LARGE Plywood Tank Build


Active Member
its the wall the tank is sitting in front of right now...of course it'll be turned around, but the front of the tank will then be in the "enterance" room of the house, what we call the fish room.


Some things you need to keep in mind Luke.
Unless you garage is climate controlled and you are going to keep the doors shut all the time you need to start thinking about what size chiller you are going to run. Once you open the doors or pull a hot car in, the water is going to soak up that heat fast. Winter time you will be ok but the summer is going to be a problem.
Hope you planted a bigger money tree.


Originally Posted by Otty
Some things you need to keep in mind Luke.
Unless you garage is climate controlled and you are going to keep the doors shut all the time you need to start thinking about what size chiller you are going to run. Once you open the doors or pull a hot car in, the water is going to soak up that heat fast. Winter time you will be ok but the summer is going to be a problem.
Hope you planted a bigger money tree.
Don't forget that he is going to have only 2 400watt MHs on a total of OVER 500 gallons of water. The heat from the lighting and 2 pumps is not going to be an issue. Now for the winter, that might be a little different, but nothing a few heaters can't handle. 90* temps here in Indy shouldn't be to big of a problem for an amount of water this large. This is simply my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Otty
Some things you need to keep in mind Luke.
Unless you garage is climate controlled and you are going to keep the doors shut all the time you need to start thinking about what size chiller you are going to run. Once you open the doors or pull a hot car in, the water is going to soak up that heat fast. Winter time you will be ok but the summer is going to be a problem.
Hope you planted a bigger money tree.
yep, already thought of it, and i'm going to see how it goes during cycling...and see what i need...i've have a 1/2hp chiller i can get my hands on super cheap, just needs some minor work, but we'll see how it goes...dont want to waste money where i dont need as i go we'll see what happens
as brandan stated though, with only two 400w lights(hopefully) and two pumps, i'm hoping my heat issue will be low with a couple of larger fans, or exhausts exiting the top of the garage or something of that sort.


Well if you can get a hold of a 1/2hp then you should be ok, just remember that if it is a indoor chiller you will need to get the heat off the condenser coil outside as well or the water will pick that heat up. The lights is not what I was worried about. Ambient air and heat from the cars will increase the temp in the garage. Water soaks up heat fast, more then what you realize. I have went through all of this in my fish room just because I was blowing the fans across the top of the tank into this room. My sump and fuge was soaking the heat up faster then I could get it outside.
Hope you don't have any problems with it but just keep it in mind as I way under engineered my ventilation for just 310g. and have been fighting it ever since.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Great job so far. Wish I had something like this going
Originally Posted by Otty

Well if you can get a hold of a 1/2hp then you should be ok, just remember that if it is a indoor chiller you will need to get the heat off the condenser coil outside as well or the water will pick that heat up. The lights is not what I was worried about. Ambient air and heat from the cars will increase the temp in the garage. Water soaks up heat fast, more then what you realize. I have went through all of this in my fish room just because I was blowing the fans across the top of the tank into this room. My sump and fuge was soaking the heat up faster then I could get it outside.
Hope you don't have any problems with it but just keep it in mind as I way under engineered my ventilation for just 310g. and have been fighting it ever since.

yea, i'm hoping not as many cars will be parking into the garage so no worries of a hot car parking in there or anything like that, just my body working away...but we'll see how it goes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
its the wall the tank is sitting in front of right now...of course it'll be turned around, but the front of the tank will then be in the "enterance" room of the house, what we call the fish room.
So it will "live" in the garage but the glass will be in the house??


Active Member
yea, actually the entire tank will be in the garage...on the inside I'm going to have the wall angle in towards the front corners...if you can picture that...that way the entire tank can sit on the stand instead of most on the stand and part on the wall....makes it easier for plumbing.


Active Member
it isn't at thsi time...right now i'm in the process also of insulation the remainder of the garage and garage door...and will heat it if wouldnt be hard to splice it in as there is a duct that runs very close to it


Originally Posted by Bronco300
yea, actually the entire tank will be in the garage...on the inside I'm going to have the wall angle in towards the front corners...if you can picture that...that way the entire tank can sit on the stand instead of most on the stand and part on the wall....makes it easier for plumbing.
Will you recess the wall or picture frame it. If you picture frame it try foam peaces they come in all shapes and sizes can be silconed in place and paintable with a littel bit of work or wood. check it out if yur into it. hope everything is smooth sailing for you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sman
Coming along nicely!
iyachtuxivm, where in flint do you live? Im in Burton over by davison.
Originally Posted by DrTITO

Will you recess the wall or picture frame it. If you picture frame it try foam peaces they come in all shapes and sizes can be silconed in place and paintable with a littel bit of work or wood. check it out if yur into it. hope everything is smooth sailing for you.

i plan on taking the wall in at maybe 8" around the aqarium...and angling towards the tank...not sure yet because i want to have a opening in the room so i can work from the front too


Active Member
well today I went to lowes and got some plumbing stuff and played around once i got home....and the troop of silicone that will be servicing my tank and glass
need more plumbing pieces of course, but just wanted to some to try it out at least.
