
Hey Perfect, whatch out for that red hairy (wirey) algae on that one rock. I have it. It's good, but if you don't have crabs to keep it in check, it'll take over your tank! Still looks good though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Full tank shot?
Yes there is one on the page 2 bout half way down I have more and from different angles i just havent posted them yet. I will in the next day or 2. Thanks for looking


New Member
You've helped me before, since my cube is like yours: I noticed you had an anemone in your tank and corals very similar to mine. How did you deal with the anemone crawling around, bothering the other guys, or did he? Mine is a maniac, may have to trade him back in......


Active Member
Originally Posted by caribbeannie
You've helped me before, since my cube is like yours: I noticed you had an anemone in your tank and corals very similar to mine. How did you deal with the anemone crawling around, bothering the other guys, or did he? Mine is a maniac, may have to trade him back in......
I only have experience with 2 types of anenomies a Flordia Condi and a Bubble tip. IMO The Condi is much more mobile than my Bubble tip is. I actually traded my condi in for another bubble tip. I had an issue with my anenomie getting hold of one of my clowns and eating it. I dont know if it was sick or not but 5 hrs prior to that he was fine and eating.
I never really had and issue with the condi bothering my corals. Although he was mobile for the first couple of days he settled down and found a spot it liked. But killing my clown crossed the line, lol.
IMO the bubble tips are more relaxed and easy going, my first one was sick and it died 2 days after buying it. I have another one now and it hasent moved much since hes been in there for almost 2 weeks now. It is very full and very colorful, it seems to be very very happy. If you have an active anenomie moving around alot it may have just not found its spot yet. Maybe every place it wants to be is occupied by a coral.
How big is it? Even though they look fairly small when you buy them the can get quite big when they blow all the way up and it makes it difficult to have them any where in a small cube tank. Thats another reason why i went with the BTA, its tenticles dont stretch out as far.
Keep me up to date... If there is anything else you have a question on dont hesitate to ask. I can try to answer them based on what has happened to me.. Good Luck.


Active Member
BUMPITY BUMPITY... Ok I havent posted in a while so I thought I might update the pics. I have had some things happen to my tank, nothing monumental but I lost my Gorgonian it was sick when I purchased it and it never recovered. So, I got some other things to replace it and I am waiting on my LFS to get in another one for me. Well here is the latest hope you like...
Took some shots with just the acentic PC's on...

Rose BTA

Found a piece that had a few polyups on it and some shrooms I liked the variety so I bought it, my starfish just happend to be there too.

I got a 2 for 1 deal on a piece of a long tenticle plate coral and a piece of a hammer coral. The originals were 4x the size of each of these. For a cube I thought these sizes were ideal and the price was good too.

Carnation Coral

BTA with the lights on

FULL TANK SHOT 4 Month old Cube.....


Very nice, Perfect! Can't wait until I can add more color. I'm a couple of mos. behind you. I love that carnation, very pretty! How do you like your scallop? How big do they get? Thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefernana
Very nice, Perfect! Can't wait until I can add more color. I'm a couple of mos. behind you. I love that carnation, very pretty! How do you like your scallop? How big do they get? Thanks.

Thanks Reefernana, the scallop is awesome, I had a regular flame scallop in there and donated it to my friend because I wanted an Electric Flame scallop which is what that guy is. They can get quite large but from what I have heard it takes a long time. The only downside to them is you need to feed them directly. I use a Sea Squirt, some phyto and shoot it right at him. I have to keep an eye on it thought the tuff part is when he scoots behind the LR, then its a pain to feed. But his mouth has an electricity surge that pulses through and it looks wild.

coral keeper

Active Member
Your tank looks gorgeous!!!!!
I wish my size 8 oceanic biocube can look as good as that! But my biocube isent 100% finished yet


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Your tank looks gorgeous!!!!!
I wish my size 8 oceanic biocube can look as good as that! But my biocube isent 100% finished yet

Thanks Coral Keeper,
Slow and steady is what they say, lol. Well i didnt go that slow but i was steady. Its not completly finished yet but i have slowed the pace a bit. Thanks for looking.

coral keeper

Active Member
Iv had my biocube for 4 months now too, but i only have a few corals in there and there is a toadstool, 2 zoos, torch, metallic green torch, sponges, feather cluster, and a sea anemone. I also got fish in there and it is a clown. I also got hermits, snails, crab, cleaner shrimp, and a starfish. And 8.6 LB of live rock, and about 10 LB of sand.
Hey PerfectDark list everything you got corals, inverts, fish, LR, LS, and other things you got.


perfect can you tell me your cleaning crew? your sand is unbelievably clean along with the rest of my tank.

coral keeper

Active Member
Hey PerfectDark how is your rock so clean? i mean by no hair algae growing on it. How do you do that!? Why isent there any hair algae growing on your live rock?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Iv had my biocube for 4 months now too, but i only have a few corals in there and there is a toadstool, 2 zoos, torch, metallic green torch, sponges, feather cluster, and a sea anemone. I also got fish in there and it is a clown. I also got hermits, snails, crab, cleaner shrimp, and a starfish. And 8.6 LB of live rock, and about 10 LB of sand.
Hey PerfectDark list everything you got corals, inverts, fish, LR, LS, and other things you got.
Hey Coral Keeper, thanks for the props on my tank....
Lets see what do I have in there... 2 Ocellaris one orange on black and white, a Royal Gramma a Midas Blenny and a cleaner shrimp. For my clean up crew I have.. numerous hermits, if I was to guess maybe 12 or so, 2 emerald green crabs, 4 small turbo snails one rather large one, 6 Nassarius Snails and 1 Horshoe crab about the size of a quarter. I have about 30 lbs of live sand and between 26 to 30 lbs of LR. I have 2 starfish one Red Sea Star and one Red Brittle star. My Corals are, Xenia, Red shrooms, super green shroom, Zoas mixed, Torch Coral, Green Long Tenticle Plate coral, Orange Plate Coral, Hammer Coral, Carnation Coral, Green Star Polyups, Yellow Polyups, a colt coral Cladiella sp., 2 feather dusters and a Rose Bubble tip Anenome. Oh and an electric flame scallop.
I do weekly water changes of 10 to 12 gals of RO/DI my salinity is 1.025. IMO the trick to keeping a clean sand bed and tank is flow. I have 2 power heads in the tank and I upgraded the main power head in the left chamber. All for increased flow. My goal wasnt to create a hurricane in the tank but make sure that every inch of space had a current running through it.
IMO the Nassarius snails should take the credit for my sand bed looking soo clean. Those guys are awesome, constantly under the sand moving around. I also use my sea squirt to blow off any build up on my LR prob every 3rd water change. The tank clouds for about 2 hours but then it looks as clear as those pictures. I can only assume along with the emerald green crabs thats why I dont have and green hair algea. Emerald green crabs LOVE Green hair algea..
Coral it sounds like you too are off to a great start
... Keep it up and dont hesitate with any questions...


Active Member
Originally Posted by b0bby1
perfect can you tell me your cleaning crew? your sand is unbelievably clean along with the rest of my tank.
Hi Bobby here it is my cleaning crew....
For my clean up crew I have.. numerous hermits, if I was to guess maybe 12 or so, 2 emerald green crabs, 4 small turbo snails one rather large one, 6 Nassarius Snails and 1 Horshoe crab about the size of a quarter and 2 star fish, a red sea star and a red brittle star.