Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!



oooohhh, i also found a place that sells h. erectus, and they guarantee they'll be eating FROZEN brine with a supplement for proper nutrition. They say it is such a good diet, you're only supposed to feed them 2X's a day, 6 days a week, with a fasting day.
They said they're really friendly, and they'll latch onto your fingers during feeding time!!!
I'm so excited!!!


Active Member
is the places initials OR?
Do you have seahorses and gorgonians hello kitty?
well I have discussed it with people that have had seahorse with gorgonians for 5 + years, they have never had a problem with it.
Oh and do not get those seahorse, if they are eating frozen BRINE SHRIMP not healthy enough for all but one species ( H. zosterea)


Active Member
Nope, but my brother in law used to(one who got me started on salt) and I remember helping him breed them...he had to buy fake gorgonias because they did the same thing I described. Do you have seahorses celacanthr? Did you ask all of those people if they had that problem? If not, you don't really know if they had that problem-do you Mr. Smartypants? Point proved!


Yeah, i found the same info on gorgonias.
It's 24" tall, and you're supposed to have that many in a tank. They don't need much swimming room, and they like to be in groups. As long as you have proper filtration, mind you.
How are frozen brine not as healty as live brine? It's with a vitamin supplement specifically desiged for seahorses.
No, not the same website you're thinking of...


Don't worry, i've been doing homework on seahorses for about 6 months now... i know what i'm getting into!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
Don't worry, i've been doing homework on seahorses for about 6 months now... i know what i'm getting into!
who are u talking to?


Active Member
brine, even if enriched out the wazoo is not healthy enough for horses... what you want to look for is feeding on frozen mysis shrimp

are you talking about that chart on s-y-n-g-n-a-t-h-i-d-dot--org?
Many do not agree with it... I believe it was created for WC horses that need to be fed Live food, which is why all the density stuff.
sorry if i sound like this guy...
... I do that sometimes.
also do not pay extra for any certain color they are selling you ... the seahorse will probably change color either way.


adam... you just repeated it in your reply... it's quoted. DELETE THAT!!! I don't want to get kicked off!!!


is mysid and mysis the same thing? My LFS sells "mysis", but on here, i hear "mysid" a lot! Is there a difference? I thought people were just spelling it wrong... lol


Active Member
pitbull you need to delete ur post to... I still don't think it is a good idea... oh and OR owns that website. mysid i believe is plural and mysis is singular... either way the same thing.


Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
brine, even if enriched out the wazoo is not healthy enough for horses... what you want to look for is feeding on frozen mysis shrimp

are you talking about that chart on s-y-n-g-n-a-t-h-i-d-dot--org?
Many do not agree with it... I believe it was created for WC horses that need to be fed Live food, which is why all the density stuff.
sorry if i sound like this guy...
... I do that sometimes.
also do not pay extra for any certain color they are selling you ... the seahorse will probably change color either way.

Don't worry about it, i do the same thing!!!
You just want to make sure i know what i'm doing before i do it! It's a good thing!!!


Well i may just buy them from the LFS, though. But, they put the seahorses in a tank that they knew was "popeye" infested... they're not too smart. They were feeding off of frozen stuff. i actually saw them eat.
I plan on starting out with 2 from that one website, and then see how it works out from there...