lets here it for bush


Active Member
maybe you're saying that we should have just let another 1,000,000 innocent men and women and children die because of Sadam
What about darfur then? I feel for those people and I feel guilty that we aren't doing more to relieve them of their current situation, but at the same time I think we should focus a large chunk of our efforts helping them because we don't have the money. Sounds like a horrible reason, but we are spending so much money and we are in so much debt right now that we can't handle it. My point is that we can't help everyone and although it makes me sad to think that everyone doesn't have what we americans have I am not making those people suffer and it isn't my right and responsibility to feel guilty for not helping them just as I don't feel guilting for not signing up to join the war in Iraq.


Active Member
Just for the record, i dont care wether he did or not. Actually, i probably wouldnt want a guy who never used any drug even in college running the show.
That's taking it a little far. I'm a sophomore in college now and I don't plan on experimenting w/coke or ex before I leave and although I would never run, I don't think my lack of experimentation should keep my out of the running.


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt2

First it was show me some evidence.
Then it was, thats not good evidence
Then in the face of CNN, massive backpedaling
I'm not saying its fact but it is INCREDIBLY suspicious. You said you were unaware of any evidence of his drug use and would like to see some. Obviously i wasnt gonna scan a copy of the disposition of a cocaine case i found but i consider his statements to the national media reported in cnn as pretty strong evidence that he used illegal drugs before 1974.
Just for the record, i dont care wether he did or not. Actually, i probably wouldnt want a guy who never used any drug even in college running the show.
You have still not shown ANY evidence. I've heard the rumors and allegations, but I've not seen any evidence. No backpedaling at all, just asking for a simple standard to be met or to at least hold Saddam to the same lower standard.


Active Member
Originally Posted by garnet13aj
What about darfur then? I feel for those people and I feel guilty that we aren't doing more to relieve them of their current situation, but at the same time I think we should focus a large chunk of our efforts helping them because we don't have the money. Sounds like a horrible reason, but we are spending so much money and we are in so much debt right now that we can't handle it. My point is that we can't help everyone and although it makes me sad to think that everyone doesn't have what we americans have I am not making those people suffer and it isn't my right and responsibility to feel guilty for not helping them just as I don't feel guilting for not signing up to join the war in Iraq.
1. I think it's a tragedy. And I think that we should be doing more.
2. It's not in any way a security risk to us. Iraq was.
3. Darfur is a civil war over religion. The VERY thing liberals are saying we need to avoid in Iraq.


No, i was half joking about that but really how many people in this day and age go their whole lives without doing any illegal drugs at all? Not very many. Even prescription drugs are illegal if they arent prescribed to you and you are taking them.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You have still not shown ANY evidence. I've heard the rumors and allegations, but I've not seen any evidence. No backpedaling at all, just asking for a simple standard to be met or to at least hold Saddam to the same lower standard.
That is certainly evidence, not proof, but evidence. Those arent rumors and allegations, those are the presidents own words.
Seriously, how in the world could you possibly explain the President telling the media "I havent used drugs since 1974" but when asked "what about prior to 1974", he says "i wont answer that for fear of letting kids think its ok to do what i did"?? Do you not think that sounds INCREDIBLY damning and suspicious?? Why in the world would he not say "i never used drugs before 1974" if he hadnt?
What other possible explanation is there other than he knows that somewhere out there is proof of drug use before 1974 and someday it may surface?

bang guy

Originally Posted by emmitt2
No, i was half joking about that but really how many people in this day and age go their whole lives without doing any illegal drugs at all? Not very many. Even prescription drugs are illegal if they arent prescribed to you and you are taking them.
I never have.


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt2
What other possible explanation is there other than he knows that somewhere out there is proof of drug use before 1974 and someday it may surface?
What other reason could a defeated dictator refuse to live up to his side of an agreed peace treaty and refuse to allow unlimited access to UN inspectors?


Lol, I was more talking about people born 1970 and after, no offense. I think drug use in college has increased alot and are easier to get(especially designer drugs) since the late 80's.
I'm not saying everyone, very driven people or people who started careers without going to college are much more likely to have not experimented.
Did you go to college Bangguy(I in no way mean that as an insult just curious because of the never used issue)?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
What other reason could a defeated dictator refuse to live up to his side of an agreed peace treaty and refuse to allow unlimited access to UN inspectors?
I agree with that 100%. They both were definitely hiding something.
I voted for Bush and am a republican
I'm not really for or against him at this point, i think he has done some good things for the economy but i also think he hasnt handled the iraq situation very well even though i was for going to war.
I just think its silly for him to deny it in the way he has. His statements certainly are fishy on the subject.


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt2
I just think its silly for him to deny it in the way he has. His statements certainly are fishy on the subject.
I agree.
I understand why he said what he did though, if he used illegal drugs. The office of the President holds tremendous authority. He didn't want kids to say "see, the President did it so it must be ok". Like I said earlier, I worked with teens for 13 years. I've heard the "president did it" argument for both marijuana and certain "other" activities involving Monica. Teens say "hey, the President did it and said it wasnt' --- so it must not be".


Originally Posted by emmitt2
That is certainly evidence, not proof, but evidence. Those arent rumors and allegations, those are the presidents own words.
Seriously, how in the world could you possibly explain the President telling the media "I havent used drugs since 1974" but when asked "what about prior to 1974", he says "i wont answer that for fear of letting kids think its ok to do what i did"?? Do you not think that sounds INCREDIBLY damning and suspicious?? Why in the world would he not say "i never used drugs before 1974" if he hadnt?
What other possible explanation is there other than he knows that somewhere out there is proof of drug use before 1974 and someday it may surface?
And remember, Clinton did NOT have sexual relations with "that" woman ...


wow...lots of post since mine. and this 1journeyman really loves the president. then i looked at where he is from.......Texas. :hilarious almost like the iraqis that thought sadam was so great.....lol :thinking:

bang guy

Originally Posted by emmitt2
Did you go to college Bangguy(I in no way mean that as an insult just curious because of the never used issue)?


Very impressive!
Like i said, VERY driven people(clearly you are one) are much less likely to have experimented. Doesn't sound like you took a bunch of afternoon Poly Sci classes for 3 years before deciding on a major like alot of us,lol.
What school if you dont mind? Just wondering because your profile is from NY and i went to Syracuse. Not Syracuse by chance?


Active Member
Originally Posted by cantbstopd
wow...lots of post since mine. and this 1journeyman really loves the president. then i looked at where he is from.......Texas. :hilarious almost like the iraqis that thought sadam was so great.....lol :thinking:
Proud to be a Texan neighbor.
That doesn't discredit my posts, however. I've asked specific questions that have failed to be answered by the critics.
My "love" for the president is grossly overshadowed by many folks hate of him.

bang guy

University of Nebraska
University of Phoenix
University at Buffalo
I do follow Orangemen B-Ball though :cheer:


Cool, very diverse.
My friend went to the University of Arizona and still talks about how nice it was there and how much he loved it 14 years later.
OK, i'll stop hijacking with alma mata's
Back to the debate ***)
That cheerleader of yours didnt do much for us on Sunday
, lol.