LARGE Plywood Tank Build


Active Member
tonight i'll hopefully have all the sanding done..then just a painting and i'll be ready to turn the tank over and get it setup to seal the glass in


Active Member
Hey I think your doing GREAT!!! dont worry about everyone rushing you!....................................................................................OK I waited long enough! IS THE GLASS IN??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????GEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


Active Member
lol, man you people are pushy!!
i suppose i could technically put the glass in first, then finish the other stuff since i'll be waiting to let it cure completely for sure.


Active Member
NO NO don't go second guessing yourself now just because a holes like nwdyr and me are being pushy. Keep with your plan. We are just messin with ya.


Active Member
haha, no, i technically could, and then it could cure while i finish the rest...but we'll see how sanding goes tonight, hopefully i can finish...then just a few days away from setting the glass


Active Member
Hey who you callin a hole?....................... ok I guess we are .....well kinda
Yea bronco we really are just messin with ya , you do it at your own speed. I would hate to see you have a prob. Just cuz we were kiddin with ya! Take your time and do it right so we cal all enjoy it for a good long time

Patiently waiting


Active Member
i dont intend on doing anything because you cnuts--but kind of make sense now that i think of it...maybe..haha


Active Member
OH NO! I now have this premonition of Bronco pinning anything that goes wrong with this build on us nwdyr!

Even now that I feel it is too late to right this wrong, I will sit patiently on the sidelines waiting for Bronco to make his next move.


Active Member
Well I'm sure its a relief having the glass now...
It's always fun setting up a new tank - but do you even have all the support equipment yet?


Active Member
oh ye of little faith...i believe i have everything i need equpiment wise, i have to go buy my sumps but i'm using just rubbermaid so nothing hard to get...have both return/closed loops pumps, the light rail...two MH systems, extra powerheads if i need....gotta buy a couple i think i'm good with equip...its the rock and sand that is going to suck...i have a few bags of Tropic eden already but i assume i'll be needing quite a bit more...the rock will be the worst part...but at least fun to aquascape
oh, and yes spanko, you two are now my scapegoats ...haha..i did get the sanding done last night, so just putting on a few epoxy layers and i'll be ready i think.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Are you going to use all live rock or miture of both live and base?
i'll be using all live, no base junk for me

Originally Posted by spanko
I knew it!

Let's see, where did I put those instructions on how to change your screen name?

Originally Posted by nwdyr

http:///forum/post/2704794 i have to enter into the "Reefers protection program"
haha...good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
oh ye of little faith...i believe i have everything i need equpiment wise, i have to go buy my sumps but i'm using just rubbermaid so nothing hard to get...
Watch, Rubbermaid will go out of business and all assets will be siezed and sold to the Chinese.


Active Member
Probably made by the Chinese anyway. Hey Bronco, you better test for lead in them bad boys. Who knows what the chinese put in there.......


Hey Bronco,
Just wondering
You got any idea what this monster weighs now that the glass is in?
Not that I'm comming over to help you lift it.
( That is unless you need help
P.S. You must have a great wife,putting up with this project and all.


Active Member
haha, i have no idea, the glass was around 160-180 alone...not sure how much the tank weights...probably a 2-300? it'll be interesting getting it up...i think most likely i'll have to do cinder blocks and work it up little by little.


Active Member
well wednesday my bud brandan will be coming down to help set the glass in place...then this weekend we should have its first water test...scary stuff!!!!