MAXALMON frag tank sell off!


Active Member
I really appreciate everyone understanding, Also just got a phone call that the stupid bags arrived. I can't believe how hard it was to find a basic, poly bag, spent more than half the day on Mon driving around looking for bags. Heading back to Vegas in just a few minutes.
Finally ended up ordering a 1000 bags @ $35 they are actually sold as "fish bags' or the lady said that was what they sold them as, arrived on Wed.
Once this wave of orders goe's out, I'll post another round of packs...


Originally Posted by maxalmon
I really appreciate everyone understanding, Also just got a phone call that the stupid bags arrived. I can't believe how hard it was to find a basic, poly bag, spent more than half the day on Mon driving around looking for bags. Heading back to Vegas in just a few minutes.
Finally ended up ordering a 1000 bags @ $35 they are actually sold as "fish bags' or the lady said that was what they sold them as, arrived on Wed.
Once this wave of orders goe's out, I'll post another round of packs...
Is there anyway you can also include smaller packs?


Active Member
OK, for those of you who have payed.....I'm getting ready to start dividing the tank for shipments......You have to let me know Quality vs Quantity (both are good)


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
OK, for those of you who have payed.....I'm getting ready to start dividing the tank for shipments......You have to let me know Quality vs Quantity (both are good)
Doesnt matter to me, maybe a mix or just your choices are fine. I've seen your pictures. I'm definitely not worried about quality.


Active Member
SPS and LPS for me. (I wont cry if you throw in some zoas) but I would rather the LPS and SPS, those are hardest for me to find around here.


Originally Posted by maxalmon
OK, for those of you who have payed.....I'm getting ready to start dividing the tank for shipments......You have to let me know Quality vs Quantity (both are good)
I'd say quality. I'd like mostly LPS then softies then SPS as my lighting is better suited for LPS and softies. Thanks


Active Member
First round of orders go out today, Joshua and Eric's orders are being dropped of at UPS as I type. I should be able to get everyone else's packed and shipped today as well......Man, now I remember why I don't like to ship orders, rates are outrageous for next day air......


I'd be interested in an LPS/Softies/Zoas pack if you have stuff left once the first round is done.
I don't have MH yet, so no LPS for me yet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
First round of orders go out today, Joshua and Eric's orders are being dropped of at UPS as I type. I should be able to get everyone else's packed and shipped today as well......Man, now I remember why I don't like to ship orders, rates are outrageous for next day air......
thanks Jim.


Active Member
JustinY - I need to know which package you want, mixed, all sps, all lps or combo......There was no designation on the payment, not sure what your online name is or if you contacted me via PM.
EricS....Wasn't able to get yours packed before UPS guy arrived, will go out tomorrow for sure.
ShayneN....There was a note on your paypal to not ship till Wed, Should I ship on Wed or go ahead and ship now?
Honestly, I can't believe how much time it takes to pack orders. I can't believe that I thought 15 minutes per order would be enough time.... man I hope everyone is happy with what they get, almost everyone has asked for Quality over Quantity.....Jim


Active Member
hey Jim if you just spell my name Erick it will eliminate some confusion.
my mom had to be difficult and try and spell my generic name in a unique way.... Generic Erick thats me.


I know I'll be happy with what I get
Thanks again
Oh, and are you still planning on a 2nd run later on? I got a buddy who wants to get in on one, and I may need a 2nd dosing as well
Take care.


Active Member
maxalmon said:
JustinY - I need to know which package you want, mixed, all sps, all lps or combo......There was no designation on the payment, not sure what your online name is or if you contacted me via PM.
Thats me, mix it up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
hey Jim if you just spell my name Erick it will eliminate some confusion.
my mom had to be difficult and try and spell my generic name in a unique way.... Generic Erick thats me.

I almost got them confused, Eric and Erick then I remembered your address.
Kinda weird, I didn't wana pack the orders, I want to hoard everything

I even shipped somebody one of my favorite acro's that has the coolest acro crab, I've taught him to eat on command, I tap on the glass and he comes bee bopping out waving his claws and waits for the tweezer of mysis....Jim


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
hey Jim if you just spell my name Erick it will eliminate some confusion.
my mom had to be difficult and try and spell my generic name in a unique way.... Generic Erick thats me.

lol, me too. at school, i cant tell you how many times a day i hear someone shouting "ALEX!" and think theyre calling me. plus no one ever spells it right.


Active Member
maxalmon, i remember you saying earlier that you might have a few random frags left over after this, are you planning on selling those off as well?


Active Member
I don't think I made much of a dent in the frag tank inventory,...Give me a week to figure out whats left after the local reefers come over this weekend. Jim