Ok, time for updates. So, after many many months of battling algae on my sand bed (siphoning it out), moving power heads, etc. I was ready to change out my sand. I have been seeing small patches of hair algae too, mainly in one corner and on a couple rocks. So, a few weeks ago, I removed the sand that was in front (no fear guys, there was hardly any left) and replaced it with Fiji pink. Within 4 days, the fuzzy mat of algae was covering it as well. And I noticed an orange color algae on some of the rocks in the back of the tank. AND what appears to be dino starting. So, I am thinking WTH!!! I haven't added anything to my tank in a long time. I have to feed daily, because my new angel has started snacking on my gobstoppers when I don't!!!! So I rinse the frozen food very well, change my carbon, and have ordered new ro/di filters. NOW, I am mad at this point. Been wet skimming, frequent water changes, siphoning siphoning and siphoning. Removed manually what I could, and wouldn't ya know it.........never helped. I did some research, and found a long thread on reef central about API Algaefix Marine. Now, I am not one to just go and dump chemicals in my tank, but at this point I will be a guinea pig. I was really really considering breaking down this tank, and it has only been a year. So, what the heck. Went to lfs, picked up a bottle, and dosed yesterday. Kept the skimmer and filter running. This am, I can say that I see the sand bed looking a tad better! And some of the algae is literally breaking off and floating in the water ready to be picked up by the filter, etc. From what I read, people tend to see good results on the 6th to 7th dose. No signs of distress from my corals, shrimps, snails, or fish. Will give second dose on saturday per the instructions. This stuff is supposed to kill different types of algae including the brown diatoms and hair algae, and is supposed to help on certain types of cyano. So, we will see. Just thought that I would share.