Originally Posted by
luvmyreef http:///forum/thread/378946/luvmyreef-s-180g-diary/160#post_3347948
Do you mean the hoeksemai? or the tyree i am after? A long time ago I bought a similar blue acro that died, but it was not a hoeksemai.the tyree I saw grows like a monti capricornis and scrolls as well. It is just so bright! I love it....cant wait to get it.... How long have you had the bottlebrush? Is it up in good flow and light? If you havent had it long, I am sure it will color up nicely.
I thought a saw a lime green sps tree on the site,
I have ahd the bottle brush a few weeks, I bought it right about the time I had a tank issue.....the issue was IDK...LOL....For about 1 weeks my leathers were droopy, and nothing was opening.....I think I was having leather warfare...haha.....they may have all decided to shed at the same time
I know it's not dead....I can just tell...haha...it is at the mid-upper section of the 225G under 250w metal halides and T5's...good flow too...we shall see I guess