Just picked up my 450 gallon!!


Active Member
Looking good Crimzy

Fire not funny
Fire bad
"My fish eat coral" beating "Crimzy's the coolest" this weekend with a huge game from Kitna....Funny


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Looking good Crimzy

Fire not funny
Fire bad
"My fish eat coral" beating "Crimzy's the coolest" this weekend with a huge game from Kitna....Funny

Yes, fire is not funny at all, (except in college when one of the guys would burn his nose lighting a roach).

I didn't realize you were the "fish eat coral". It will make my victory that much better. Quite a matchup... you better hope that Kitna's TD's are to Roy and not Calvin. Actually, this game is going to come down to the young guy, McFaddin on Monday night.


Man I wish our house had a basement. It sucks having to bring in tanks & tubs to do water changes. Looking fantastic by the way!


Active Member
After court this morning, I stopped by the LFS to get my water tested and it is ready to go.
I will get confirmation on this water later today and wait a couple days to test again just to be sure, but it looks like I'm ready to go.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Glad to have your support.

And yes, they did come with the tank.

Originally Posted by crimzy

BTW, why is a fire so funny to you people??? (Is it because I'd be laughing if it happened to you and not me?)

Well see in my head, I picture you as a grown man with that creepy baby doll head as your head... And well, that picture running around trying to put out a fire is just hilarious.


Active Member
I haven't updated in a few days, but that doesn't mean I wasn't working on the tank. I transferred the fish, the rest of the liverock and the refugium stuff over last Wednesday night, and the refugium sand/miracle mud caused another sandstorm. My sand is so fine that it fogs up pretty quickly. Putting about 175 lbs of liverock in, along with my stingray didn't help either.
Anyway, the water is clearing up. I like the rock structure on the right, as there are lots of caves for the tangs to swim through. I am not happy with the rock structure on the left, but what do you expect when you arrange rocks in a tank where you cannot see, nor reach the bottom. I will redo the left structure soon enough.
These pics show only 2 of the 5 MH lights on. I am only going to use 4 total and the other 2 will be 250 watts and not 400 like these. The ballast I got was bad so I need to replace it. Also, I have ordered a replacement ballast for the VHO's, which should be here any day.
The stingray, lionfish and naso are very comfortable and doing great. The others are still pretty skittish but everyone is eating well. Although the lion did do a quick carpet dive when I tried putting him in this tank, but he's doing fine.
Here are the pics...

Here is a before shot from the day I got it just to remind everyone of how it looked...

As a brief aside, it appears that I sold my 225.
I received a deposit for it and the guys are supposed to come pick it up on Wednesday night. Also, (not that anyone cares), but I bought a new couch for the aquarium room.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Nice to see one big baller in detroit! That is awesome.

Originally Posted by tankboy07

That is a very wicked tank. Wish I had a 450g but I've only a few one-hundred.
Thanks guys... it has been a long, difficult project. But my fish all being in there and doing well is very gratifying. I just have to finish some odds and ends, such as lights, fans, etc, but I am basically done. I will wait until October and, if my water remains stable, then I will start to add fish at that time.
I'm looking for a clean up crew for the refugium and an inexpensive frag pack just to add some color to the rocks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by small triggers
I like that it is a couch for the aquarium room, and you don't call it a family room, lol.
Actually I think this would be the living room... but it is now converted to being the fish tank room. There's no better way to describe the room.

noah's nemo

Just found this thread.Don't know how i missed it before.Anyway,very impressive.I admire your hard work(said jealously)as we all do
.So do you have a nice clear FTS for us.Man ,i can just imagine sitting in front of that thing at night with all the lights out(except for the tank of course)....
tank=$$,equipment=$$,fish=$$....sitting in front of it with beer in hand=priceless

Didn't realize your last pic was yesterday,probably still abit cloudy...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
Just found this thread.Don't know how i missed it before.Anyway,very impressive.I admire your hard work(said jealously)as we all do
.So do you have a nice clear FTS for us.Man ,i can just imagine sitting in front of that thing at night with all the lights out(except for the tank of course)....
tank=$$,equipment=$$,fish=$$....sitting in front of it with beer in hand=priceless

Didn't realize your last pic was yesterday,probably still abit cloudy...
Yeah, the water still has a way to go as far as clearing up. At least now I can sit in front and actually see it.


Active Member

Wow... What can I say that hasn't been already...
I don't think the grandeur of the size of the tank hit till the fish went in. That big lion looks perfectly at home in there. Nice work and keep the pictures flowing...


Active Member
Hey Crimzy, have you been able to find a replacement Ballast yet?
I'm selling 2x250w HQI retrofit kits with ARO ballasts... they're the newer ballasts and can run any MH - they have the pulse start and all that... and they run 25% cooler than most other models. I got a screaming deal for them at $200 for both out the door. They're brand new. I'll sell them to you for $150 w/ shipping. Interested?


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
Hey Crimzy, have you been able to find a replacement Ballast yet?
I'm selling 2x250w HQI retrofit kits with ARO ballasts... they're the newer ballasts and can run any MH - they have the pulse start and all that... and they run 25% cooler than most other models. I got a screaming deal for them at $200 for both out the door. They're brand new. I'll sell them to you for $150 w/ shipping. Interested?
I don't need the kits or fixtures... just the ballasts. And to be honest with you, while I know that an HQI ballast can be modified to work with regular MH lights, I'm not sure I want to make this any more complicated than necessary.
Let me think about this as it is a tempting price. I'll let you know. Thanks.