my 29


Active Member
ok, here it is. just got back from the swap. i didnt spend more than $10 on anything, but i still got some nice stuff.
2x red & green brain
1x brown and green acro (it was only a dollar, so WTH)
1x 6in zoa/paly rock (green and orange)
1x 6in GSP rock
1x head of frogspawn
5x assorted (mostly fluorescent green) shrooms
5x red monti
1x green monti
1x orange monti
1x unknown frag that was in with the montis.
came to a total of $65
pics soon.


Active Member
Dang man we need a frag swap aorund here in texas sometime. Im gonna have to look up something. Looks like you found some great deals!

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Dang man we need a frag swap aorund here in texas sometime. Im gonna have to look up something. Looks like you found some great deals!
you should have alot! there alot of famous reefers out there! I know melev (mark) lives out there and there are a few more


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
you should have alot! there alot of famous reefers out there! I know melev (mark) lives out there and there are a few more
speaking of, he's speaking at our c-sea meeting this friday! im really excited.


Active Member
i just did! i really hope that baby makes it!!! he is so cute! but he looks really tiny compared to the grains of sand, my camera probably wouldnt even be able to pick it up. your pistol shrimp is really pretty, BTW, does he have a goby buddy?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
i just did! i really hope that baby makes it!!! he is so cute! but he looks really tiny compared to the grains of sand, my camera probably wouldnt even be able to pick it up. your pistol shrimp is really pretty, BTW, does he have a goby buddy?
Nah the pistol is a loner. I dont want to get a goby cause I dont want him messing up my sand.


Active Member
i hear ya, i was worried about that when i got my goby, but hes never once touched the sand. he is the most worthless fish ever, lol. i havent even seen him in weeks.
i think he's hibernating. i might get a pistol eventually. i want a yellow watchman too.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
i hear ya, i was worried about that when i got my goby, but hes never once touched the sand. he is the most worthless fish ever, lol. i havent even seen him in weeks.
i think he's hibernating. i might get a pistol eventually. i want a yellow watchman too.
I hate that when you get a fish thinking its gonna be cool and then it just hides all day and dose nothing! I love my fish tho if one is hiding they will all gang up on him and make him go out in the open so I never have any fish hiding


Active Member
new frags. pics are crap, but you get the idea.

probably the best pic

Blowpops according to zoaid

my $5 nem

plate looks horrid here (i just moved it) but its a good pic of the CB.

the first day the butterfly ate
