Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!


Active Member
i would get a back ground and some more lr if i were you, vi3tb0i
what does ur name mean and what does the thing under your name mean


Active Member
Dougie, glad to hear u got your puffer back. I gota go for the night but I'll talk to u guys and gals later.


Active Member
I can talk for a couple more minutes. I gota study for a test tomarrow in science. I HATE TEST!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
What is it on? I had MEAPS again today!! Tomorrow is my last day of the first half of the MEAP(language arts) yes!! next week I have the second half(math-booo!!)


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Did u ever get any pics of your tank?
I asked my mom to bring home her digital camera-she has yet to do it!


Active Member
My tank really doesn't look that great...it really isnt worth taking pictures of-but I will anyway because ya'll asked me to!