My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


Active Member
have you and that flricordea guy actually gotten someone to fall for this trick ? LOL. about sending a coral to ya and you will make it color up. HAHA. Yall are crazy

ill give it a week and it should color back up to purple :) its slowly starting too. and the funny thing , the baby is super bright purple


Active Member
lol never hurts to give it a shot lol Maybe someone will be desperate enough to ship it out. I mean id ship it akc but let it grow a few polyps first and keep some!!... Send me that link again in a PM it didnt work....


Active Member
Rebelprettyboy, i guess its just me and you posting on these forums now. i think if me you and nwdyr didnt post this forum would be dead probably.LOL


Active Member
I hear ya!!! We should start our own website
It might be a little boring just the three of us
I am tired of sayin nice pic' I wont say it
still waitin on that acan you said you would find for me
yea yea I know you want to keep all the kool stuff for yourself huh? man and I thought we were tight!
I am goin out to see if I can find some____
wish me luck ,,,,lately I need it


Active Member
If you been keeping up i said my father had a dremel that he is gonna teach me how to use and then i will be fragging them up :) i got a nice piece of that purple one that is probably about 3 inches long and will be about 1 to 2 inches wide :)


Active Member
Just some pics of my acans and micros :) I am beginning to really like these types of corals almost as much as zoos. they are just most out of my price range or i would have more of em :) hehehe



Active Member
This place sure is boring lately. I mean im not trying to be complaining or anything but i mean dang. does no one comment anymore or what ?


Active Member
Chill's only been like 24hrs since my last comment
is that little orange acan a Australian?? they got one of those at my LFS about 3x the size but the want 250.00 for it!!!! I told the guy about you'rs but he said theirs was a australian or something and that was the reason for the big price
I thought it looked pretty close to the one you got , but what do I know

check it , I even helped you turn another page


beautiful tank!
wish mine had pretty stuff growing in it

i got brown stuff, hair algea, and a clown fish thats too big!


Active Member
Thanks NWDYR & Shroomie2u.
Nwdyr yes i believe its an australian. Dont let the LFS's fool you. LOL. they'll tell you its from the planet tiptoblastmonument to try and price gouge you.LOL. just like my LFS upped the price on everything by 5 bucks. I mean i can kinda understand with gas prices and everything but they dont have anything there over 100 at least not that i've seen. I seen an acan at another shop around here. PALE UGLY GREEN COLOR maybe only 2 inch in diameter and they wanted 69.95. i was like um.... THATS CRAZY. Didnt buy anything there and it was like a 50 minute drive so i was so mad i wasted my gas. But anyways. pZ out


Active Member
That first acan u got is really gettin big. I thought u were exagarting (SP) lol
Yeah this place is boring. So ive went to w new forum to talk to new ppl...


Active Member
msg me where so i can come over too. I mean ima still stay here too but its just so dead lately and this is not fun when it seems like i am just posting for my ownself and not to have anyone else enjoying it. hehe thanks for the comments. and yes it is seriously getting huge. i say within the end of the week or next week it will be touching the sand if i dont get the courage to frag it off.


Active Member
put in reef2reef.... com.... Its fun there. Nice people new tanks to look at. A lot of dif corals from ppl here... Should sign up.. The new memeber here in the nano section I met over there!


Active Member
Thanks. yeah the yashias are awesome fish and just recently discovered. So not been around in the hobby for that many years :) definately get it with a pistol shrimp :)