Just picked up my 450 gallon!!


What a night you had. I'm sorry to hear your night went that way. Everyone has set backs, but DAMN. It will be all worth it when its done.


Active Member
talk about one man's trash is another man's treasure..nice clean-up..look awesome..keep up the great work...there will always be bumps in the road but the final destination is wat makes it all worth it..can't wait it see fish in there...


Active Member
Thanks for the support. Here is an update... based on the recent issues I have to replace and re-plumb the refugium, replace the return pump and add my other pump to use for the other closed loop.

However, on a positive note, the water has begun to clear up. The liverock in the tank is going to form one aquascaping structure around the closed loop PVC. I will take the liverock from my current tank to form a structure around the other closed loop PVC. I am almost ready to aquascape the one side and then I will spread the sand around the tank evenly.
And, with such a large tank, our DLP TV had to be replaced with a flat screen.
According to the wife we are still looking for a new couch.



Active Member
nice tv..should pair up nicely with a PS3...u'll be blown away how clear it is...i use my tv mainly for gaming..Call of duty 4


Active Member
Originally Posted by aquaguy24
nice tv..should pair up nicely with a PS3...u'll be blown away how clear it is...i use my tv mainly for gaming..Call of duty 4

I'm not much of a gaming guy. My gaming is pretty much that every 5 - 10 years I will go and buy a system on total impulse. I will then play the games for about 3 straight weeks and never touch it again. Although the Wii does look pretty cool.


Active Member
Damn, quite the night you had the other night...PVC looks better, but it seems to have a lot more drawbacks, including being louder.
How much LR are you doing in the DT and in the sumps? (sorry if I missed that somewhere)...I am guessing not a lot in the DT so your Ray can have pleanty of space? It's looking good though


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Damn, quite the night you had the other night...PVC looks better, but it seems to have a lot more drawbacks, including being louder.
How much LR are you doing in the DT and in the sumps? (sorry if I missed that somewhere)...I am guessing not a lot in the DT so your Ray can have pleanty of space? It's looking good though

As of right now I have about 300 lbs of LR. Of that amount, I will use most of it in the DT, though I will stack it about 2/3 of the height of the tank so it will leave a lot of the bottom for the ray(s). If you've seen pics of my current tank, I will aquascape similarly with two separate structures, I'll just build them taller.
I will probably keep most of the larger, heavier pieces in the display and put the smaller pieces in the sump. Small, light weight pieces don't work too well with sharks and rays because they tend to re-aquascape those pieces.


Active Member
Things are pretty much back on track. I received the new pump, which I will use for a return.
I also got lucky replacing my refugium. Turns out that my brother had a 2 year old 100 gallon that is 48" x 18" sitting in his basement. He gave it to me with the tops, and a couple of PC lights to use. So my 85 gallon refugium is now 100 gallons and the lighting is upgraded. I'm getting the tank drilled tonight and will spend the next day or two getting these things plumbed into the system.
Once the pump and fuge plumbed, then I will be pretty much ready to go. Just have to aquascape, finish the canopy and test my water. It may be unrealistic but if everything goes well, I'm shooting for next Monday to do transfer my livestock.


Active Member
Gotta keep working to keep up with Brendan and Bronco.
Everything is pretty much done that can be done now. There are a lot of things that I will use from my current setup so they will not be done until the day of the transfer.
One closed loop is operating and the other is waiting until I am done using my current return. I have about 1/2 of the liverock in the tank, which I tried to aquascape last night but the water became pretty cloudy so I could not really see how I was doing. The rest of the liverock is in my current tank.
After that, I spread the sand through the tank and the water became completely milky. The new fuge is great... no leaks in the overflow. My return is OK for right now but I have ordered a new return, Blueline HD 100, because this one's too loud. We hear it upstairs. Anyway, here are some pics, although they're not real pretty right now...

I finished staining the canopy. It appears shiny because I just finished applying the polyurethane coat. The second pic is what the canopy used to look like.

Monday my bro in law is coming over to help me set up the lights and put the canopy on. I had planned to transfer the fish over on Monday too but I tested the water today and had an ammonia reading. So after Monday it will just be a matter of waiting for the water to stabilize.
And just for kicks, here is a pic of the new TV in the room.

I am getting excited as I am almost done with this...


TV looks great, we just got our first HD one as well :)
Tank is looking great, and BIG!
Do you plan to use the black water/food trough as your sump forever or are you doing something else? Seems like it'd be easy for something to get in there with all the surface area.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sman
Do you plan to use the black water/food trough as your sump forever or are you doing something else? Seems like it'd be easy for something to get in there with all the surface area.
Yes, I'll probably use the rubbermaid sump forever unless I have a problem with it. If I have any issues with debris getting in then I'll just have a cover made. But there's not much that can get in the sump in my basement.... maybe a bug or spider here or there but I don't think that would have much affect on the system.