My introduction


Hows it going? I wanted to introduce myself to this site. I will be trolling around, searching for info to help me set up my new saltwater 165 gallon 72.5"L x 20.5"W x 27"H tank. I haven't done saltwater before and think its time to start to get into it. I have done freshwater my whole life. Even when I was in Okinawa I had 3 fresh water tanks in my dorm room. One of the tanks (60gal) had a fresh water stingray. I thought it was pretty cool. So here are a few pictures of the tanks I have now and the tank I will be setting up at the moment.

Here is the 165 gal I just got done painting for the back ground. This will be a slow process since I am not sure if I will be moving when the military needs me too.

Well that is what I have at the moment. Will probably ask a few questions through out my search of this forum and the net. There seems to be a lot of nice information and great people here. Hence, why I chose this place. Well, thanks for reading this and I am looking forward to getting to know most of you.


Yeah...welcome.....we love build threads, and we love to help out
Any ideas as to what you may want to keep in the SW tank???



I love the way you have your freshwater tanks laid out, can't wait to see what you do with the new saltwater tank.
Are you going to do fish only saltwater or reef?


Well, I have always love the way Saltwater fish and reefs looked. But, I have been a little discrouged from it after listen to some of the horror storys about money and stress upkeeping a saltwater tank. But, I am think I will push through the stories and start one anyways to find out myself.
I would like to do a reef tanks with live sand and live rock. Right now I am converting that 10gal you see with the gold fish to a saltwater tank right now. I know that starting off with a 10gallon is a worse start. But, I think it will help me us stand it a little bit. Right now, that 165gallon (the tank measurements tells me differently on the amount of water that the tank holds) will be a slow set up. Mainly because I might move. So it would be easier to just wait. In the mean time. I have been researching a lot and trying to take in everything with a grain of salt sort a speak. Don't want to get something because one person said its the greatest thing since slice bread.
I think what I need to do is get a floor for my stand since I have beams in my way. Then I need to look into a sump and skimmer. I am sure I want a skimmer that can support in the ballpark 250 - 300gals and look for a good pump. I have been watching LAfishguy on youtube a lot lately to visually see how things are set up.
Thanks for the warm welcome.


As far as a skimmer for that size tank, go with an ASM G3, I have one on my 155 and will be using it on my 180 in the upcoming move. It can easily handle 200G, I have a 155G tank, a 20G refugium and a 35-40G sump, so all together I have more than 200G water volume.
Honestly, 10G can be difficult, but as someone who started out with a small tank, I can say that it made me much more careful. Small tanks force you to pay attention and learn fast. You have to test in small tanks and stay on top of water changes and maintenance. So in a lot of ways, you're correct, if you can keep a small tank, you should have no issues with a larger one. I have many tanks in my home, and my husband hates the smaller ones, but those are my favorites. I find that I'm much more invovled with them and care about them more.


Yeah I have thought about doing a fuge. But, just wasn't sure yet. I guess I am just not a 100% clear on them or if I actually need it to help my tank out. I guess with so many different ways to filter your system out. I just need to find something I am confrontable with. But, the thought hasn't crossed my mine for sure.
The 10-gal. I planning on doing a lot of testing just to get in the swing of things. My LFS wanted to give me a boost for me to cycle the tank faster. But, I want to go the long route just to get use to testing the tank and physically seeing what I need to make the right. So it should pay off.
I am also looking into lighting. I was going to do metal halides w/VHO lighting. But, I am really liking the LED concept. I just need to see if it can work fine with a deep tank. I understand they are pretty expensive. But, I think I can over look the cost by looking long term compared to the other 2 options.


Refugiums aren't all that difficult, and they can always be added on later. I ran my most recent tank without a refugium for almost a year before I added one on to it.
As for LED lighting, you will have to go with a stronger set up for a 27" deep tank. There are many DIY threads here and on other sites. My husband is making LED's for our 180G.


Active Member
Seems like you did your research what kind of sand do you like some people do white sand some do black


Well I probably like the white sand better for that more natural oceanic look.
I have subscribed to some of the DIY threads for LED lighting. I just need to figure out if I want the canopy for it or not.
I just got some of my plumbing for my 165 gal tank. For the over flows. Here are some pictures. I might want to change the drain to something with a different to try and quiet the water draining.
This picture might be a little hard to see the angle. But, I am wondering if this angle is fine to allow flow. but, not to be stirring up everything in the tank.


So how do you guys gauge how much salt you might need to add if you are under your specific gravity? My small tank is at 1.021, which is still good for marine fish. But, I want to just raise it a little for a little leg room.
edit: Nevermind. I searched and found my answer.


anybody have any suggestions on a good powerhead for my 10gal. The used one i have is driving me nuts and I need something that can set and not blow my sand everwhere. I also bought a biocude protein skimmer for the tank and slowly getting annoyed with that not fitting very well. ( I do understand that it wasn't really intended for anything other then a Biocube tank.


Get a Koralia 1 or a Koralia nano.....I have a 1 in my 10G...position it right, and it won't blow the sand around


yeah I just saw a thread about that. I am looking up a price for it. I need one that I can prosition and not get annoyed so fast by it.


I have no idea. The LFS had one that they are giving away. They tested it to see how powerful it was. From watching it look alright. But, I think I will use it to help mix my saltwater.


Went ahead and got a little hob protein skimmer for the 10gal. The protein skimmer I have now for it is designed mostly for the bio cube. I tried to use it but I am not happy how it has to sit. So it needs to go.


New Member
hi i'm also new to this site..and i'm looking forward to what i can do here :)