my 29


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
When you dose calcium or have a high level of it you want to make sure you have enough magnesium. The reason is, corals extract calcium from your water as well as carbonates. They do this separatly and then bind them together to form calcium carbonate. However if your magnesium levels are too low then calcium and carbonates bind together before your corals can get them. Now its usless to them, magnesium stops the bond from happening too soon. When your coral extracts the 2 it disposes of the magnesium and is capable of bonding the 2 on their own.
Alkalinity, is a measurement of waters ability to neutralize acids. Its test results show the buffering capacity of the system being tested. Although there are different types of alkalinity we are most concerned with Carbonate. Alkalinity also has a relationship with pH, and when maintained at proper levels alkalinity prohibits pH from dropping too low.
Hope that helps
Good explanation
. I dont mean to hijack the thread, but I have a quick question. Does magnesium stay in the water after it is removed from products the corals use, or does it turn into something else?


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Good explanation
. I dont mean to hijack the thread, but I have a quick question. Does magnesium stay in the water after it is removed from products the corals use, or does it turn into something else?
To my knowledge I dont know if magnesium becomes unusable after it separates from calcium. But during maintanence normal FW top offs eventually dilute your trace elements mag being one of them. Also different salts have different amounts of these elements to begin with. I have never had to dose calcium and with weekly water changes never found the need to test for magnesium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
To my knowledge I dont know if magnesium becomes unusable after it separates from calcium. But during maintanence normal FW top offs eventually dilute your trace elements mag being one of them. Also different salts have different amounts of these elements to begin with. I have never had to dose calcium and with weekly water changes never found the need to test for magnesium.
Ah alright. If it did turn into some other material, Im sure that water changes weekly or biweekly will take care of most effects, since nothing really important regarding the issue has been published to my knowledge as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
just watched my peppermint shrimp stick their arms down the sun corals' mouths & grab themselves a meal.

i can't win i swear.
That happens to me on a regular basis. I have to feed my sun coral and Anemone on separate schedules because my cleaner shrimp invades the anem stealing its food. And my pep shrimp, snails and hermits all attack my sun coral stealing its food. So I have to chase them off with my turkey baster. It is indeed a pain in the, well.... you know.


Active Member
fragged up my new shrooms today. i dont have the best of luck with this so ill post if it works or not.
what i used-
SW dedicated tupperware
fresh xacto
lid from a can of coffee (about 4.5in diam)
the orange mesh stuff they use to package oranges
live sand
1) in the tupperware, i (attempted to, didnt get it all) cut the entire cap off the largest mushroom, and the smallest (just because it was in a weird spot, and the way i wanted the rock it wouldnt get much light)
2) i cut a few slices through the stump of the larger shroom, just to see if i could get a couple more shrooms out of it.
3) fill the coffee lid with live sand, and drop the caps face up into the coffee lid. (i thought about using rubble, but every time i do that the shroom chunks seem to work themselves down to the bottom and die.
4) wrapped the lid with the orange mesh stuff, and attempted to rubberband it into place. (anyone got a better idea? its kinda loose)
5) drop the whole thing onto the sand in a low flow area.
anyone see any immediate problems? most of the times when i try this the shrooms disappear, but these pieces are too big to fit through the mesh, so i think i took care of that. how long should i leave them in the container? i dont want to take them out early just to have them slime away.
suggestions on how to make this work a little better? thanks.


New Member
i put mine in a floating breeder cage and let them heal that way they get good circulation and they dont float away. I hope it works out for you!


Active Member
thanks! heres a little something that im quite proud of...
this is what my sun coral looked like the day i bought it (12/27/07)-

what it looks like today!!!



Active Member
lol, its my favorite thing in the tank... i actually talk to it when im feeding it.

BTW, the black circle in the bottom of the 2nd, 4th, and 6th pics is my little homegrown shroom operation.


Active Member
im convinced they like it & it makes them grow better. weve had some pretty interesting conversations.
and the psychologists dont believe me! psh.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
im convinced they like it & it makes them grow better. weve had some pretty interesting conversations.
and the psychologists dont believe me! psh.

Sounds like a few of us need to join SCA....sun corals anonymous. Mine is growing well too, its amazing what they can look like when someone pays a little attention to them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Sounds like a few of us need to join SCA....sun corals anonymous. Mine is growing well too, its amazing what they can look like when someone pays a little attention to them.

WOW and everyone thought I had lost it when I told people that I had a pink elephant with purple polka dots, and I kept him in my basment next to my mini giraffe. Now I can tell everyone that I am not as crazy as they say I am.....maybe they can take this white jacket off me now.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
WOW and everyone thought I had lost it when I told people that I had a pink elephant with purple polka dots, and I kept him in my basment next to my mini giraffe. Now I can tell everyone that I am not as crazy as they say I am.....maybe they can take this white jacket off me now.....

Woah, wait? You have one in your house too? There must be others!!