My 28 Gallon JBJ Build..


Active Member
hey guys thanks for your input. i am going to BB or HD today and picking me up a GFCI. when do you guys think i should add livestock?


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ok i have a serious problem. some how the salinity in my hex rose to 1.030 my AOG frag along with some other frags do not look happy at all! i do not have any RO water at my house and do not want to use tap! argh. last night i put in a zoa frag in my nano, and this morning the frag looks extremely happy, opened the hex, he was closed shut.. should i begin to add the zoas to my nano?


Active Member
nah coral keeper told me that i should be fine with placing the zoas in the nano. i just finished and man do they look happy. half already opened up and only the lunar lights are on. I am getting rid of the hex now.
I have 2 koralia # 1's, and a Aqua Clear 30 ph, should i place any of these in the nano ? the nano has 2 mag 1200 return pumps right now..


Active Member
snapped a few pics before work. not all zoas are open. ill snap some more when i get home hopefully everyone opens up by then.

what do you think?
any comments about water flow?


Active Member
thanks ck hopefully my tank will be as nice as yours one day.
any suggestions as of right now?
what about flow?
i have 2 koralia # 1's in my hex that has to be broken down. also got an aqua clear 30 in there. should i add them? nano has 2 mag 1200's right now


Active Member
whoa that is all my fault. they are 2 maxi jet 1200's my mistake guys.
each MAXI JET does 295 GPH. My question to you guys is Should i add any of my extra power heads? i have 2 Koralia # 1's, and an aqua clear 30..


Active Member
Originally Posted by premilove
whoa that is all my fault. they are 2 maxi jet 1200's my mistake guys.
each MAXI JET does 295 GPH. My question to you guys is Should i add any of my extra power heads? i have 2 Koralia # 1's, and an aqua clear 30..
sounds like you have plenty of flow lol...


Active Member
great. i just ordered the nano tuners actinic upgrade for my nano.
what kind of light should i use for the mini fuge installed in the chamber?


Active Member
Originally Posted by premilove
great. i just ordered the nano tuners actinic upgrade for my nano.
what kind of light should i use for the mini fuge installed in the chamber?
something resistant to water splashing it lol...


Active Member
i hate 'em. so i moved my return pumps around in hte back and these little white flakes have been emitted in the tank. any idea what that is?