Luckly there was a smaller one thats doing good! I made a purchase of a nice rock with what was thought to have 4 yuma rics. Got it home placed in the tank. checked on in a hour or so turns out there was...........12 yumas!!!!! I only paid 30 bucks for it!!! SCORE !!
Originally Posted by saltyVT
tell me about it..... going to place in a heater again. when I first put it in the temp was way to high, now that its cold out the temps in the low 70's. More $$$$$ in the the bottomless tank
I wish I had this problem. My tank NEVER drops below 80. Not even at night.
Welcome to florida!
Thanks!! I need to add some more, been busy and haven't had time to head to the LFS. Sushi loves to sleep near the top intake. The tank stays at 80, thats with the heater. I had to add one because when I added the sunpod the loss of the top dropped the temp.
yeah it has its good and bad days. Since moving it, it has come bad to life. I think that most of my softies did better in the Compacts then the halides.
Tank looks nice. How did your softies react to the halide ar first? I've been thinking bout switching from PC's to MH's. I'm gonna have to start a thread on my 20 gal. Its fairly new so I better start taking pics now before its fully stocked.
Anyways congrats! It's come a long way.
The change to halide made most of the softies mad. I used the screen method for a little while but grew impatient and did it in a week. Everything is doing great now, but the frogspawn is looking a little sick.
List::Lets see i f I can remember!
Crocea Clam
Milli Rose Ora
Mean Greens
Yellow Polys
A bunch of Yumas
Cabbage leather
Cnady Canes
Pulsating Xenias
False percula
snail, Hermits
Think thats it