Lets see those Clams


Active Member
ill start with mine. this picture is from the website and doesn look exactly like it. mine is purple where the black is.


Active Member
anyone else have pics. i know that more then 3 people on this site keep clams.


Active Member
Originally Posted by steve24
lovely clams guys ... will they thrive under PC lighting if their closer to the surface ???
Which species are you asking about and how many PCs?


I have been doing a little research on clams and have read that you can succesfully keep certain clams under pcs. I also read that watts per gallon dont matter as much as light intensity. From what I gather is that you could keep a clam like deresa about half way up a tank with 3-4 watts per gallon directly under the light. If im wrong please feel free to correct me, I new to clams.


Active Member
Originally Posted by faddn5
I have been doing a little research on clams and have read that you can succesfully keep certain clams under pcs. I also read that watts per gallon dont matter as much as light intensity. From what I gather is that you could keep a clam like deresa about half way up a tank with 3-4 watts per gallon directly under the light. If im wrong please feel free to correct me, I new to clams.

I would not think of trying any clam under pc
IF and a strong IF I tried any clam it would be a dreasa.


Active Member
Here's six Tridacna clams in order of least light-demanding to the most.
T. teveroa
T. gigas
T. derasa
T. squamosa
T. maxima
T. crocea
A seventh species, T. rosewateri
, has been discovered in the Indian Ocean, but not much is known about this species.


Man, my fiance' won't let me get any clams because they gross him out. He thinks they look like private parts... LMAO


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
Man, my fiance' won't let me get any clams because they gross him out. He thinks they look like private parts... LMAO

They kinda do :p