Makes me wonder....

bang guy

I'm not convinced. I don't see how selling the American people out to the big banks can be considered Socialist.


Active Member
The Democrat Socialists of America have endorsed 0bama in every race he's been in.
0bama brags about hanging with the Marxist professors in his book
His mentor growing up in Hawaii was Frank Marshall Davis who was at a minimum a communist sympathizer.
He's appointed several people to his cabinet with close ties to Socialist groups, Vann Jones, Hilda Solis, Carol Bruerer to name a few.
No matter what he calls himself his left wing politics appeal to the Marxists.
Modern socialism is more like Left Wing Fascism. Instead of taking over companies you use regulations to make them do your bidding.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/391871/makes-me-wonder/100#post_3478277
Do you mean regulations like tax breaks for outsourcing jobs and free money to big banks?
Free money??? As far as I know BofA, JP Morgan, US bank and Wells Fargo paid the government back ahead of schedule
I am talking about an asinine tax code with convoluted rules that take an army of accountants to take a company from the now highest corporate rate in the world to about mid pack. I am talking about environmental regulations that require different methods used to provide information to different federal agencies before a project can be started. I am talking about forcing coal fired power plants to shut down in favor of expensive renewable plants that drive electric rates higher and higher. If you invest or operate your business in a manner the government approves you get your reward.
We are going to have a hard enough time competing with 3rd world countries because of our standard of living. Placnig foolish burdens on companies just makes it more attractive to outsource.

bang guy

Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/391871/makes-me-wonder/100#post_3478361
Free money??? As far as I know BofA, JP Morgan, US bank and Wells Fargo paid the government back ahead of schedule
What interest rate are big banks currently paying?
I agree with you completely on the tax code. If it were up to me US companies hiring US citizens would not be paying income tax at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/391871/makes-me-wonder/100#post_3478367
What interest rate are big banks currently paying?
I agree with you completely on the tax code. If it were up to me US companies hiring US citizens would not be paying income tax at all.
Hell, I make more on the cash back from my Chase card than I do on high 5 figures in a money market savings account. AND I don't have to report that on my taxes LOL!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Modern socialism is more like Left Wing Fascism. Instead of taking over companies you use regulations to make them do your bidding.
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Do you mean regulations like tax breaks for outsourcing jobs and free money to big banks?
I don't think these two thoughts are mutually exclusive. I agree with Reef and ESPECIALLY with Bang Guy. You both have hit the nail on the head in one sentence of why I am neither rep, not dem. It's a case of choose your poison. Do you want dems who will use big government to drain your money and control your life or reps who will allow big business to drain your money and control your life. I quit voting for a couple election cycles, but I have decided that my choice in poison will be to vote for those who take the least of my Constitutional freedom and rights.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff 
Modern socialism is more like Left Wing Fascism. Instead of taking over companies you use regulations to make them do your bidding.
I don't think these two thoughts are mutually exclusive. I agree with Reef and ESPECIALLY with Bang Guy. You both have hit the nail on the head in one sentence of why I am neither rep, not dem. It's a case of choose your poison. Do you want dems who will use big government to drain your money and control your life or reps who will allow big business to drain your money and control your life. I quit voting for a couple election cycles, but I have decided that my choice in poison will be to vote for those who take the least of my Constitutional freedom and rights.
the difference though is you have n o choice...the other you can just not do business with.


Active Member
More wisdom from the Socialist in Chief:
" The private sector is doing fine."
He then goes on to pontificate that the economy is doing poorly because the states are not getting enough federal money. The gov't needs to do more.
Either he is out of touch, or thinks the gov't is the driving source behind our economy.


Active Member
Well remember this from his Head Cheerleader in Congress Nancy Pelosi that Unemployment Checks are a Great Stimulas Program for the Economy.


Active Member
I have a really good friend who is an 0bamabot. I tried to explain why the unemployment rate hasn't really dropped from the high and he is just blind to it. Even directed him to government sites that back up what I am telling him and he still doesn't believe it. Scary stuff.