I'm getting my first...

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by bs21
Just saw pic ....that could be confused as a latin king tat
i know im late but my gf when she got her first one she was really nervous before hand then felt like she was going to pass out. I think alot of people hold their breath more while its being done and forget to breath. number of people i know have passed out/almost so i chew gum to make sure i at least breath through my mouth lol.
lol well I made sure to breathe, kinda an everyday thing so I didn't feel like stopping for the tattoo

I see how it could be confused as a LK tattoo BUT hopefully it won't be and I don't get shanked.


Active Member
i mentioned about my friend who does tats i sent another friend over to get one.fred my tat artist told the guy dont drink before it will bleed more.so the dummy shows up on a saturday morning all hung over with a water bottle.fred said he bled like a stuck pig.
my wife got one around her ankle she took two pain killers and a beer.
a friend got one on his stomach and said it hurt like hell.
i have a band on my arm only a little tender on the inside when he used 6 needles at once to fill it in the one on my chest didnt bother me at all.
its been a while since my last talking to you guys maybe its time to see some new art at the shop.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442
i mentioned about my friend who does tats i sent another friend over to get one.fred my tat artist told the guy dont drink before it will bleed more.so the dummy shows up on a saturday morning all hung over with a water bottle.fred said he bled like a stuck pig.
my wife got one around her ankle she took two pain killers and a beer.
a friend got one on his stomach and said it hurt like hell.
i have a band on my arm only a little tender on the inside when he used 6 needles at once to fill it in the one on my chest didnt bother me at all.
its been a while since my last talking to you guys maybe its time to see some new art at the shop.
lol, man that post confused me....


WOW alot of post about the tattoo thing. im old school i guess.. i got mine when i was younger, drunk with good friends making poor decisions that created life long memories. haha

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by TODJ2002
WOW alot of post about the tattoo thing. im old school i guess.. i got mine when i was younger, drunk with good friends making poor decisions that created life long memories. haha



Active Member
Originally Posted by TODJ2002
WOW alot of post about the tattoo thing. im old school i guess.. i got mine when i was younger, drunk with good friends making poor decisions that created life long memories. haha

You only live once.
EDIT: I can't believe I used such a cliche expression...how could anyone possibly prove that?


I always used Lansinoh lotion, AKA nip*le cream. Worked great. Love tats. Got my last one done in Hawaii, polynesian freehand

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by makoshrk2
I always used Lansinoh lotion, AKA nip*le cream. Worked great. Love tats. Got my last one done in Hawaii, polynesian freehand
yeah man I love them too, they are awesome. the polynesian style must look great.