JoKe is spelled F-E-M-A


Active Member
Scuba, he's on the same page as I am. Not completly clear on the whole deal, but something about hotel/casino??? I will have to try and find something on it.
And it wasn't the Corp of Engineers......I need to find the name.


See now i have great aunt and uncles and cousins and such that live in moss point mi...........they didnt see nor recieve any help from fema until 10 after the storm.......and all but one aunt is still homeless liveing here in ohio.


It's a shallow mind that take the word of the media as truth. The media will slant the story as needed. Truth doesn't sell news papers or comercial spots on the tv. BAD news sell's.


Originally Posted by 5280_humu
It's a shallow mind that take the word of the media as truth. The media will slant the story as needed. Truth doesn't sell news papers or comercial spots on the tv. BAD news sell's.
Agreed but it has to be true or there will be a nice big lawsuit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Does anyone know if New Orleans could have done any thing to the levies even if they wanted too. Dont they belong to the Feds. and the Feds. turned down the project and the city was trying to match funds and still was refused.
Thats what I remember I heard but not sure.
No, the local levee districts have taxing authority but it is mainly for policing and maintenance issues. Board members are state appointed positions. The districts are no saints and have been guilty of questionale spending.
They are now in the process I believe of combining some of the numerous districts throughout the state...not up on this subject though.
They do not have the tax base to fund such a project alone. The levee system was constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers and the current rebuilding/strengthening is being done by them.
The Orleans Levee District was trying to develop an amusement park on leveee bord owned property as they once owned two in the New Orleans area. SOme have criticized this but I have never seen any revenue projections regarding the projects and if they would have been money makers.


Originally Posted by Nigerfish
I will leave the conversation on this note.
Nice phot shop work. If you belive this is a real picture then well I guess you'll even belive that the mods won't catch on to you AGAIN.
Originally Posted by Nigerfish

Agreed but it has to be true or there will be a nice big lawsuit.

Stop sleeping during history class


Originally Posted by Nigerfish
Agreed but it has to be true or there will be a nice big lawsuit.

Stop sleeping during history class


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
Scuba, he's on the same page as I am. Not completly clear on the whole deal, but something about hotel/casino??? I will have to try and find something on it.
And it wasn't the Corp of Engineers......I need to find the name.
They leased part of the marina to a casino. No hotel existed on their property or was part of the casino. My folks lived 2 minutes from the marina where the casino boat was docked. Was owned by Bally's..and sold...but not sold to the levee board. No hotel least not on levee board property that I am aware of.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 5280_humu
It's a shallow mind that take the word of the media as truth. The media will slant the story as needed. Truth doesn't sell news papers or comercial spots on the tv. BAD news sell's.
I agree with that and if you replaced the word media with Goverment I would agree with that too.
" and Brownie, your doing a heck of a job here."


Oh the boot. Ha.
Anyways, lets have some sympathy. If you were starving and lost everything, are you saying you wouldn'y steal something from the store.
"Survival of the fittest" is all to true


Originally Posted by 5280_humu
Nice phot shop work. If you belive this is a real picture then well I guess you'll even belive that the mods won't catch on to you AGAIN.
Stop sleeping during history class
LOL!!! What do you mean again?


Well i know for a fact the pics are not true. But hopefully the mods will not ban me for posting them pics.


Originally Posted by Nigerfish
Well i know for a fact the pics are not true. But hopefully the mods will not ban me for posting them pics.
u got banned. Pretty funny. Its just a website. How bad could it be. Most of us are mature enough to be able to get a little intense. We all have done so whats the big issue. 1 person will not ruin it for a website this big.


Active Member
The Orleans Levee Distric has a history of "questionable" spending at best. They have thrown money away which is inexcusable.
However, even if they used money to prucahse a hotel...the type of dollars to raise levees in this area is billions. Certinaly, inexcusable to throw money away regardless of the amount.
I will be visiting home in May. I will take pictures and post some links to those for those that are intersted. My folks lived two blocks from the top of the "bowl'. Yet, they still had 10 feet of water at their old home. I was fortunate to move my mom out here after my dad died May 04.
The one pic I will take will illustrate the bowl..and you will see the difference two blocks can make.


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
They leased part of the marina to a casino. No hotel existed on their property or was part of the casino. My folks lived 2 minutes from the marina where the casino boat was docked. Was owned by Bally's..and sold...but not sold to the levee board. No hotel least not on levee board property that I am aware of.
Scuba i like this thread u have made its got some good points in it.


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
The Orleans Levee Distric has a history of "questionable" spending at best. They have thrown money away which is inexcusable.
However, even if they used money to prucahse a hotel...the type of dollars to raise levees in this area is billions. Certinaly, inexcusable to throw money away regardless of the amount.
I will be visiting home in May. I will take pictures and post some links to those for those that are intersted. My folks lived two blocks from the top of the "bowl'. Yet, they still had 10 feet of water at their old home. I was fortunate to move my mom out here after my dad died May 04.
The one pic I will take will illustrate the bowl..and you will see the difference two blocks can make.
How about the difference of getting out of there vs. staying there


Active Member
I've seen that bowl.......yikes..... :scared:
We have some new friends from Kenner. They have moved here and planted roots.
She goes back once a month or so to help out some family. She is there right now for a few weeks helping out a friend get their business back up and running. She has showed me pictures and video. Nothing can do them justice. She said it all needs to be plowed and scooped up and removed.


in ways i would agree to just fill in the bowl but then again how long have people lived there its home it has history.


Active Member
I don't think anyone said to fill it in. They are going to have to take a good hard look at what has been done to the Mississippi and trying to get it to go where they wanted it to go.
At some point some of that land is going to have to be given back to mother nature to help in the prevention of this happening again.