Luvmyreef's 180g Diary


Active Member
Actually, interceptor is a dog worming pill, and is one of the only things (that I know of) that kills red or black bugs that commonly invade our tanks thru the carelessness of others. Beware my friend. always be on the look out and qt all your coral. I have had several online venders or private sellers send me stuff polluted with flatworms or red bugs.....very irresponsible on their part when it is easily treated.


Active Member
Ok here is the LE tricolor A. Hoeksemai. Polyps are not out on it or the oregon blue tort, so no pic of it yet.


Active Member
Thank you! That is what I like to try and get! Just hope it makes it! One can never be sure...Next on my list in the near future is a Tyree LE Aquituberculata. It is bright lime green. and when I saw it I was on a mission to find one. And I did! the seller also has the most beautiful monti undata! Will probably get that too lol.


Active Member
Do you mean the hoeksemai? or the tyree i am after? A long time ago I bought a similar blue acro that died, but it was not a hoeksemai.the tyree I saw grows like a monti capricornis and scrolls as well. It is just so bright! I love it....cant wait to get it.... How long have you had the bottlebrush? Is it up in good flow and light? If you havent had it long, I am sure it will color up nicely.


Active Member
I have a bit of a fuge about 7 gallons, I am having good luck with a monti cap - just bought a millipora having trouble, and an acro - think it is doing OK.


Active Member
Monti caps seem fairly easy to grow as long as your parameters in check like calcium and kh. So, if this acro is doing good, maybe its time for another? What kind of problems with the millipora?


Originally Posted by luvmyreef http:///forum/thread/378946/luvmyreef-s-180g-diary/160#post_3347948
Do you mean the hoeksemai? or the tyree i am after? A long time ago I bought a similar blue acro that died, but it was not a hoeksemai.the tyree I saw grows like a monti capricornis and scrolls as well. It is just so bright! I love it....cant wait to get it.... How long have you had the bottlebrush? Is it up in good flow and light? If you havent had it long, I am sure it will color up nicely.
I thought a saw a lime green sps tree on the site,
I have ahd the bottle brush a few weeks, I bought it right about the time I had a tank issue.....the issue was IDK...LOL....For about 1 weeks my leathers were droopy, and nothing was opening.....I think I was having leather warfare...haha.....they may have all decided to shed at the same time

I know it's not dead....I can just is at the mid-upper section of the 225G under 250w metal halides and T5's...good flow too...we shall see I guess


Active Member
Yeah, dont they say that leathers in a tank with acros can kill them without running carbon? I believe I read that somewhere awhile back....couldnt tell you where though lol.


Originally Posted by luvmyreef http:///forum/thread/378946/luvmyreef-s-180g-diary/160#post_3347962
Yeah, dont they say that leathers in a tank with acros can kill them without running carbon? I believe I read that somewhere awhile back....couldnt tell you where though lol.
IDK...I never read that....I run chemi-pure elite, and when I had this issue, I tossed a baggie with carbon in the sump.....I almost lost my whole orange monti, but the tip stayed orange...I am hoping it will re-spread...I'm not touching it though...LOl


Active Member
Originally Posted by luvmyreef http:///forum/thread/378946/luvmyreef-s-180g-diary/160#post_3347956
Monti caps seem fairly easy to grow as long as your parameters in check like calcium and kh. So, if this acro is doing good, maybe its time for another? What kind of problems with the millipora?
It was a nice piece - I placed it to close to some yellow polyps and I think they stung the millipora. I moved the millipora but it started to turn white on the bottom. Meowzer told me to break off some good pieces that were left and frag it. I did that that and two big pieced and one small piece looks like it is going to survive. I since removed the yellow polyps i had on the upper live rock, just cut it off and fragged a half a dozen pieces.


Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///forum/thread/378946/luvmyreef-s-180g-diary/160#post_3348044
It was a nice piece - I placed it to close to some yellow polyps and I think they stung the millipora. I moved the millipora but it started to turn white on the bottom. Meowzer told me to break off some good pieces that were left and frag it. I did that that and two big pieced and one small piece looks like it is going to sur
vive. I since removed the yellow polyps i had on the upper live rock, just cut it off and fragged a half a dozen pieces.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/378946/luvmyreef-s-180g-diary/160#post_3348048
Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///forum/thread/378946/luvmyreef-s-180g-diary/160#post_3348044
It was a nice piece - I placed it to close to some yellow polyps and I think they stung the millipora. I moved the millipora but it started to turn white on the bottom. Meowzer told me to break off some good pieces that were left and frag it. I did that that and two big pieced and one small piece looks like it is going to sur
vive. I since removed the yellow polyps i had on the upper live rock, just cut it off and fragged a half a dozen pieces.
I owe you one meowzer, actually IOU a lot, still snowing there - we are supposed to get 6 inches tonight - love it.


Active Member
mom pm me for a sunset monti :) and luv! those corals are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it so much!!!!!!! i also have a nice sunset monti and a hologram montipora heres a pic of it from reefgardener


Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///forum/thread/378946/luvmyreef-s-180g-diary/160#post_3348049
I owe you one meowzer, actually IOU a lot, still snowing there - we are supposed to get 6 inches tonight - love it.
Thank goodness it is not snowing.....LOL.....I had to get to work today....I have too much to is still freezing out, but at least some sun came out today....melted some stuff
Al you don't owe me anything.....if I can help...that makes me happy