Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!


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Originally Posted by JayC
Well I cant wait to see pics of it. Mine isnt much to look at either.
I like your tank, I think you are off to a GREAT start!


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DUDE!! Guess what?!?! I was talking to my mom the other day, and since my birthday is coming up and this is the big one for me(I will be a teenager, isn't that cool..october 13 and I am turning 13) so she is thinking about getting me a 492 watt MH/PC combo!!!!!! :jumping: :jumping:


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
I hope it is! What all do u have in it?
2 clowns(female is a black onyx)
1 blue devil damsel
1 yellow tang
1 lawnmower blenny
not sure what else I wanna put in there yet...
and A TON MORE TO COME ON MY B-DAY, brother in law is gonna frag the HELL out of his tank!!!


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Umm...can't remember-I can't believe my mom didnt say no though!!! She said the ever famous ,"I will think about it." And luckily, with my mom-that normally means yes!!


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oivay!!! I am now in a rut!! a sleeping rut,
2 days ago i went to sleep at 10:30, usually i go to sleep at like 12:00 or 1 but i didn't that day!

well I woke up at 3:00!! an uholy time for me! the wrath of Roo was on the first person to wake up!!!!!!

Well, of course, I had the most monitone teacher for 1st period, and it was Bible, I love the Lord and all, but the same stories since i was 2 gets kinda monotanous.
Well, last class of the day, I was about to pass out!
well I managed to stay up till 7 but woke up at 2:59!!!!

I know that by the end of the day I will be so tired, but once I am awake I can't get back to sleep
durn mom and her hereditary sleeping abnormalites! Wow to much at one time getting dizzy!!!
I wish we had some coffee, and i wish i enjoyed it's syrupy bitter tase!


Active Member
lol...I don't like regular coffee. I do like cappicino, and I a very SMALL amount of irish cream coffee. I only drink it like once a year though-it isnt really all that applealling to me and it stunts my growth! Plus it gives u yellow teeth... :scared:


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I go to bed at around midnight and wake up around 5:30 AM. I know, I have BAD sleeping habits-i think it is hereditary...