lets here it for bush


Active Member
Originally Posted by cantbstopd
i give baby bush all the credit in the world, for sending our troops over to fight a war that we knew nothing about, dont forget the whole thing started with the fall of the towers......so we got sadam, whoopty do. now no one can control anyone over there. how come we dont have bin laden? did we just forget this, he must be a ghost or something. For our modern day vietnam war, good job bush BUSH BLOWS.... i almost moved out of the country, thanks to the re-election of the coke head.
Once again proving my point. The President haters would rather attack and flame than debate/look at facts/suggest alternatives.
Coke head? Did the President ever say he used illegal drugs? I know Senator Obama admitted using coke. I know Clinton admitted using marijuana but I'm unaware of President Bush admitting this or evidence of it. I look forward to your proof. I'M always willing to learn.
Why did we know "nothing" of Iraq? Could it be because they backed out of their treaty with us and refused total access to UN inspectors?
Why don't we have Bin Laden? Why don't you tell me? Do you have a better plan to get him?
I love all the liberals who say they "almost" moved out of the country. Heck, I almost
built a time machine and jumped into the future when Clinton was elected....


Active Member
Originally Posted by team2jndd
lol I dont really constitute the news as world facts. I think the media is very much filtered.
Lol, valid point. But at least they could be trying to keep up.
Not that I blame them though. I believe our education system is failing to teach students to think for themselves.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Once again proving my point. The President haters would rather attack and flame than debate/look at facts/suggest alternatives.
Coke head? Did the President ever say he used illegal drugs? I know Senator Obama admitted using coke. I know Clinton admitted using marijuana but I'm unaware of President Bush admitting this or evidence of it. I look forward to your proof. I'M always willing to learn.
Why did we know "nothing" of Iraq? Could it be because they backed out of their treaty with us and refused total access to UN inspectors?
Why don't we have Bin Laden? Why don't you tell me? Do you have a better plan to get him?
I love all the liberals who say they "almost" moved out of the country. Heck, I almost built a time machine and jumped into the future when Clinton was elected....
Let the learning begin
Scroll to the bottom
Admits Marijuana use and when reminded he denied using cocaine he said" i never denied anything. Isnt the internet great?!



Active Member
I don't... Read my posts. I state Saddam broke the Treaty of Desert Storm and was therefore fair game
I don't know who said this but I'm sure whoever wrote it will recognize it. I was actually referring to the Bush admin who used this as their basic reason/excuse for originally invading Iraq. When Bush and friends presented their case to America, that is not the excuse they used.
On the topic of the teachers' influence, I remember reading the original post but I don't remember what it stems from. Anyway, here's my take on it. Everyone has their own point of view and it's hard to keep it hidden all the time. I had teachers on both sides of the fence in middle and highschool, but I also had some amazing teachers (and my dad) who encouraged me to think for myself above all, to look into what I was being told. This was probably the most valuable thing I learned in highschool and if every kid was seriously taught this lesson, teacher influence wouldn't be a big issue.
For example. My first day of my freshman year we were given this essay by our world history teacher that layed out a reason for why humans stopped being nomadic. It was a crazy theory backed by no real evidence and we were supposed to write what we thought about it. Most people were too afraid to say that they though it was incorrect, and that was actually the point of the assignment, to show us that we should stand up for what we believe in and understand why we think the way we do. Unfortunately most kids don't learn this in school, and it doesn't occur to them to look into where their opinions come from.
On a sort of related note, I agree that a large chunk of the kids in my generation (I'm 19) are ignorant. They are so focussed on what they need that they don't have any idea what is going on around them. I of course don't put myself in that category, but I see it occuring around me all the time. It's unfortunate, but my genration is more about following than leading and I hope that can change sometime in the near future for all of our sake.
sorry for another ridiculously long post :S


Active Member
Admits Marijuana use and when reminded he denied using cocaine he said" i never denied anything. Isnt the internet great?!
I'm not saying it's not true, I havn't looked into it, but wikipedia is not a reliable source. Random people submit those facts and they aren't edited very well. Could be true, but I wouldn't take it is the final word w/o confirmation from other sources.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm going to need a better source than wikipedia.
What a surprise, guess you dont like that evidence.
Just google "bush drug use" and you'll get a few thousand more. Its common knowledge that he has repeatedly refused to answer wether he used drugs before 1974. If you hadn't , you would just say no. He cant say that for fear the truth will come out because he has used illegal drugs. Very comparable to what Mcgwire did before Congress.


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt2
What a surprise, guess you dont like that evidence.
Just google "bush drug use" and you'll get a few thousand more. Its common knowledge that he has repeatedly refused to answer wether he used drugs before 1974. If you hadn't , you would just say no. He cant say that for fear the truth will come out because he has used illegal drugs. Very comparable to what Mcgwire did before Congress.
Ahh... so your evidence is that he won't answer a question. Fair enough... Saddam refused to allow inspectors in, so by the same logic we can say he had WMd's.


Active Member
I dont get it. Who cares if he used drugs? If hes not walking around with a needle sticking out of his arm I dont understand how thats relevant to his presidency. Before 1974..... Do you want to be held accountable for what you did over 30 years ago in your next job interview? And using wikipedia isnt proving a point, if there are thousands just post one of them. My teachers give a failing grade for any papers that site wikipedia as a source.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Ahh... so your evidence is that he won't answer a question. Fair enough...
No, he answers the question. He has repeatedly said he hasnt used any illegal drugs since 1974. When asked what about before 1974, he refuses to answer. Hmmm, why not answer the follow up if he hasnt used drugs :notsure:
Its been widely reported that he had a cocaine case sealed and/or expunged in the late 60's to early 70's which is most likely the reason for the refusal to answer the pre 1974 question. If he says he never used drugs and somehow that sealed case became unsealed he would have been finished.


Active Member
I agree, if he did use them back then, maybe he learned something from them, like drugs will mess you up, maybe he didn't learn anything at all. It shouldn't affect his current presidency (this coming from someone who doesn't even like him).
The only way it would bother me would be if it affected his ability to think, but hey, you should be able to assess his ability to think before you vote for him, drugs or no drugs.


Originally Posted by Johnny84
You can't even compare the world wars to what is happening now. In the World Wars we were asked to help the other countries in need, we had world support back then.
We invaded Iraq ! We were the aggressor. Iraq at the time did nothing to harm us. Bush did not do his homework and for that he needs to be critized and blamed. For its him and him alone that got us into this mess. All this while the mastermind behind 9/11 is still walking free and getting more supporters then ever before. Yeah thanks a lot Bush, good job !!

Alright, I've sat here and read these posts and kept a silent tounge long enough. As for my point of view (USMC Retired as of '04) I can only say that if it weren't for our brave young men and women (who by the way enlisted - not drafted) if it be on our home soil or overseas, has given and kept your liberal rights to say and think as you please. I was in D.C. on 9-11 and if you think that Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism, then I suggest you tell that to the thousands and thousands of men, women and children that lost a loved one on that fateful day. As far as should not have invaded Iraq, maybe you're saying that we should have just let another 1,000,000 innocent men and women and children die because of Sadam. Now, off my soap box and back to some reading..............


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt2
No, he answers the question. He has repeatedly said he hasnt used any illegal drugs since 1974. When asked what about before 1974, he refuses to answer. Hmmm, why not answer the follow up if he hasnt used drugs :notsure:
Its been widely reported that he had a cocaine case sealed and/or expunged in the late 60's to early 70's which is most likely the reason for the refusal to answer the pre 1974 question. If he says he never used drugs and somehow that sealed case became unsealed he would have been finished.
You conveniently left out the rest of my statement:
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

Ahh... so your evidence is that he won't answer a question. Fair enough... Saddam refused to allow inspectors in, so by the same logic we can say he had WMd's.
It was widely proven that Saddam had and used WMD's in the 80's. He refused to allow inspectors in. So by your logic he had WMDs when we invaded.


Originally Posted by team2jndd
I dont get it. Who cares if he used drugs? If hes not walking around with a needle sticking out of his arm I dont understand how thats relevant to his presidency. Before 1974..... Do you want to be held accountable for what you did over 30 years ago in your next job interview? And using wikipedia isnt proving a point, if there are thousands just post one of them. My teachers give a failing grade for any papers that site wikipedia as a source.
CNN good enough for ya guys???
He says not in the last 25 years but prior to that i wont answer for fear of sending a message to kids that what i did was ok. If he never used drugs would he say that or "nope, i never did and neither should you!"
Are you guys joking about this or drinking the Koolaid you accuse the liberals in here of drinking????


Ahh, it might be true... it might not. I don't really see how it is relevant to what he has done during his tenur as President. Think about it, most people who are over age 45 ( no statistic but my guess would be appr. 65%) did or at least tried some type of illegal drug during the 70's. BIG DEAL. What does this have to do with his decision making abilities now. If you believe it does, then every President since Daddy george, and maybe even Jimmy C. (Remeber what that guy looked like) is untrustworthy because he smoked but didn't inhale, or tasted, but didn't snort.
I agree with what journey man has been saying during this whole thread. I just wish I could be as articulate!


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You conveniently left out the rest of my statement:
It was widely proven that Saddam had and used WMD's in the 80's. He refused to allow inspectors in. So by your logic he had WMDs when we invaded.
Yeah, i spin things

Keep ignoring that i keep saying he HAS ANSWERED THE QUESTION! He answers for the last 25 years but wont go further for, by his own words, "fear of sending kids the message that its ok to do what he did". And also that he "made some mistakes and learned from them" when asked about illegal drug use.
What could he possibly mean by that other than he used drugs more than 25 years ago??????


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt2
CNN good enough for ya guys???
He says not in the last 25 years but prior to that i wont answer for fear of sending a message to kids that what i did was ok. If he never used drugs would he say that or "nope, i never did and neither should you!"
Are you guys joking about this or drinking the Koolaid you accuse the liberals in here of drinking????
Hehe, so we can assume the President did cocaine, but we can't assume Saddam had WMDs. Seems fair.
I'm not arguing that the President did or didn't do drugs. I'm just saying your statement that he did is without proof. Now, if you want to say Obama is a "coke head" I'd have to agree with you.



First it was show me some evidence.
Then it was, thats not good evidence
Then in the face of CNN, massive backpedaling
I'm not saying its fact but it is INCREDIBLY suspicious. You said you were unaware of any evidence of his drug use and would like to see some. Obviously i wasnt gonna scan a copy of the disposition of a cocaine case i found but i consider his statements to the national media reported in cnn as pretty strong evidence that he used illegal drugs before 1974.
Just for the record, i dont care wether he did or not. Actually, i probably wouldnt want a guy who never used any drug even in college running the show.