasedly but man did it wake me up. Anyone want to make it a deal?
Nope... my time is too valuable to me.
If Gore really believed "An Inconvenient Truth" he would have changed his own lifestyle.
When I see Gore riding a bike, selling 3 of his mansions, and quit flying on private gas burning jets I'll watch his movie.


Active Member
Man rabbit is right, you guys are stubborn. You think watching Fox News is using your time wisely?
All you guys do is critism democrats without even listening, so if you won't listen to us, then I won't listen to Fox News, the holy channel. I didn't like Al Gore in it either, at the first when I was sceptical all I thought was this is Al Gore Superstar. But the information is shocking in their.
Do you know that 100% of scientists believe in global warming. The argument is in the media. You want to say where's your source. But I'll say name a scientist that disbelieves it. Fox News doesn't count because it is the media!
I flipped through the channels and stopped at Fox News to hear about Riley freaking over gays being in the same ballpark with children. Come on give me some real stuff.
Anyone else want to pledge to watch it? If Fox News is so important then why not try to get me to watch it with an unbiased mind? I'm always open to new ideas.
I hope these threads aren't taken personaly and we can be friends away from the debate room.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Do you know that 100% of scientists believe in global warming. The argument is in the media.......
Interesting... considering the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine THIS year published a petition signed by 17,000 scientists against the global warming theories currently being spun. This petition was compiled by a former president of the Academy of Sciences.
100% of scientists? Is this one of Al Gore's facts?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I flipped through the channels and stopped at Fox News to hear about Riley freaking over gays being in the same ballpark with children....
Another falsehood.
O'Reilly said that the Padres were stupid for have "Kids day" at the same ballgame as "gay day". He didn't freak out... In fact he told the woman on the show that she was making too much out of it.
In this case clearly you weren't watching with an open mind.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
100% of scientists? Is this one of Al Gore's facts?

oh my god stop it your killin me !! hahha i told tobin who is laying down right now all drugged up you gave him a giggle too


Active Member
Ok name some scientist that don't believe in global warming. You're right, I didn't watch it because "why should I spend my time" on people that won't listen? You're complaining about me being biased, you don't got a lot of room to talk. Like I said, I'll watch Fox News unbiasedly for 2 hours....
I'm makiing myself look like a fool infront of stubborn republicans, and obviously I'm not getting any where, but I love to debate people because I've been holding it up for 2 years of listening to Republican wacko's (even you'd think they're wackos) so it's god for me to get it out.. Show me facts from scientists against global warming and I'll listen.
"Al Gore facts" are some of the only facts I've seen supporting or disproving global warming. If you watch it you'll see where he gets his facts.


Active Member
I think I stay uninformed because the people talking. I try to watch the news channels but I can't stand to watch any of the reporters on there. Half of them seem like they have a mental disability. The guy on Red Eye emphasizes my point, I'd rather take a shotgun to the face then watch him.... I watch Glenn Beck sometimes because my roommate likes to watch him, he's pretty good, got his stuff together pretty well...

aztec reef

Active Member
You people are funny talking about Global Warming,Global Cooling ect.
It's called Evolution, Mother Nature, climate change.
There's nothing we Humans can do to stop climate change. All we can do is regulate the climate and make it the best environment possible, by changing the ways we use sources such as water, electricity ,gas, greenhouse gas ect.. that's all we can do..
The earth will continue on heating up, then we will have global cooling once this GW phase goes through, but that will take a few decades..


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I don't know how pro conservative Fox really is. It just gives the conservative view an even break. Gibson and Hume are conservative but their hard news reporting is pretty fair. Oreilly is more of a throwback to old time conservative Democrats or a modern day moderate Republican. The only agenda he pushes is his. I'm getting tired of his culture war crap but he does the best interview in the business when he sets his mind to it.
I would hardly call Bill Oreilly a conservative, he backs more controls of oil prices, i seem to remember seeing him say that he would support raising taxes to balance the budget. He is kind of split down the middle. I definately don't agree with most of his economic viewpoints but overall he is very entertaining to watch. At least he admits to having an agenda.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Ok name some scientist that don't believe in global warming.
"Al Gore facts" are some of the only facts I've seen supporting or disproving global warming. If you watch it you'll see where he gets his facts.

Ok, prove or disprove the FACT that Global Cooling was/wasn't a problem 20 years ago?


Active Member

Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Ok name some scientist that don't believe in global warming. ....
"Earl Aagaard, PhD, Roger L Aamodt, PhD, M Robert Aaron, Ralph F Abate, Hamed Abbas, PhD, Reza Abbaschian, PhD, Paul Abbett, Wyatt E Abbitt III, David M Abbott Jr, Ursula K Abbott, PhD, Will S Abbott, Riaz F. Abdulla, PhD, J M Abell, Philip H Abelson, PhD, Wayne Aben, Grady Ables, Earl A Abrahamson, PhD, John Abrams, David Acerni, J Wayne Achee, Hans J. Achemann, D T Achord, PhD, Ernest Achterberg, Gene Ackerman, John R Ackerman, William Ackerman, Richard E. Ackermann, Terry Ackman, Donald O Acrey, Lee Actor, Robert K Adair, PhD, Brian Adam, PhD, Chris Adam, Arthur Adams, Brook Adams, Charles K Adams, Craig Adams, Daniel Adams, PhD, Daniel B Adams Jr, Dell Adams, Donald Adams, Donald S Adams, Eugene Adams, Gail D Adams, PhD, George B Adams, PhD, Gerald J Adams, PhD, Gregory Adams, Henry Adams, Henry Adams, Howard Adams, James W Adams, Jim Adadms, John Adams, John E Adams, PhD, Kent A. Adams, Leonard C A Adams, PhD, Louis W Adams, PhD, Michael P Adams, Neil Adams, PhD, Opal Adams, Peter Adams, Phillip Adams, PhD, Richard E Adams, Richard L Adams, Robert F Adams, Roy B Adams, Roy M Adams, PhD, Steve W Adams, Walter Adams, William D Adams, William M Adams, PhD, William W Adams, Wilton Adams, PhD, Wilton T Adams, PhD, Wm J Adams, George Adcock, Rusty Adcock, MD, Lionel P Adda, PhD, Albert W Addington, Tim Addington, Bill Addison, John K Addy, PhD, C William Ade, Albert H Adelman, PhD, Barnet R Adelman, L A Adkins, Michael F Adkins, Ronald A Adkins, PhD, Norman Adler, PhD, Lt Col Jacques J Adnet, Anthrony J Adrignolo, PhD, Harry Adrounie, PhD, Richard A Adsero, Steven E Aeschbach, Stephen Affleck, PhD, Siegfried Aftergut, PhD, Jack Agan, Larry D Agenbroad, PhD, Sven Agerbek, George Aggen, PhD, Norman A Aggon, Vincent Agnello, MD, Kenneth Agnes, Mark Agnew, M C Agress, Jorge T Aguinadlo, Roy Ahalt, Robert Aharonov, Richard Ahern, Phillip Ahlberg, Kevin Ahlborg, Mark Ahlert, Terry Ahlquist, Mumtaz Ahmed, PhD, Rafique Ahmed, PhD, Robert Ahokas, PhD, H W Ahrenholz, Edward Ahrens, Rolland W Ahrens, PhD, Robert M Ahring, PhD, John J Aiello, Joseph P. Aiello, MD, S F Aiello, Phil Aigner, Brian R Ainley, Ainsworth, Alfred Ainsworth III, E Bud Ainsworth, Oscar R Ainsworth, PhD, S Aisenberg, PhD, David J Akers, Linda Akers, Willie Akers, Wayne Henry Akeson, MD, Thane Akins, Korkor Akoto, Akram, PhD, John Alai, Robert J Alaimo, PhD, Greg Alan, Vincent M Albanese, A Henry Albaugh, Ed Alberding, Timothy A Albers, MD, Edward Albert, Eric K Albert, PhD, Wm L Albert, James L Alberta, Mark W Albertsen, Frank Addison Albini, PhD, D Douglas Albrecht, Robert Albrecht, Rudolph C Albrecht, Fred R Albright, PhD, James C Albright, PhD, Robert Lee Albright, PhD, Tad B Albright, Marcus Albro, Allwyn Albuquerque, Ernest C Alcaraz, PhD, Garrett D Alcorn, MD, Luis Aldecoa, Frank Alder, Ronald G Alderfer, PhD, Thomas Alderson, PhD, Bill Aldrich, Franklin D Aldrich, PhD, Richard J Aldrich, PhD, Samuel Aldrich, PhD, Samuel Aldrich, PhD, David Aldridge, Robert Aldridge, Wm M Baldwin, Peter C Alecxih Sr, PhD, Russell J Alameda Jr, Perry B Alers, PhD, Steven J Alessandro, Alex F Alessandrini,....
The first of among 17,000 scientists
. Taken from the "Global Warming Petition" which states: We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.
There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth. http://www.oism.org/pproject/s33p36.htm