My 75 build

crypt keeper

Active Member
I picked up a 29 gallon. 30 long 12 wide 18 tall. This gives me 6 more inches to mess around with in case something happens. Im going to build the chambers tomorrow. I will post pictures.
Picked up a new fish. I probably should had asked but I have seen pictures of multiple fish being Qt'd at the sametime. They get along great so far.


crypt keeper

Active Member
Tank built. Its still curring. Another 36 hours or so to go. No rush. I plan on getting water in this DT asap. Im moving though on the 27th so I think Im going to hold off. Only issue I think that if I wait my Angels will be in QT for another two months. That may not be a bad thing though. They are happy and eating like pids. My Flame is a monster at eating. MY lfs had him for a few weeks. I doubt he has any parasites.

crypt keeper

Active Member
well sand and rock will be ordered this weekend. I will should have the cloud of doom pictures up and running here soon enough.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
I picked up a 29 gallon. 30 long 12 wide 18 tall. This gives me 6 more inches to mess around with in case something happens. Im going to build the chambers tomorrow. I will post pictures.
Picked up a new fish. I probably should had asked but I have seen pictures of multiple fish being Qt'd at the sametime. They get along great so far.

very nice angelfish!!!!!!!!!!!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Thank you. They look amazing next to each other. They set off each other colors. Its unreal in person. My camera is horrible. Im not into cameras. My bike, then fish then my bike. They are both pigs.
Well I will say I have learned a lot of this build. To actually go out and buy the stuff measure 8 times then cut then still mess up then cut again and its perfect makes you feel good. Im a DIYer for life!

crypt keeper

Active Member
I will get them tonight. Im starting to make water as I type this. It will be full tomorrow I hope. Then the slow cycle begins. Anybody ever bought rock from here? Its pretty cheap for the amount you get.

crypt keeper

Active Member
My freaking flame angel started to get cloudy eyes. I had to medicate. Pics are loading to facebook give me minute.

crypt keeper

Active Member
err wrong picture wrong section. that is my nano and a coral everybody said would die. Its obviously not and has been doing great for months now.
here we go.

from left to right

just some randoms I guess.

I planned on adding water and going and get rock but it has been 75 here all weekend so I got the bike out yesterday and did a decent ride after washing it. Then I went and saw the Caps lose to the flightless birds today. Ugh!

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have to take it all apart. Take everything out of the tank. Its the extra plexiglass and some sand paper. I actualled used the Ice holder to make my gap for the one baffle. It worked perfect. I have to clean up the extra glue. It was my first DIY and my hands are the size of a gorilla's. It was quite comical. I bought the 29 brand new. Cleaned it out with some warm water. It was cheap. Its 30 long and 18 high. It worked a lot better.
Quick question.
In the first picture of the FTS. I have a white tube in there. What the hell is it for? Its not for my return. That is all there and hooked up.


That pipe is for the drain, I think it's called an adjustable Durso stand pipe. Use it! It quiets down your drain, it has a pre-filter mesh so you don't suck up any fish if they ever get in your overflow, plus it has an air vent so you don't form a vacuum when your return pump is turned off and suck up all your tank water in the sump (big time overflow).

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have started my 75 today. I noticed one piece of rock has 3 of these

growing on it. I know aiptasia X and joes juice will take care of them but will they survive a cycle?
And of course. The RO is taking its sweet time. I just bought a new one. I let it run for about an hour before adding the water to the tank. I have about 20 gallons so far. Im going to add the sand in a few hours once its filled up some more.
Yes Im putting on a backround. I have the tint here. I have left some space between the wall and tank.


crypt keeper

Active Member
The cloud of doom. Mixing water you can see the RO line going to a bucket near by that is marked for 5 gallons at a time. This takes forever I got a 100GPD RO and sold my 25 GPD thinking it would be much faster. Its is I guess to but still slow as hell. I still need to smooth the sand out. I have about 30 gallons more to go. I also need more rock. There is only about 45 pounds in there.
First pic boths lights. Second with the blue lights I forgot what they are called cause Im dumb.


crypt keeper

Active Member
I will eventually turn it reef. Right now its a bigger home for my blueface. But a final home for my B/W clowns. My Coral beauty and whatever else I get that can stay in there. I plan on atleast an anemone fopr the clowns. But no other corals. I need a more power ful light. This light came with the old tank I bought and I kept it. $300 light. Might as well use it till I get an upgrade. What lighst do you run?
That light is the Current orbit 48" 2 x 64 watt Dual Actinic 2 x 65 watt Dual Daylight total of 260w

crypt keeper

Active Member
My main return pipe just unglued its self due to the pressure. It has been dried and seeded now for over a week. Is there a stronger glue you all use on your PVC pipes?