Joe-L's bio cube bc29


Active Member
are you going to return the yellow tang? or upgrade to a huge tank soon...your tank looks great, but htere are a few fish that get to big for your tank..KEEP IT UP!


The Tangs going in a friends fish only 120 gallon when he gets a little bigger.. Heres some pics of the new wrasse



Active Member
WOOO! lol very pretty fish though. I just want 2 blck and white clowns and I dont wanna drop 32 a piece on them lol... Id just rather buy coral man. Hard for me to just buy the fish

coral keeper

Active Member
Its looking very good! But if I were you I'd stop buying fish because you already have a nice sized bioload. In what state do you live in?


Active Member
Awesome looking tank, How many fish do you have again ? Seems like i count at least 7 ? WOW so many in a nano tank. Also how did that Twin Spot goby do ? I was hoping to have luck with them but i had two pair at different times and they never lived longer than month so i gave up on em. Only fish i lost besides some clowns i got from ***** of all places. But thats another story. Nice awesome looking tank though. Goodluck !


Thanks! I have 4 fish and a Eel. The dotty back in earlier pics became a little aggressive so I traded him for the 6 line wrasse.. And the clown in earlier pics mysteriously disappeared without a trace. The twin spots doing good so far, my shop gave him to me for cheap since they usually sell them in pairs and his mate died. I turn the power heads off and leave small amounts of food scattered in the sand bed for him to sift through.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Joe-L
Thanks! I have 4 fish and a Eel. The dotty back in earlier pics became a little aggressive so I traded him for the 6 line wrasse.. And the clown in earlier pics mysteriously disappeared without a trace. The twin spots doing good so far, my shop gave him to me for cheap since they usually sell them in pairs and his mate died. I turn the power heads off and leave small amounts of food scattered in the sand bed for him to sift through.
Your clownfish is probably in the snowflake eels belly.


Nice, you collect your own or buy it? I get "blue life" ocean water from a shop on Lombard in San Francisco called Fish Fish And More Fish.. Nice little shop with quality corals and great customer service. They also do hypo salinity on all their fish only tanks so no ich


Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Your clownfish is probably in the snowflake eels belly.
Ha, I doubt it.. The Eels mouths way to small, hes only 10 inches long right now and as thick as a #2 pencil (maybe a little thicker).. If anything he probably got stressed from me movin rocks around and the coral banded shrimp got to him at night. hes a mean lil f@#$%er!


Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
WOOO! lol very pretty fish though. I just want 2 blck and white clowns and I dont wanna drop 32 a piece on them lol... Id just rather buy coral man. Hard for me to just buy the fish
Yeah, the black clowns are dope.. My pops just bought one for 50$ but its now his fav. fish in his tank. The mystery wrasse is the last fish I'll get for a while (unless 1 kicks the bucket) so I wanted to get something special. I look at it like it was either the fish or a new pair of Dunks..

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Joe-L
Nice, you collect your own or buy it? I get "blue life" ocean water from a shop on Lombard in San Francisco called Fish Fish And More Fish.. Nice little shop with quality corals and great customer service. They also do hypo salinity on all their fish only tanks so no ich
I collect my own.

jigga w00t

i don't see any coralline on the back of your tank like with most pics of others here... the cleanliness of your tank is very inspiring. scraping coralline is not fun, whats your secret?