Just some Questions about starting my 55 gal Reef tank!!!!


I lost a firefish to the carpet....:( also a carpenters flasher wrasse :(
what type of covering are you planning on having?


Oh yes, most wrasses and all firefish are jumpers. I've lost quite a few wrasses to floor surfing :(
Sixlines are hit or miss, I've had two mean ones and won't dare try another.
As for gobies, sand sifters are always a good idea IMO, even if they don't do that much. Try looking at the Diamond Goby, they are excellent sand sifters, fairly hardy and usually don't create a snowstorm in the tank when they sift sand.
Going on the fish you've listed, here's what I would do:
2 clowns
Scott's fairy wrasse
Dwarf Angel
Goby (sand sifter, bottom dweller, possibly Diamond Goby)
Royal Gramma
Bi-Color Blenny
1 or 3 firefish (red or purple) they do better in odd numbers, but one is fine as well
*this is stocking on the heavier side, but the fish all should work together well and if added slowly with a good CUC and a good skimmer, it's perfectly fine.

scott t

Active Member
I dunno I thought that I might just go with some Egg Crate because i have seen post on here that people use that. What do you suggest that I go with for a covering ???

scott t

Active Member
I like the Diamond Goby. I will add that to my list of the fish i like.. I am just making a list and then will go from there to make my final Decisions on what i should get.. I just want to have color in my tank thats what i have chosen colorful fish..


Originally Posted by Scott T
I dunno I thought that I might just go with some Egg Crate because i have seen post on here that people use that. What do you suggest that I go with for a covering ???
You can make a lid out of pond netting.....there are some threads somewhere on here about that. I just have egg crate, and have had fish jump thru it :(


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Scott T
I dunno I thought that I might just go with some Egg Crate because i have seen post on here that people use that. What do you suggest that I go with for a covering ???
Egg crate would be a good idea. You can even paint it black with Krylone Fusion paint to better match trim on the tank.

scott t

Active Member
Wow I will have to look for that Thread, Because i dont want any fish to jump out of the tank lol..
BTLDreef I like the Flame Angel better than the Coral Beauty.. Will this be ok in a Reef tank though with Corals??

scott t

Active Member
Yeah thats a good Idea 2Quills. Can I just paint the back of my tanks (55 gal DT just the back and the 29 Gal QT Back and Bottom) with Plain Latex Wall Paint??)


Originally Posted by Scott T
Wow I will have to look for that Thread, Because i dont want any fish to jump out of the tank lol..
BTLDreef I like the Flame Angel better than the Coral Beauty.. Will this be ok in a Reef tank though with Corals??
I have a flame and a coral beauty in my 225G, they have never nipped at any corals.....BUT...you never know ...they say angels MAY....every fish is different

scott t

Active Member
Yeah. I guess it would be hit or miss with the Angel but its got a lot of color to it so thats why I like the Flame Angel its so bright... LOL


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Scott T
Yeah thats a good Idea 2Quills. Can I just paint the back of my tanks (55 gal DT just the back and the 29 Gal QT Back and Bottom) with Plain Latex Wall Paint??)
Krylon Fushion is spray paint that bonds to plastics, Krylon also makes paint that bonds to glass. Latex might peel after a while, but if you ever decided to take it off it would be pretty easy.

scott t

Active Member
Lol thats ok .. Yeah I was wondering what kind of paint would be the best and I think that I am going to go with a Blue or black paint.. LOL Cant Decide which one yet... Might go with Black on the QT and the Blue on the Display


Originally Posted by Scott T
Wow I will have to look for that Thread, Because i dont want any fish to jump out of the tank lol..
BTLDreef I like the Flame Angel better than the Coral Beauty.. Will this be ok in a Reef tank though with Corals??
Yes, either should be fine with corals. I have both in a 155 and they've never nipped at corals. There is always a slight chance that they will, as with any angel, but usually they don't, especially if they're kept well fed, which I believe you will do. Just wait until there's enough algae in the tank for them to pick on, they need to be fed by you, but they also need to be able to graze on the rocks throughout the day. I made the mistake of making my Coral Beauty one of the first fish I put in the tank and she beats on newer additions, so by the time you're ready to add a dwarf, your tank rock should be ready for it. You never know with fish, I had a clownfish that tore apart a bunch of LPS on me.

I wish all beginners did as much research as you.
There's another beginner on here right now that's really being beat up because he just doesn't do any research and then tells us we're all wrong

As far as egg crate, you're honestly better off going with pond netting. I've always noticed that less light goes through the egg crating than the pond netting. Also, pond netting seems to have more options for different size holes so you can get a tighter knit and not worry about fish still jumping through as they can with the egg crate. I live dangerously and have an open top, but I don't keep fish that are known jumpers either. I just got tired of the tops on the tank, I'm in and out of it too much.

scott t

Active Member
Thanks BTLDreef, Yes I was reading on that too and have read here many time that you should add the most aggressive fish last to your tank, because the non-aggressive fish establish themselves in the tank and know where to hide and get away from the aggressive fish. So, if I do in fact add a Dwarf Angel That will be the last addition that I make to the tank.
Thank you for the compliment about doing my research I just want to know everything I can so I can do it right and with less margin of error. I know that I will still have many problems even though I have been diligent about doing my research. Me doing the research first will make me better off dealing with a problem when one arises in my tank. I know I have been reading his post, and I would never do anything like that to an animal whether I thought it felt pain or not......


my 16" engeneer goby jumped on me. add that to the list of jumpers :p


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Jstdv8
my 16" engeneer goby jumped on me. add that to the list of jumpers :p

You have a little smile,so you saved him?:...Any fish with a long body is a jumper, they move like bullets and sometimes they go airborn.


Wow!!! This has been such a helpful thread. I am looking into starting a 55 gal setup and knew I wanted to do a 20 gal sump but didn't really know how to do one. After reading this thread I now feel like I can make my own. Best of luck Scott! You have alot of the same questions as me so I look forward to keeping up with this thread!


Originally Posted by Flower

You have a little smile,so you saved him?:...Any fish with a long body is a jumper, they move like bullets and sometimes they go airborn.
sadly no, he was pretty dried up when I woke up in the AM.
Dang thing never comes off the sand during the day, but at night I've caught him a few times all over the tank.

scott t

Active Member
gcgrad, thats the wonderful thing about this site is you can come learn from others questions. I am glad that you are going with the Sump also, after talking to with others on here and doing some other Research on them I think it is going to be the best way to go. Thanks for the Wish of Luck on this and I Wish you the Best of Luck with yours also. Hey gcgrad do you have one of the "Stores that we love to hate" near you?? If so I got all of my tanks there and total for all three of them it was about $110.00 ( the 55 gal for the DT, the 29 gal for the QT and the 20 gal long for the sump) yes, I know what you are thinking "all 3 of them" for that...