Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!


Active Member
paper catching on fire because of stomach acid....man, you seem so nice...but I am kind of having second thoughts.....JK JK JK JK JK!!!!!!
Here's a funny story for ya. A few years ago I went to a horse show which my aunt and uncle and my uncle farted and he was wearing somewhat tight pants and his pants actually started to smoke!!!! NO LIE!!!!!!!!


Active Member
i really miss it too
it was such a beastly fish
it took out a jack dempsey, a pacu pacu?, and a columbian shark


Active Member
i have a RED DEVIL that is 10inch in my brothers 40gal tank with 2 mated pair convicts not gettin along very will at night you can here the jumping sound


Active Member
umm it is either the giant sponge thread or some other one...can't remember....
we still have a LLLLLOOOOONNNNGGGGG way to go.


Gosh, i stop for 5 min, and you make it to page 11 without me...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
Gosh, i stop for 5 min, and you make it to page 11 without me...

SO DONT STOP FOR 5 MINUTES!!! Just kidding....bad timing for ya I guess....


Active Member
yeah, no kidding. It would also help if ya'll would stop posting at the Never Ending Story. I think just about everyone who is on this thread, is on that one. TRAITORS!!!!!!! Just kidding.