lets here it for bush


Active Member
Ugghh... where to begin...
Originally Posted by nano guy
bush SUCKS!!!! we are fighting a war that daddy bush started and never finished!!!!!!
Are you aware of the politics that were going on then? We couldn't "finish" because the coalition wouldn't allow it. Funny, though, seeing as how this time the same people that cry "we didn't finish" wanted us to have a coalition again this time. And, I don't know about you, but a failed assasination plot on one of our President's seems to me to be an act of war...
Originally Posted by nano guy
we have spent enough money on this war and lost enough of our boys lives to this war!!!!!!!!!!!!
enough is enough!!!!!!!!!WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THERE !!!!let them fend for there selves over there.
Do you believe the same thing about the Nazi's in WWII?
Originally Posted by nano guy
our country is a mess do to BUSH!!!!! we need to help our own people.lots of americans out of work,do not have health care,living on the streets!!
The truth
is, more people are at work and more have health care today than under Clinton. Let's not forget that more people own their own homes...
Originally Posted by nano guy

WE NEED A CHANGE!!!!!! IMPEACH BUSH,they did president clinton, all he did was have --- with another and lied about it.
Careful, according to Clinton he didn't have --- with her...
Originally Posted by nano guy

this guy lies,takes care of the rich,and has our country a MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Takes care of the rich? You mean like giving a tax break to EVERYONE? Ya, heaven forbid the people that pay the most in taxes actually get the biggest tax break.... That's so unfair.
Originally Posted by nano guy

THANK GOD HE HAS ONLY TWO MORE YEARS!!!!! i am counting down the days till we have a new president.i feel sorry for the next president he or she will have big mess on there hands!!!!
The next President will have a "mess" on their hands if people in our country keep drinking the Kool Aid and refuse to accept facts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zlynnc2003
Doesn't matter, Once again ask a Native American about poor Immigration laws.
Are we afraid of what started in 1492 might happen to your family. The only difference being is they are Hispanic this time. And they aren't going to leave. You can't shot them once they get inside the boarder.
I guess you can blame that on the librals. I mean in the old days you call them dirty lazy heathen's and than erradicate them. Only the majority of Mexican and south americans are catholic so we can't call them heathen's this time.
You might want to start another thread on this, as it is an interesting topic for conversation.


True it could be a very interesting thread but if you want to talk about war, government, and soldiers and the US lets not forget how this government and nation came to being. And at whose expense. Do you say we can compare wars starting from WWI or do we say we will only refer to American wars past and present to only those fought abroad? Do we only allow talk back to Winston Churchhill, Bill Clinton? WHy not Anderew Jackson's views on massacuring Native Americans? This is what are Miliatry is based on the Calvery. Is it because we are shamful of what our Goverment did and continues to do to those Indiguous nations within our boarders? Are we not wanting to open that closet out of shame or because we keep choose to keep it locked. Do you wander what kind of field day Alqazier (sp?)media in the middle east could have with that.
Or maybe most people like to think what Good Indians are left are sitting home smoking their peacepipes enjoying their so called government handout. Truth is most people don't know how to reply to it or don't like having it brough up in issues they are discussing because they don't know much about it since they only got the US History class version in middle school, or through John Wayne and a close to the truth Kevin Costner and they don't know how to talk about it. Yes it would make a good subject on another Thread. But we are talking war, government and the US and all war's we have been involve in right? So lets include the First one, Hey ya won that one too!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zlynnc2003
True it could be a very interesting thread but if you want to talk about war, government, and soldiers and the US lets not forget how this government and nation came to being. And at whose expense. Do you say we can compare wars starting from WWI or do we say we will only refer to American wars past and present to only those fought abroad? Do we only allow talk back to Winston Churchhill, Bill Clinton? WHy not Anderew Jackson's views on massacuring Native Americans? This is what are Miliatry is based on the Calvery. Is it because we are shamful of what our Goverment did and continues to do to those Indiguous nations within our boarders? Are we not wanting to open that closet out of shame or because we keep choose to keep it locked. Do you wander what kind of field day Alqazier (sp?)media in the middle east could have with that.
Or maybe most people like to think what Good Indians are left are sitting home smoking their peacepipes enjoying their so called government handout. Truth is most people don't know how to reply to it or don't like having it brough up in issues they are discussing because they don't know much about it since they only got the US History class version in middle school, or through John Wayne and a close to the truth Kevin Costner and they don't know how to talk about it. Yes it would make a good subject on another Thread. But we are talking war, government and the US and all war's we have been involve in right? So lets include the First one, Hey ya won that one too!
I confess I don't no too much about Native American history. They were treated horribly, no question.
I don't see how that pertains to the current discussion, however. Like I suggested, feel free to start a discussion on this.


New Member
does any body remember the clinton adminitration was wanting to take out saddam? he talked really talked like he wanted to do it. he did'nt have the balls to do it. he had how many chances to take out bin laden but would't do it that . remember black hawk down, we pulled out like little kids. bin laden said usa is a papper tiger. uss cole was a attack under the clinton admintration. how many kids were killed. what did usa do we kissed ass
then we had planes hit some buildings. oops that was bush's falt??
I am older than most of you. if you are only listening major media you are being brain washed.

bang guy

Originally Posted by showmenow
does any body remember the clinton adminitration was wanting to take out saddam?
I remember him wagging his right index finger at the camera after the first WTC bombing and telling Osama "you'd better not do that again." It wasn't long before the USS Cole was bombed and I remember being so appalled when I saw him wagging his right index finger at the camera and telling Osama "you'd better not do that again."
I was in the Middle East for the beginning of 1991. I remember thinking we were going straight to Bagdad. So did the hundreds of Iraqis that were helping us. My squadron went home in April, the Iraqis that helped us were all executed by Saddam.
I understand why Bush needed us to leave but I'll never be able to forget feeling like we abandoned a lot of freedom seeking Iraqis and sentenced them to death for helping us. It wasn't a surprise to me that most Iraqi are afraid to help US troops given our history of leaving before the job is done.


Active Member
So Saudi_Arabia wants to lower the price of barells of oil considerably, hopefully lowering gas prices..The Bush administration is behind the curtain on this deal, wonder if when prices drop people will remember how its his "fault" that prices are so high


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
So Saudi_Arabia wants to lower the price of barells of oil considerably, hopefully lowering gas prices..The Bush administration is behind the curtain on this deal, wonder if when prices drop people will remember how its his "fault" that prices are so high
Speaking of the Saudis, aren't they the real financial backbone behind a great number of terrorists and terrorist attacks? If I am not mistaken, weren't 15 of the 19 hijackers from 9/11 Saudi citizens? Oh ya, Bin Laden himself was born and raised there. So why have we not imposed any sanctions against them? I would be willing to bet that it's becuase they invest to much money into companies such as Halliburton and the Caryle group and other interests that our pres and his administration have close ties to. It's all a big joke and I'd love to see who is getting the lion share of contracts in Iraq and where the money is going.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Speaking of the Saudis, aren't they the real financial backbone behind a great number of terrorists and terrorist attacks? If I am not mistaken, weren't 15 of the 19 hijackers from 9/11 Saudi citizens? Oh ya, Bin Laden himself was born and raised there. So why have we not imposed any sanctions against them? I would be willing to bet that it's becuase they invest to much money into companies such as Halliburton and the Caryle group and other interests that our pres and his administration have close ties to. It's all a big joke and I'd love to see who is getting the lion share of contracts in Iraq and where the money is going.
Conspiracy theories aside, the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia is "semi-Pro" American. That's why. We try to prop up as many governments in the region as possible. I'm not a big fan of Saudie Arabia, but sometimes you have to make deals with the devil.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I was in the Middle East for the beginning of 1991. I remember thinking we were going straight to Bagdad. So did the hundreds of Iraqis that were helping us. My squadron went home in April, the Iraqis that helped us were all executed by Saddam.
I understand why Bush needed us to leave but I'll never be able to forget feeling like we abandoned a lot of freedom seeking Iraqis and sentenced them to death for helping us. It wasn't a surprise to me that most Iraqi are afraid to help US troops given our history of leaving before the job is done.
That's another great point I was trying to make with my comparison to Vietnam. We abandoned them in 75 and we abandoned the Iraqis in 91. The world already thinks we've weak on resolve (which sadly we are), if we pull out now and let millions be slaughtered (again) we'll have no world wide credibility.


New Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Conspiracy theories aside, the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia is "semi-Pro" American. That's why. We try to prop up as many governments in the region as possible. I'm not a big fan of Saudie Arabia, but sometimes you have to make deals with the devil.
LOL The Bushes use to support Sadam H pehaps if we hadn't supported him so much he wouldn't have been a threat to us?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zrocker
LOL The Bushes use to suppor Sadam H pehaps if we hadn't supported him so much he wouldn't have been a threat to us?
When was that? Bush Senior was 88-92. Don't think we were doing any pro Iraqi aid then.
And, again..... sometimes you have to make enemies with the lesser of two evils. In the late 70's and 80's it was Iran who was the biggest threat. We supported Iraq to oppose Iran.


New Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
When was that? We supported Iraq to oppose Iran.
Exactly, not sure of years and your right Bush Jr probably hasn't supported Iraq. So my use of the plural with Bushs was inacurate.
It just seems to me that other countries don't appricate all our aid.
Hopefully Iraq is a better investment then it seems.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
1. Incorrect. We went to war because he refused to adhere to UN resolutions.
2. Incorect. World demand influences oil prices. Iraq is exporting more oil today than 5 years ago.
3. Incorrect. Clinton left the country in a recession....
4. Agreed. The border needs to be fixed. I think you'll find, however, that more Republicans than Democrats want this addressed.
5. When did it become the Fedral Government's responsibility to aid hurricane victims? The folks had FIVE days warning to leave. Their governor and their mayor did nothing...
6. No idea how the "homeless" issue is a President's responsibility.
7. Clinton's regime gave aid to Korea. The current administration is having to clean up the mess.
8. Worthless jobs? So, is your argument that we should be more socialist? Should we take tests and have the government tell us which jobs we should have?

All of this is merely another mans opinion just as mine is.
I dont wish to speak anymore on this topic as it is pointless


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
All of this is merely another mans opinion just as mine is.
I dont wish to speak anymore on this topic as it is pointless
While some might be considered "opinion", some aren't.
Fact: UN passed repeated resolutions
Fact: World demand affects oil price and Iraq is exporting more oil today than 5 years ago.
Fact: Country was in a recession when President Bush took office.
Fact: Clinton's admin tried diplomacy with Korea.
I'm not sure how you can lump those into "opinions".
I respect anyone who doesn't wish to continue to discuss this.
I can understand people not liking the President. What I hate, though, are when people don't like him and his administration for faulty/incorrect reasons.
Iraq- Look at how many Democrats thought Iraq had WMDs. Now, had all the leading Dems been saying "wait, the UN is wrong, all the other countries' intel is wrong, our intel is wrong, don't go in" it would be one thing, but they weren't... they were in agreement.
Terrorism- We were attacked 7(?) times from 92-2000. We did little, that earned us 9-11. Since we went to "war" with terrorists we haven't had a single attack on our soil. That seems to me to be a pretty good track record.
Economy- Not only does Clinton seems to get a pass for the recession that he passed on, but the current admin doesn't get credit for the current economy. Unemployment and interest rates are at near record lows, stock market at record highs.
Taxes- The mantra "tax cut for the rich" is sooo goofy. The rich pay a huge percentage of the taxes. Logic, to me, says if you pay the most (percentage and actual) you should get the biggest tax cut. People seem to overlook that. Now, if you are a socialist this makes since, but don't pretend to be otherwise. Just say the President isn't doing enough to evenly distribute wealth and be done with it.
Katrina- How many hurricanes has Florida gone through in the last 20 years? When was the last time the Feds had to launch an emergency rescue operation there? The folks of New Orleans failed to evacuate, and the local government failed to gollow it's own evacuation procedure. What happened in New Orleans was tragic, and the blame is local.
I don't know what's going on. :notsure: Several of my friends have sat, at length, and discussed the vehement hatred towards the current President. I'm at a loss to explain it.


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Originally Posted by Jmick
Being a born again christian is reason enough

Please expound on this..? Sarcasm?


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Let's keep the discussion civil. At the point where inflammatory remarks are being made for the sole purpose of ticking people off this thread will be locked.


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So Watson can have an avatar that says liberals ride the short bus, which some might find offensive and I make a joke about born again christians and it gets removed? What's the deal with that? Are all the mods on this site right wing christians?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
So Watson can have an avatar that says liberals ride the short bus, which some might find offensive and I make a joke about born again christians and it gets removed? What's the deal with that? Are all the mods on this site right wing christians?
Liberalism is not a religion, it is a mentality..