Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!


Active Member
to get an algae blennie... my tank was a mess
so i went and got him back and a new power head
mine broke


Active Member
what size tank do u have and specs and fishlist??
you might have oisted it already but sorry i dont want to check all the other 31 pages!


Active Member
40 gal
30 lbs of lr
coral beauty
valentini puffer
2 percs
yellowtail damsel
pinkspotted shrimp goby
algae blennie


hey i just want to get in on this Biggest the Thread ever. you know, just to get to be able to brag about it. haha and I havent posted in a while.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reefman22
hey i just want to get in on this Biggest the Thread ever. you know, just to get to be able to brag about it. haha and I havent posted in a while.
I will be the big bragger-I started the thread. lol. Jk.
This kind of DID turn into a chat room...but the first half is all fish and stuff, now it is just for fun...but that is okay-I like this!!