Luvmyreef's 180g Diary


Active Member
Well, I moved the candy apple reds, the blue hornets, and the rastas over to the 180 out of qt last week, and all I can say is wow. My rastas are really growing, I started with only one polyp and now I have three with two new babies starting. My candy apple reds are sprouting babies, and my hornets have four going on five! Wish I could get pics of these guys. They keep turning out blurred.
The candy apples and rastas look so good under actinics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by luvmyreef http:///forum/thread/378946/luvmyreef-s-180g-diary/180#post_3350053
Well, I moved the candy apple reds, the blue hornets, and the rastas over to the 180 out of qt last week, and all I can say is wow. My rastas are really growing, I started with only one polyp and now I have three with two new babies starting. My candy apple reds are sprouting babies, and my hornets have four going on five! Wish I could get pics of these guys. They keep turning out blurred.
The candy apples and rastas look so good under actinics.
when ever you got frags let me know :) you know who will buy!!!!
cant wait for pics!


Active Member
LOL, Yep, I know ya want them Nissan. I took about 50 pics, to no avail! I would post them, but they are blurry! I will keep trying.....they look amazing under actinics!


Active Member
Originally Posted by luvmyreef http:///forum/thread/378946/luvmyreef-s-180g-diary/180#post_3350526
LOL, Yep, I know ya want them Nissan. I took about 50 pics, to no avail! I would post them, but they are blurry! I will keep trying.....they look amazing under actinics!
luvmyreef, I have the same problem don't zoom in so far and if your camera has a macro setting change it to that, I really want to see these pictures as well. When you hold your button half way down and it is not focusing try to focus on something close that has a definate line or very contrasting (while you are holding your button half way) then move back to what you want to take a picture of. I hope this helps I am not trying to tell you what to do just my 2 cents.


Active Member
Al, I have tried everything. I think I will have my stepdaughter bring up her nikon D50 this week and take some shots with it...


Active Member

Since you wanted them Al, here are my crappy shots with my camera. First ones are the rastas and second one is the candy apples below the acans temporarily. Both under actinics ofcourse. the pic of the rastas do not do them justice at all. I will try to get better ones later.


Active Member
Thanks luvmyreef, there pretty good, the second picture I like how the chromis is poking his head out, In the background what is the stringy stuff to the left.


Active Member
Stringy stuff LOL? That is my fully grown monster long tentacle anemone! LOL. And yeah, that is where the little chromis likes to hide when I am messing with the tank.


Active Member
Ok here is an updated pic of my clam under actinics. Doing good, but still in the sand. He seems happy here. He's filling out the ends of the shell.


Active Member
LOL. It's a crocea. I really want to get a green one next. I am just waiting to make sure this little one does good first. I am like Meowzer
LOL, I cant stop ordering stuff!


Active Member
Well, update time. I added the pair of clowns to the 180 today. They have been in QT for weeks.Seem to be adjusting nicely. Now, I need to decide what fish to add next. I def. want to add a yellow tang again, my husband does too. And maybe a wrasse. Current stock include a sailfin tang, 3 green chromis, pair of clowns, and a mandarin. Will not be adding another powder brown since the last one was so aggressive! Would love to add a flame angel, but I am concerned that it will nip at my clam and polyps :(... Any suggestions? Also thinking about a bicolor blenny, or something along that line.


Well I can tell you this......My flame has never touched the clam or any corals...I also LOVE my bi-color of the most entertaining fish LOL
IMO if you keep the angels diet satisfied you will be awful lot of people keep them in their reef tanks....NYCBOB does too, and he has a few clams


Active Member
Meowzer, did you add the flame before or after you added your clams, and polyp type coral? Everyone keeps saying that it is a 50/50 chance they will nip. Would love to try it, but just thinking about the headache of catching him if he does decide to eat all my expensive coral........ I have had a bicolor before. they are really nice. Wondering about the canary or tail spot blenny? They both look interesting. The tail spot is more colorful....decisions decisions..


I also like the tail spot, but when I was looking I could not find one
I added the flame close to the beginning, I did not have the clam yet, and only had a few lps at the time (IIRC)