Just Started My SW Tank!!! HELP ME OUT!


Active Member
your prolly gonna need 15-20 more lbs of LR minimum, the generally figuring is 1-1.5lbs of LR per gallon of water :p just an FYI


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
your prolly gonna need 15-20 more lbs of LR minimum, the generally figuring is 1-1.5lbs of LR per gallon of water :p just an FYI
Thank you, its just that im taking it slow. Trying to even out the spending and build it up slowly rather than droping 1000$ in one day. But yes, I was aware that I'm going to need more


Active Member
the only problem is, and i might be wrong here, im actually hoping that i am wrong, but, here goes LOL, if i remember from my research, adding live rock to a tank will cause the cycle to start over, i think, im not sure on that, but, being as how your tank hasnt fully cycled yet, it could potentially make the problem even worse
someone please tell me im wrong on this LOL


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
the only problem is, and i might be wrong here, im actually hoping that i am wrong, but, here goes LOL, if i remember from my research, adding live rock to a tank will cause the cycle to start over, i think, im not sure on that, but, being as how your tank hasnt fully cycled yet, it could potentially make the problem even worse
I'm not quite sure how by adding rock, causing the cycle to start over make the problem even worse?


Active Member
i just got the answer LOL you are going to have die off on the new rock u just added, and it can cause another spike in ammonia, if i remember right, for an established tank, u dont add live rock, but base rock, and it will eventually turn into live rock
woo thank god for research LOL now lets just hope all that research is right


Active Member
Is that a Fluval canister filter? Just wondering because I have a Fluval 404 and a 100 gal Skilter. I had a 125 gallon skimmer, but I never could get it adjusted right. The skilter I have is super easy to adjust, but I have the opposite problem as I've read alot of people have. I can't get very much algae growth. I have 200 scarlet and blue hermits and a lawnmower blenny that would starve if I didn't supplement them with sprulina flakes and sheets. The clean up crew is a good idea, but I don't think they'd fare well if the tank cycles. They (mine anyway) seem to be sensitive to chemical imbalance.


Active Member
inverts are supposed to be very sensitive to chemical imbalances, and copper was ever introduced to your tank, it could potentially kill every invert that gets put in there, depending on how good a job was done on cleaning it


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
i just got the answer LOL you are going to have die off on the new rock u just added, and it can cause another spike in ammonia, if i remember right, for an established tank, u dont add live rock, but base rock, and it will eventually turn into live rock
woo thank god for research LOL now lets just hope all that research is right

I havnt had any ammonia yet. All the levels are the same just as when I added the first set of live rock.


Active Member
then you havent even cycled yet, the addition of the new rock, with its subsequent die-off could cause your ammonia levels to sky rocket, thereby killing everything living in the tank over night


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
inverts are supposed to be very sensitive to chemical imbalances, and copper was ever introduced to your tank, it could potentially kill every invert that gets put in there, depending on how good a job was done on cleaning it

It use to be a FW tank if that makes a difference, but yes I made sure to thoroughly clean the tank


Active Member
what did u clean it with? i know some people will tell you to never use a tank thats been treated with copper as a display tank, keep it strictly for a quarantine tank only


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
then you havent even cycled yet, the addition of the new rock, with its subsequent die-off could cause your ammonia levels to sky rocket, thereby killing everything living in the tank over night
Why would they die-off, just curious?


get cured LR and keep it wet from the store to tank to avoid a cycle. or base rock will work at this point. save a few bucks a pound also


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
what did u clean it with? i know some people will tell you to never use a tank thats been treated with copper as a display tank, keep it strictly for a quarantine tank only
I cleaned it with vinegar. and then rinsed the whole tank.


Active Member
its part of the life cycle of the life on those rocks im guessing, im not exactly sure why you get die off, but, you will get it according to everything i can find here on the message boards, and when that happens, it causes a mini cycle, it will cause ur ammonia to spike, and with the fish in there, even a slight spike can be deadly for them
see man, most people will tell you, and this is what turns a lot of people off of saltwater, to let your tank cycle for anywhere from a month to 3 months before you even think about adding the first fish


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
its part of the life cycle of the life on those rocks im guessing, im not exactly sure why you get die off, but, you will get it according to everything i can find here on the message boards, and when that happens, it causes a mini cycle, it will cause ur ammonia to spike, and with the fish in there, even a slight spike can be deadly for them
see man, most people will tell you, and this is what turns a lot of people off of saltwater, to let your tank cycle for anywhere from a month to 3 months before you even think about adding the first fish
Well.....we will see whos wrong or right in a month or so. I already bought the fish, nothing I really can do.