My 120 Reef Diary


I am Starting My 120 Diary here now

My tank Build Is about over and it is up and Running time to switch Forums
The tank is and month and a week old now and is running great.
Levels are:
Alk 4.0
Kh 11.2
Calcium 400
NO2 0
NO3 10 PPM
Amonnia 0
Ph 8.2
Salinty 1.024-34
Temp 76-78 F
Phospate .5 PPM (I Use tap water to mix up my first salt water...Bad Idea
(I will be adding Phosban pouch soon)
Equiment Is:
2 250 MH 14K 2 Antic True Blue Bulbs, 2 Dual blue Led Moonlights
Mag 9.5 main pump, G3 Skimmer, 2 #4 Hydor Koralia Powerheads, nano pump for top-off and Mag 5 for waterchanges.
2 250 Watt heaters, 120mm Fan in the hood. Several timers and power strips



Live Stock Is:
Bonded maroon Clown pair
PJ Cardinal
Copperband Butterfly
Golden Midas Blenny
Diamond Goby
Green Chromis
Yellow Watchman Goby
Blue Hippo Tang
Sailfin Tang - Desjardinii
Kole Tang
Sixline Wrasse
Solar Fairy Wrasse
2 Firefish Gobys
Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
Cleaner shrimp
Fire Shrimp
Several pepermint Shrimp
Several hermits:Blueleg, Halloween, Zebra Hermits
Several Snails of several type
Xenia, Maze Brain, Open Brain, Galaxea, Candy Cane, Trumip, Torch, Acropora, Seveal mushrooms. StarPolips, Devils Hand Leather, Tree leather, Several Polips of diferent colors.
Youtube Video



Suplments I use C-Balance, Cambisan, Reef Avanatage Calcium, Iodion and Buffer as needed.
I am Thinking of getting a Cal Reactor? any thoughts on this or brands to get or stear clear of?


I'm glad to see you can keep your tank temp. down. I was worried about running 2x 250 watt MHs and the actinics in a canopy would get to hot. Nice job with the tank. Its set up equipment wise exactly how I'm doing mine, except my stand is black.


Ok i believe you now
.I was just hesitant because mine has a all dark tail with little yellow dots. But nice work keep it up


SWEET mini ocean you got going!!!
I really like the way you set it all up to be as reefer/user friendly as possible


Originally Posted by Jas1
SWEET mini ocean you got going!!!
I really like the way you set it all up to be as reefer/user friendly as possible

Thanks, My prevous stands were store built and I was feed up and said god I can do this better. Not to mention I am a big guy I need extra space for my arms to fi

tru conch

Active Member
nice looking tank
ive heard good things about my reef creations or deltec cal reactors. ive never used them, but again have heard good things about both brands.


Ok the Copperband went back to LFS but I think I have ICK now? A few (1 to 2) little white spots on the Hippos right fin. I have 1 cleaner shrimp in the tank now. My question Is to go with a nother cleaner or a Neon Goby? Maby 1 of each or a pair of Neon Gobys? any Ideas?


Why did you take the copperband back? I have read...that the cleaner shrimp and fish only clean dead skin and stuff....I would up the vitamins if you can't qt or hypo...I know I never could do that...