Just Started My SW Tank!!! HELP ME OUT!


Active Member
even if the poor guys dont die, they're gonna be so stressed its not even funny, if i were you, id take em back to the LFS an ask them to hold them til your tank is properly cycled


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
even if the poor guys dont die, they're gonna be so stressed its not even funny, if i were you, id take em back to the LFS an ask them to hold them til your tank is properly cycled

From what I hear about LFS on this forum, I believe they would suffer more there than if I just left them in my tank.


Active Member
it depends on the LFS to be honest, but, they actually stand a better chance of living at the LFS than they do in a tank that hasnt cycled yet


Active Member
you need to get an alkalinity test... i'd recommend a phosphate, calcium, and magnesium test too if you're going to be reefkeeping..
AND definitely a better light.


in the pics above i noticed some black spots on your clowns might want to keep an eye on that cause it could be black ick, or it may just be Hyper-Melaninization which they get from coral with stinging cells were the clowns in a tank with corals when you got them?


Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
you need to get an alkalinity test... i'd recommend a phosphate, calcium, and magnesium test too if you're going to be reefkeeping..
AND definitely a better light.
Yeah I'm gunna wait on the reef. But for right now is the light ok for the LR?


Originally Posted by username.
in the pics above i noticed some black spots on your clowns might want to keep an eye on that cause it could be black ick, or it may just be Hyper-Melaninization which they get from coral with stinging cells were the clowns in a tank with corals when you got them?

Yes they were. What should I be looking for? Just watch and see if it gets worse? Any kind of weird behavior I should be looking for?


go and check out the fish desease and treatment forum and look at the stickys in there and you could also post some pics
in there and some one with more knowledge could help you alot more than i could


Originally Posted by username.
go and check out the fish desease and treatment forum and look at the stickys in there and you could also post some pics
in there and some one with more knowledge could help you alot more than i could

great Thanks!


Active Member
u can buy the red sea kits online for like 29.99, its a master test kit that should have everything u need in it, i think its like 6 different kind of tests


more rock ..make sure it is fully cured, another power head, Upgrade light fixture if you want to do a reef,and a small CUC for now. With that light you might get away with some mushrooms but it is to early fo that....just take your time or elese you going to learn the hard way and waste a lot of money.


Originally Posted by tdog7879
more rock ..make sure it is fully cured, another power head, Upgrade light fixture if you want to do a reef,and a small CUC for now. With that light you might get away with some mushrooms but it is to early fo that....just take your time or elese you going to learn the hard way and waste a lot of money.
thanks alot i appreciate it.


I never had an ammonia spike during my cycle just nitrates but i did use cured live rock with live sand...hopefully you won't have an ammonia spike for your clowns.


Originally Posted by cal559
I never had an ammonia spike during my cycle just nitrates but i did use cured live rock with live sand...hopefully you won't have an ammonia spike for your clowns.

You might have missed it? When ammonia is oxidized it converts to nitrite which then converts to nitrate?


Originally Posted by Shyshko08
You might have missed it? When ammonia is oxidized it converts to nitrite which then converts to nitrate?

I never had an ammonia spike either...tested daily...only had an issue with nitrates, but I think it was due to overfeeding..."THE BOOK" said feed 2-3 times a day....WRONG!!!!!... But thanks to this forum I know better now.
My books are "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" and Marine Fishes....