Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!


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George- the leading family of the catawba tribe had changed their name to george, because of the power King george had, and we were the "rulers" of the Catawba tribe.


Active Member
YES YES YES! that is awesome dougai!

My tank is almost done cycling, no more ammonia, 5 nitrite 15 nitrate
< Mr. High you have come home!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
yeah, sorry i wasn't on last night, but Cinderella came out, and i HAD to watch it... I'm a big disney fan!!!
Dougie, that's probably red slime algae, aka cyanobacteria. You need to test your tank's phosphate levels. Also, testing is much easier this way: take a cup of your tank water downstairs with you, and do the tests with that. It's so much easier.
Whatever you do, don't dip the test strips directly in the tank.
thanks jenn
i will keep that in mind when planning a test


That's awesome roo! (are you a girl or boy? sorry, but i can't tell... hope this doesn't offend you...)
My uncle's full name is as follows *ahem*
Jeffrey Allen Michael David Daniel William Peter Koenig
The short version is:
Jef Al Mike Dave Dan Bill Pete Koenig... lol
It's not his real name, but he used to always tell us that's what it is, so we learned it.
I'm soooo happy for you Dougie!!!


i've officially given up mr. high/walter. I now have big red:


Active Member
What it offends me to no end! LOL, no it doesn't offend me! :hilarious Im a dude.
Yep im gettin 1 jawfish ( i was thinking a pair, but they may never pair up, and if they do they aren't monagomous so will start fighting as sooon as the third is taken out)
seahorses- H. erectus, guess what a prehistoric primate species was! H. erectus (wierd!)
and 1 pair of cardinals! woo woo
well that is my real name
it is a pain to right out (especially on those forms where you only have 3 blanks for your name!


i was wondering when you were going to come back.. and that was celacanthr's fault...
lol, sorry to throw you under the bus... lol


lol, i can imagine. What size tank do you have? I'm also going to start setting up a tank soon for h. erectus! I plan on getting about 6 of them in my 35 gallon hex, and a bunch of nassarius snails, and some hermies... and fake decorations, because i don't want to have to worry about the seahorses AND corals... too much for me.
And, am i the only girl in here? Well, with adam's girlie avtar, i don't feel so left out... HAHAHAHAHA


i threw celacanthr under the bus... lol
ugh, i just had to spend some of my allowance to buy my hubby a DVD so he'd go to the mall with me tonight (i have to bribe him to go shopping with me... lmao)


Active Member
I have a 55 gallon. And, my Hello Kitty avatar will be going-I just think it is funny. Kind of an inside joke if u know what I mean...


Active Member
37 gallon...
how tall is ur tank gonna be?
i wouldn't suggest getting that many in that tank...
for a decoration idea might i suggest gorgonians? they don't sting, and are a great hitching post!


Active Member
NOOOO! Dont do gorgonias. Number one-some are hard to keep. Number two, seahorses always find one or two gorgonias that they take a particular liking to which causes those gorgonias to never open up which causes them to die...which eventually causes your tank to go ker-plooie!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
i threw celacanthr under the bus... lol
ugh, i just had to spend some of my allowance to buy my hubby a DVD so he'd go to the mall with me tonight (i have to bribe him to go shopping with me... lmao)
lol, ur husband sounds just like me. The only shopping I like is FISH SHOPPING!!!